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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    hmmmm...I didn't know putting on a Hawaiian shirt will make one more arguable. Perhaps, one should put on a Taoist robe even better. Don't you think...???
  2. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    You are a physicist but I am not. I am only an observer of nature followed by my existence in the mature stage.
  3. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    Sorry, my bad. Let me rephrase it. Sunlight comes before the shadow of the hill. Sunlight is Yang and shadow (of the hill) is Yin. This is where the concept of Yin-yang was originated. If we go from here, then, there would be no doubt which comes first.
  4. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    So, may we consider that darkness is an invisible shadow within a block shadow. E.g. In side a dark room we see the shadows of the four wall. Thus that is why we call it darkness. Another example, at night is completely darkness, but we are only in the dark side of earth which may be considered to be the shadow of earth on earth itself. If the light was blocked, isn't it shadow is the absence of light with respect with one side of the object...???
  5. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    Light come before the shadow. Light is Yang and shadow is Yin. This is where the concept of Yin-yang was originated. If we go from here, then, there would be no doubt what comes first.
  6. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    Anyway.... 霸王 means emperor. Period. 王霸 means "King Ba" which makes Ba(霸) to be the name of a king. It seems to me that the German had reversed these two characters in the translation. It makes a difference with the order of these two characters.
  7. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    The sixth poem (6)金剛伏虎: Buddhist warrior tames the tiger. 金剛伏虎走腿功,Buddhist warrior tames the tiger to perform the leg exercise. 挑纏勾胯側腰伸。Lift, wrap, hook and horse stance with the waist turn toward the side. 頻頻穩扎金雞立,Stand firm and steady as a golden cock stance(standing on one leg). 伏虎全憑剎那中。Taming a tiger relies upon this very instant.
  8. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    It is a process in the cultivation of the principle.
  9. Which one is the original question....??? Are you really using the right word "grounding" for your thoughts....???.
  10. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    And you are not......???
  11. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    The sixth poem (6)金剛伏虎: Buddhist warrior tames the tiger. 金剛伏虎走腿功,Buddhist warrior tames the tiger to perform the leg exercise. 挑纏勾胯側腰伸。Lift, wrap, hook and horse stance with the waist turn toward the side. 頻頻穩扎金雞立,Stand firm and steady as a golden cock stance(standing on one leg). 伏虎全憑剎那中。Taming a tiger relies upon this very instance. 保持立正姿式: Keep the attention position 气沉丹田, Chi sink to the dan tain 左脚向前挑起, Lift up the left legs forward 再屈膝, Then bend the knee 收回平脐。 Move back even with the belly button 然而两手握拳向上, Then, raise both hands with fists upward 脚向侧提起, Raise the left leg and move to the side 身体向前稍俯, Tilt the body forward a little 似金鸡独立状。 It seems to be a golden cock standing on one leg. 然后左脚向前伸出, Then, extend the left leg forward 两手平开, Open and spread both hands 左脚落地, Have the left leg touch down onto the ground 再作右侧, Then, turn toward the right 左右交替。 Repeat the above for both left and right. BTW These eight poems are considered to be the dynamic form(動功) of Chi Kung. Please note that all eight movements has the breathing steps in it. Like when to inhale or exhale and chi sink to the dan tian. All Chi Kung/QiGong has the requirement. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called Chi Kung(氣功). Edited: to add the translation of the poem.
  12. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    Note: “返还功”, the Return to its Origin Method, was inherited from the East Han Dynasty, the principles and methods are extremely subtle. "返还" means "returning from aging to youth". By going through both the static and dynamic methods of practice, it may enhance the health of the body by remedy illnesses and prolong life. Ref: 返还功
  13. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    It's on Monday the 22nd of December for the Solar Year. It's the first of the eleventh month in the Lunar Year.
  14. Lighting, mood setting in meditation

    When one said "better health", it was meant holistically includes mental heath too. The reason Taoists and Buddhists meditate in temples is because of seclusion. Near waterfalls was to be being closest to Nature. Especially, for Taoists. It is because Taoists have a very close relationship with the water in the nature of their beliefs. Indeed....!!!
  15. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    (5)彭祖抹须: The fifth poem: 彭祖 sweeping his long beard 彭祖抹鬚走内旋,彭祖 Sweeping his long beard and whirled inward 借撩鬚式易坤乾。Borrow the form of sweeping the beard to simulate the movement of the yin-yang circle. 支撑弓步随身換,Changing the body position supported by the arrow stance 變化全憑意在沾。All changes were made, with the intent of the mind, by taken advantage of the movements. Instruction: 保持立正姿势:Keep in the attention position 气沉丹田,Chi sink to the dan tian 两手分别在胸前作撩须式,Raise both hands separately and hold in front of the chest like holding the beard. 吸气后动作起,Inhale then start the movement 呼气随动作完。Exhale followed at the end of the movement 左脚向左迈出一步,Slowly take a step to the left with the left leg. 身向左转90度,Turn the body toward the left 90 degrees. 呈弓箭步,in the bow and arrow stance (bow means bending the left leg in front; and arrow means straighten the right leg in the rear.) 双手从两腮做抹须动作,Move both hands from the both cheeks and perform the sweeping the beard movement. 握须从乳部向前推出。Then push both hands forward from the nipples.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    They were given by your own intuition and experiences.
  17. The sky is yang; the earth is yin The light is yang; the shadow of the tree is yin. The green leaves are yang; and the yellow leaves are yin. The sun is yang; and the moon(hidden) is yin. The movements of the clouds are yang; and the stillness of the earth is yin.
  18. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    The third poem: 霸王举鼎(Ba Wang Ju Ding) The emperor lifting up the cauldron: Yes, 霸王 is "Ba Wang" which means Emperor.
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    天下有始,以為天下母。既知其母,復知其子,既知其子,復守其母,沒其不殆。 天下有始: The beginning of the world 以為天下母: was considered to be the root of all things. 既知其母: If we've discovered its root 復知其子, then we'll recognized all things 既知其子, If we recognized all things 復守其母, and held on to its root, 沒其不殆。Then, there will be no danger throughout life.
  20. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    The third poem: 霸王举鼎 The emperor lifting up the cauldron: 霸王举鼎练缠功: The emperor lifted up the cauldron to practice the wrapped method(缠功). 内练功夫无止境: There is no end to it for the internal practice of Kung Fu. 柔中刚化引虚门: The hardness was transformed within the softness to induce the empty gate. 彼此之中动中静: There are stillness within the movement amongst the softness and hardness. The instructions step by step: 保持立正姿势: Keep the attention position 右手握拳上举: Raise the right hand with a fist. 左手徐徐下降: Lower the left hand all the way downward 吸气: Take a breath(inhale slowly) 腹向后(命门)收回: Contract the abdomen toward the rear(命門,mingmen, GV4). 动作做完,吸气止: When the movements are done, then, stop the inhalation. 左脚向左踏开一步: Take a step to the left with the left foot. 两手向左抱圈状: Make a circle with both hands in the left direction. 目视两手圈中,Look into the center of the two hand circle. 气徐徐胸放腹,Slowly exhale the breath from the abdomen. 左右反复四次。Repeat these steps from left to right four times.
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The knowledge is harmful, only and only if, it was learned the wrong way without any common sense. That was what Lao Zi meant but he had said it adversely. This is what most people were missed in the interpretation of Lao Zi's philosophy. They wouldn't call the TTC a paradox for nothing. You know....!!!
  22. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Thank you for stopping by. Yes, abdominal breathing and muscle movement are the key to everything for longevity. Abdominal breathing is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB) for Chi Kung. I am glad that your knowledge had a good start and way ahead of most people. Please don't stop those advanced level of exercises. PS.... The cancer cells cannot survive in a rich environment of oxygen. The excess amount of oxygen provided by the UMB will destroy them up.
  23. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    I will, only and only if, you are giving your last word......
  24. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    It seems to me that those poems are the original classic document. However, those poems are suppose to be represent eight sets of movements. Each set of movements has to be performed by the instructor with the explanation of the poems to the disciples; so the disciples will remember each set of movements by those poems. It would be meaningless to anyone by just reading those poems without the demonstration of the movements by an instructor. Fortunately, I had found the document of the poems with the instruction written step by step for each set of movements. I can translate each set to let you see is that what you have been practicing; if you have practiced these movements at all.