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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Introduction to Taoist Alchemy

    In your own words, can anyone demystify with a short and simple summary, 500 words or less, in describing what internal alchemy was all about without citing someone else's saying....???
  2. You would make everyone wonder about that....!!! I would.....
  3. There is no need to make a list. It would be infinitely long. Knowing the basic concept is suffice to determine attributes by intuition as they come along. Per your request... 1. 陽極陰生: When Yang is at its extremity, Yin begins to raise. 2. 陰極陽生: When Yin is at its extremity, Yang begins to raise. Example 1... When one toss a ball up in the air..... Height wise: As soon the ball had reached its maximum height(at its extremity) which is a Yang state, then the ball start falling. At that instant, it was considered that the height to be the beginning of the Yin state. Speed wise: At maximum height, the speed is zero which is considered to be at the Yin state. As soon the ball start falling, the speed increases which is in the Yang state. Then it can be said that Yang is raising because the rate of speed is increasing.
  4. The magnets are labeled but the poles are not.
  5. I see how you study physics with your magnets. How about holding one magnet in place and turning the other one upside down. How about holding one in place and turning one end of the other and place them end to end.
  6. a little dark: How have the masters die?

    They died of natural and unnatural causes. The commonality is they die.....
  7. In that case, you better label them correctly or the same way. Yang is South and Yin is North or vice versa. Is there a physicist in the house. Brian, where are you.....???
  8. Hunter X Hunter

    Too many spaces between lines which made it very difficult to read.
  9. The law of attraction: Like poles repel each other; and opposite poles attract each other. Thus Yang attracts Yin and Yin attracts Yang
  10. 1. The gun is active and the bullet is passive. Using the head and the end of a bullet may be a little gross to apply the concept of Yin-Yang. 2. That is not necessary so(see annotation). 3. Not so, all excises start with the static position which is Yin. 4. Always start with Yin and ends up with Yin which is the initial state to begin with. Annotation: 陽極陰生: When Yang is at its extremity, Yin begins to raise. 陰極陽生: When Yin is at its extremity, Yang begins to raise.
  11. He was train to cut up people. Thus he will not make money if people were into the naturopathy. You know what the first thing a surgeon would do. He'd removed the wrong kidney and say sorry but you have to pay for his mistake. There was one case like that. A surgeon removed a kidney from an old lady. Then, later he found out that was the wrong one. He told the lady that he will remove the bad one but she has to pay for the removal of the good one too. Anyway, I am for naturopathy. To me, naturopathy is a method without using external medicine if possible. We know that the body is a self-healing system. If the body was provide with the proper source of vital substance, then it will take care itself. The Chinese Taoists had discovered that long time ago. They practice Chi Kung to absorb the source of chi from nature to enhance the health of the body. Few months ago, I had fell into a rose brush. My left lower leg was scratched in three places by the thrones. I watched the scores were bleeding. In few minutes, the platelets had formed blood clots and stopped the bleeding. During the healing process, I have not done any preventive medicine at all. After the complete healing, I am just ended up with three long score marks on my leg. That's all. BTW I am a practitioner of Tai Ji and Chi Kung. In addition, I am a believer in naturopathy. "Is there something psychological, emotional, spiritual or political going on in his mind, that distorts his perspective?" IMO It seems like it is more emotional and political in his mind that distorts his perspective.
  12. From basics: Yang is active and Yin is passive The pin pins up the hole. The screw screws up the hole. The pin and screw are active and the holes are passive.
  13. Neidan vs Qigong

    Are you breathless now.....???
  14. You weren't just kidding......
  15. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    On the same token.... How can some "thing" that is undefinable be said to be unchangeable?
  16. I think VonKrankenhaus was appraising the pictures was being posted. And expressed, in Taoism and Buddhism, there are lot to be debated about but more can be experienced. And I liked it too.....
  17. What I meant here was that the ears and nostrils, mouth, butt hole and the legs do not have attribute as the hands do.
  18. Neidan vs Qigong

    Zazen(打坐). That's all it takes for one to know....!!!
  19. Acupuncture Study

    Are we not viewing the body as a whole....??? Please check with the acupuncture diagrams....
  20. Acupuncture Study

    Wait until someone explain acupuncture to you and tell you about the meridians.
  21. The Polarity of the Heart

    I have never heard that the heart is polarized. She seems to have it reversed about the genitals.
  22. I think this only apply to the left and right arms. If you are right handed, then your right hand is Yang and the left is Yin. If you are left handed, then your left hand is Yang and the right is Yin.
  23. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    SC.... Are you into the static form...??? Re-post: I thought you might not be interested in telling me.....
  24. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    hmmmm...I didn't know putting on a Hawaiian shirt will make one more arguable. Perhaps, one should put on a Taoist robe even better. Don't you think...???
  25. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    You are a physicist but I am not. I am only an observer of nature followed by my existence in the mature stage.