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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

  2. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Semen retention is not dangerous. However, there is really no need to retain it. It should be released once awhile and replenish it. Otherwise, the reproductive system will get rusty. As soon the semen was released, the new one will be reproduced in no time. Anyway, one should keep the reproductive system active to living as a normal human being but just do over do it. btw I forgot to mention about the abdominal breathing; but did it anyway. Good....!!! PS.... Modern doctors said those who masturbate often may have a less chance of getting prostate cancer. I don't know how true that is.
  3. No, you cannot research Bagua and leave out the Yijing. the-yi-jing-begins-with-the-eight-symbols-of-the-ba-gua
  4. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    I have new online printouts, on my nightstand, for the next subject to be discussed with the TTB bums.
  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    My source says, 帝 could be mean the gods or the ancestor. However, it seems to be meant "the gods" here. 象 means "seems like" here. It couldn't be meant "elephant".
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    dusty.... That is exactly how I have them outlined. You don't think that they were copied from the original...??? Where ever the original might be....!!! There are two parts to GD-A. You were only given part 2. Part 1 contains Chapters 25, 5, 16, 55 and 40. They are the descriptions about Tao.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 52 of the Tao Teh Ching

    It seems like that GD-A is a report that someone was doing a research by copying some chapters about a particular subject. E.g. The first part was the chapters pertaining to the description of Tao. The second part was about ruling a country and the cultivation of the principles of Tao. The GD-B are the codex of the chapters pertaining to cultivation. Finally, GD-C are the chapters about ruling a country.
  8. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Unfortunately, the guys can't stay away from those pdf files online. It is very easy to be triggered to do the foolish thing, especially, the guy is very potent. It was hard to turn off oneself as soon it was triggered. Let's say this potent guy had ejaculated three times today already. However, as soon he was thinking about those provocative things, the brain sends out a signal for the prostate to get ready to release some semen for another round. Unfortunately, the prostate is out of semen. Instead, it sends out a painful signal by saying, hey, I can't do it anymore. Another possibility may be that the prostate was trying too hard to release the semen and cause some pain. So, when you stop thinking about it, then the pain stops but not completely. That was why you were getting those sporadic pains.
  9. breath gets cut off durring meditation

    May I ask how long have you been practicing your meditation....??? How deep is your breath when you inhale during your meditation.....???
  10. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    In the TCM, there are two main meridians as they called them. Actually, it doesn't matter what they call. It was only a name for identification. Let's start with the meridian in the back along the spinal cord. It is called the Governor Vessel which has all the nerves as defined in the Western science. However, there are some discrepancies about which nerve is connected to a particular internal organ between the Western and Eastern concepts. When I come across a discrepancy, I would consider that the Western takes precedent as a rule of thumb. It is because the knowledge about the Central Nervous System(CNS), the Western is way ahead than the Eastern. Now, let's look at the Conception Vessel which is the meridian in front of the body. It is the meridian where you applied acupressure to the spot, in question, to get rid of your prostate pain. Literally speaking, the Conception Vessel may be a brand new nervous system to the Western. There three point on the meridian called Yinjiao(陰交, CV7), Qihai(氣海, CV6) and Shimen(石門, CV5). In reference to the book of acupuncture, these three points are related to the Reproductive System. It will cure many symptoms by applying acupressure to those points. The Chinese are way ahead of this though. Next, I will go over why you were having the prostate pain as indicate in item #4. I will tell you why is your thinking about the provocative thing causing you the prostate pain. It may be just my educational guess.
  11. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    You welcome! I am glad that helped you to get rid of the pain. I would like to express my appreciation for your honesty and humbleness for giving the opportunity to reveal the physiological secret of the human body. I will go over these questions in a series of posts because it involves the understanding of Western and Eastern medicines and scientific knowledge. Indeed, I think everyone deserves to know some knowledge pertaining to one's own body. Let me start, here, with a little introduction about these questions. 1. It needs some explanations for both of the Western and Eastern medical knowledge. 2. Yes, the dan tain is located in this area which is your abdomen actually. Dan tian is just another name given for the abdomen by the Chinese Taoists. 3. Same as #1. 4. Same as #1.
  12. I don't know how far this will get. Anything you say might go against you for being a Taoist. So, please talking like one.
  13. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    Try to apply pressure 1 to 1.5 inch below the belly button by using the index and middle fingers. You may feel a little pulsating pain, in the beginning, with impulses against your fingers. Continuing doing that until the pain or the impulse slows down or goes away. Please stop your ejaculation for awhile. The problem that you are experiencing was due to over masturbation. Good luck. PM me for your progress.
  14. Origin and return

    From a Taoist point of view..... Why do Taoists cultivate the mind and body....??? The origin of human was born with an innocent mind and a healthy body. Human looses the innocence as one grows older due the environmental influence. Furthermore, the health of the body was weaken by the bad habits which was picked up as the mind was being corrupted. Taoist had come up with the Dual Cultivation of the Xing and Ming(DCXM) to return to the innocence of the mind and the state of homeostasis of the body. Hence, this is what "return to the origin" was meant to me.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 39 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I would like to reiterate about this to make things to fall in place. Chapter One: Tao has two names, 無(wu) and 有(you), and both names came from the same source. Chapter 40: 1 天下萬物生於有: all things came come from 有(you) 2. 有生於無: and 有(you) came from 無(wu) Yi Jing: 無極生太極 Wu Ji engenders Tai Ji Lao ZI borrowed the idea from the Yi Jing by saying that: 有生於無 (有 came from 無) Where Wu Ji is 無(wu); and Tai Ji is 有(you). Hence: 無極生太極 = 有生於無 Wu Ji engenders Tai Ji = 有(you) came from 無(wu)
  16. How close are you of being a Taoist?

    Michael.... The original version is just like a foreign language to the modern Chinese. Yes, it was translated into modern language. Unfortunately, most of the modern Chinese have never heard of the TTC nor know what it is all about. Sometimes, they laughed as Lao Zi was saying: "Those who do not know Tao give it a big laugh."
  17. How close are you of being a Taoist?

    Tao is not but the Tao Te Ching is. The scholars treated the TTC as a masterpiece of literature. It is because the writing style and the philosophy are so unique.
  18. How close are you of being a Taoist?

    To me, Zen(禪) is more pertained toward the Buddhist sector. The kind of enlightenment that I had in mind is something just come in mind and realized what it is all the sudden. E.g. What do I need to do if I want to be a Taoist....??? Ah...I have just realized that cultivation is the key for that and never had thought of it. Therefore, I could say, my life have changed because I have become enlightened at that instance.
  19. Qi cultivation and before that

    Yes, Chi Kung and Qi Gong are the same. The latter is a very wise.
  20. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    Of course...!!! There is a mountain always higher than another; and there is always one is wiser than another.
  21. Qi cultivation and before that

    Yes, it is possible to empower your body because people had done it in the past two thousand years. So am I. If you really want to get into it, you may practice Tai Ji or Chi Kung. You should stick to it and practice diligently. Just remember, whatever people is telling you, you must learn to do the abdominal breathing technique. Otherwise, nothing else works. At the beginning, you will not feel anything. You will only feel the empowerment after a long period of diligent practice. What you need now is patience and determination. I like your line of questioning, I am looking forward to hear from you for more inquiries.
  22. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    Michael.... While you are rocking on your chair with a smile. Let's me disappoint you with this. "So to speak. It is more like a distinction for a Taoist priest that he is above an ordinary human." Above an ordinary human doesn't mean more superior than anyone. It was only meant by that a Taoist had been cultivated the DCXM to have a healthier body and more wiser with the knowledge obtained. I wonder if you have a mind as a Taoist would think otherwise.
  23. How close are you of being a Taoist?

    Have you ever heard of a instant enlightenment. It all depends what one was after in the enlightenment. Do you see light in the word enlightenment. Thus it could be happened at the speed of light if something just darn on you. It may take a long time to get there but enlightenment only happens at one instance. Edited: ooops....I forgot to smile.
  24. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    A "true person" is a person who has cultivated to the highest realm of the DCXM(Dual Cultivation of the Xing(mind) and Ming(body). If this is not good enough, I will try again. A highly cultivated Taoist priest addressed himself by using the term as 真人(true person) but not a true person. So to speak. It is more like a distinction for a Taoist priest that he is above an ordinary human.
  25. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    The word "true" in "true person" to a Taoist is different from the ordinary definition. A "true person" is a person who has cultivated to the highest realm of the DCXM(Dual Cultivation of the Xing(mind) and Ming(body). One need to have a more understanding about the DCXM in order to grasp the meaning of the esoteric term for what a "true person" is. Unfortunately, it is meaningless to exchange idea with a little knowledge of. No offense. One's knowledge can be obtained and retained by learning. One need to unlearn what had learned before and let it go for a change. One cannot have the same attitude all the time by saying: "hey, that is not what I have learned on my side of the world." One needs to step over across to see what is really going on at the other side. One must do away with all the preconceived ideas and feelings. Hence, a Taoist might consider that is part of the cultivation of the mind.