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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Lighting, mood setting in meditation

    Here is the point. Meditation is for a better health. It is to be done in a free environment without any external influential aids nor to set up some kind of mood for it.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Here is my take on the translation.... ..... Therefore, if they must strike the big bell, beat the drum, puff the flute, play the harp, then the plugs must be used for the ears.
  3. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    nestentrie.... I am not able to respond to your series of questions. Can you be a little more specific and narrow it down with an example....??? So, we can go from there.
  4. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    Bu xie.... The Chinese did not mention "三清" as the three dantian at all. The term 三清 is very ambiguous in any document that I had read. I have found this document with the poems followed by how to practice each form of Chi Kung. It did mention that "chi sink to the dantian(气沉丹田)". Then have the Chi ascend from the toe to the top of the head(crown); then descend back to the original position. From this description, I think it did give us the clue that chi did flow through the three dantian but not explicitly specified. 八返還功(Ba Fan Huan Gong)
  5. Translator sought: Ba Fan Huan Gong poems

    八返還功 Ba Fan Huan Gong 一氣三清 (Purify the chi three times) 一氣三清透頂門, 任期百脈自勻.。 周身輾轉舒經洛, 气在先天法自通 Purify the chi three times through the top of the head. Let all the acupoints to balance themselves. They will move around the body to relax the meridians. Within the prenatal method, the chi will be circulated spontaneously.
  6. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    Yes, I would like to keep its original term as Wu Wei(無為). ".....which would tend to impede the natural flow of things. This kind of non-action can result in:....." I've found the keyword "impede" which is so characteristic to the concept of Wu Wei. Wu Wei is do nothing to interfere(impede) the course of Nature. BTW Letting the baby drown in the river is not the course of Nature is because the baby does not belong in the river to be drowned. PS.... Let Nature take its course is the concept of Wu Wei. Take no action to interfere with the course of Nature is the philosophy of Lao Zi which he called Wu Wei.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Are you talking the link above...??. I would advise one to ignore the erroneous English to the right of 兌. It needs to be updated. I would pay close attention to dusty's post #50 instead of #16 is because it is in the past.
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Sorry, I can't work with erroneous information. I believe we are trying to get to the final meaning of 兌. When that was done, it should become clear and supersede all doubts. "TT says it means to speak. 說 / 说" Whatsoever, it is only in some cases by its contextual meaning. There are some synonyms as I had indicate in the previous post. One must look at the text to determine its meaning rather than by assuming to use the definition which was first found. As a scholar, one should pull all the useful information together and make an evaluation. If one piece of information was neglected or ignored purposely, then end result might be invalid.
  9. Qi cultivation and before that

    QiGong is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB). The idea of the UMB is to breathe as much as oxygen into the body. It is a good idea to practice QiGong around a tree where there has abundance of oxygen.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Dusty..... You're wise...!!! Here is my take on the characters. ● 兑 ruì ㄖㄨㄟˋ  ◎ 古同“锐”,尖锐。In the ancient, 兑 synonymous to "锐(sharp)" yuè ㄩㄝˋ  ◎ 古同“悦”,喜悦。In the ancient, 兑 synonymous to "悦(joyfulness)" 賽 was mistakenly used for 塞 by the ancient writer is because they sounded alike. 兌 means sharp 塞其兌: blunt its sharpness Interpretation: To lessen one's desire. Ref: 兌(sharpness)
  11. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Based on the current information, semen was released in the prostate to protect the sperms from being harmed during sexual intercourse. Who gave this vague notion that semen has to be retained and use it with caution....??? I am so curious about what kind of precaution should be taken when one is making love to his wife....??? Please enlighten me on this sceptical subject.
  12. Lighting, mood setting in meditation

    Have you ever considered not to breathe the smokes from the burning candle or incense ....???
  13. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    The liver and kidney meridians do go through the area below the belly button and there are some acupoints do effect the Reproductive System. However, the Conception Vessel is going through the center of the body. I have discovered that the acupoints, in the area, were most sensitive and effective to resolve the problem in question.
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    For those who know and don't know, respectively.
  15. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Yes, I do agree it was stubborn to resolve. However, I had resolved. This prostate pain is very irritating and worry some. It seems like the menstrual pain in a woman during her periods. I feel sorry that they had to go through this painful period every month. Unfortunately, the guys only have this problem with pain from over masturbation. The pain was caused by the reproductive system being over worked. The problem with masturbation is it can be done anytime, with no control, as soon it was triggered. I am very sorry for the guys who had to do it few times a day during their teens; and that is where the problem begins. When the pain occurs, these poor guys have no place to go for help. The reason is that every body does quietly in the closet and keep the problem within. I know there is a big urge for the teens during their development stage. Sorry, they were young and didn't know better. Fanatically, they just go perform the undesirable habit and hurt themselves without proper guidance. Regretfully, we all have to live through with this. If one cannot ask for a solution, then one has to find a solution by all means. Just for your curiosity, why do you think I know so much about this....???
  16. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Sorry, if I have caused any trouble by quoting it here. Perhaps, I have brought it out of context myself.
  17. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    What does mean by "done improperly"....???
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Dusty..... I thought you are better than that. Please don't make me to retract my statement complimenting about your Chinese. I can come up with all kinds of excuses to pardon all others but you. I had high hopes for you. Now, I have second thoughts.
  19. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Why should the first sentence be brought out of context.....???
  20. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    What about the Peking man(北京人).....???
  21. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Very impressive, Trunk. Yes, it is complicated. We should make it less complicate for an ordinary person to understand in a simple way. Especially, it works for a particular problem. So, Qibrush asked for help; and I try to help him with the best of my knowledge which is very limited. The problem was resolved. Then, why should we make a simple solution more complicated than it should....??? PS..... BTW Qibrush was not the first person that I'd helped to resolve with this kind of problem online.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Even though it is true but that it was not what the phrase said. Let's settle this once and for all. 象seems 帝: the gods 之先 before that. 象帝之先 Tao seems(象) to be existed before the gods . PS... May we say that the gods are before the elephants. The gods should be above the elephants...???
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    ◎ 象 as   elephant   shape   imitate   seem   look as if Ref: 象