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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chuang Tzu Chapter 3, Section A

    While the site was developing, our minds were still young then. We are getting wiser as we get order and have more understanding about Tao. Unfortunately, we took a hard way to learn all these. I guess that was a natural process of learning. Some of us may become a Taoist by now but some are not. Edited to add: Welcome to the site, by the way, dusty....
  2. How would a Taoist handle these situations?

    Is that what they teach in a Taoist monastery....???
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 41 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The reason I use class is because Chapter 66 Lao Zi used Low(下) for the people and upper(上) for the ruler. 道恒亡名 Tao is always nameless. I don't know where did you get this from. 僕唯妻 It serves all (32) Servant only wife....??? My received version says this: 吾將鎮之以無名之樸 樸 is an uncarved block which was referred as Tao. So it was the nameless(無名).
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 41 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Exactly, besides the context from chapter to chapter, but sometimes, it is in one line, two lines or one chapter alone. Each chapter is stand alone but may be interrelated to another. - Ch 66, the high and low were applied to the different class of people. - Ch 76, 78 the high and low were applied to the difference between superiority and inferiority.
  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 41 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Laozi uses 上(upper level), 中(mediocre), 下(lower level) to classify the scholars in their levels of understanding about Tao. What Lao Zi means: 上: upper; high; top; superior 中: middle; medium; center; mediocre 下: low, down; beneath; under; inferior Well, the interpretation for classics will apply all the possible definitions. It doesn't just lock into one definition but all of the above. In each chapter, one need to read into its contextual meaning to determine the final conclusion. PS.... dusty.... May I ask are you studying Chinese in China....???
  6. Okay, it sounds about right. What I was getting at is to find out were you very sexually active when you are with her. Like sometimes might be over doing it. It might cause headaches too. The pressure you had described will do exactly that. There is a way to release this pressure, immediately, by using your index and middle fingers to press 1 to 1.5 inch below your belly button. This is called acupressure. While you are applying pressure to that location, you will have a pulsating feeling against your fingers. However, you will feel a little pulsating pain, also, but don't worry about it. The pain will go away after the pulsating sensation is gone. FYI Guys with excessive masturbation will have the same kind of feeling that you are experiencing below the belly button. It will go away in few days as you said. It will be gone immediately if the acupressure procedure was performed as I have recommended.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 41 of the Tao Teh Ching

    What made you so sure.....??? How about this possible translation? 弗大笑不足以爲道矣 If there was no big laughter, then, Tao would not be good enough to be Tao.
  8. I think I have sensed something, here, in red. May I ask what do mean by "hold back with something in relationship"...??? I believe that I know where that pressure was coming from but I would like to hear something from you first for confirmation.
  9. 7 微明 Weiming The illumation of the minuscule

    Scholar is 學士, 學子 or 學人. These are the ones who study and learn to obtain a high level of knowledge. Would you say that scholars are students also....??? Laozi uses 上(upper level), 中(mediocre), 下(lower level) to classify the scholars in their levels of understanding about Tao. Warrior is 武士, 勇士(brave man).
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 41 of the Tao Teh Ching

    All depends who is doing the laugh.....!?
  11. Chi Jewellery? What are your thoughts?

    Marketed, yes. You were told by the salesperson but where is the scientific proof...???
  12. So far, I have not detect anything from your input. May I ask what have you done within the time frame since you have met this girl...??? Meditation is a healing process rather than do harm to your system. May I ask how and what do you do in your meditation in your own words....???
  13. Do Taoists get angry?

    A highly cultivated Taoist only seeks harmony to maintain tranquility with a peaceful mind. Thus angry would be a forgotten item on the list.
  14. By your inspiration, I attempted to perform the Yang Style 24 and 40 Tai Ji movements once every hour or every chance I can.
  15. Do Taoists get angry?

    I think an un-Taoist anger will not sit around and stagnate in the body. The reason is that there will be an outburst of anger when a person gets upset and become violent. There is a tendency to get even or revenge to release one's anger. A Taoist will dissolve the anger by being encompassed with great tolerance and forgiveness. A Taoist probably will make up an excuse to forgive for those who initiated the anger.
  16. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    Rara.... That is what a Taoist called "Wu Wei", let Nature take its course.
  17. What does "Qi cultivation" mean to you?

    Energy has to obtained from the source of energy. There are two sources of energy from the air and food. Thus, the cultivation of breathing is to absorb the source of energy from the air which is oxygen. Actually, the cultivation of chi(energy) was done through the cultivation of breathing without your realization. It is because your body will take care itself by the decomposition of the foods you ate with oxygen. This process is called the Cell Respiration. You can read all about it by googling on the internet. Oxygen is the main criteria, that is why C T and I said: "Without breath, nothing else works." PS.... This is only my modern way of explanation. There are many members in the forum may not agree with this.
  18. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    The keyword is "update". When you say you are a Taoist, you have updated or upgrade yourself and obligated to behave like one. E.g. Once you were a soldier but as soon you have claimed yourself as a Taoist, then, you are no longer a soldier. You will talk and act like a Taoist rather than a soldier. A Taoist will change the normal life into a fascinating one. The Taoist cultivation, such as the Dual Cultivation of the Mind and Body, will make lots of changes in one's thinking. The level of progression depends on the level of intuition and the willingness to change of each individual. Another words, update yourself to a higher level of virtue.
  19. Do Taoists get angry?

    We have a new thread with a big subject coming up like "When you say Taoist you mean?" This question should have asked before the OP. Anyway, I would like to say a final word to conclude this thread. I believe there will be more answers answered in the new thread. Taoists are humans too. Of course, they may be angry. However, they will not and do not display anger.
  20. The Chinese character for "room" is 室 室中玄机 (The hidden secret in the room) This is a book with lots of poems. These poems are singing songs.
  21. Do Taoists get angry?

    No, by the kind of statements had made by you, in red, you couldn't have claimed yourself as a Taoist to begin with. If you were a Taoist, you would have tried to let the anger go and never return; and the same goes for hatred. At least, it seems to me, you have not done any cultivation as a Taoist at all.
  22. Can I become a Taoist?

    Yes, you are right. The TTC doesn't really stress it aside from pointing to it. It was only the twisted meaning of the interpretations by the religious Taoist to fits their own taste. They had depicted certain chapters which are related to nature, so, the Taoists can use them as cultivation guidelines.
  23. Can I become a Taoist?

    Yeah.... Name can be named is not an eternal name. Title can be titled is not an eternal title. That is right; it is more subtle than that. What is all about to you......??? To me, it is not the title one is after in the name of cultivation. It is the final result of what one wants to be cultivated to be. We are talking about CULTIVATION here. It takes a lot more than just reading a book and claim oneself to be a Taoist. Btw Taoist cultivation involves with the mind and body which is known as the Dual Cultivation of the Xing(性) and Ming(命)(DCXM). Xing is the mind and Ming is the body. These are the principles had been laid out by the ancient Taoist masters and passed down from generation to generation for their future disciples. I believe these principles are still enforced in practice, as the basic guideline, for the present Taoists. Indeed, they are not just follow the little rules for their title but it is for what they are.
  24. Do Taoists get angry?

    That is fine because you have not claimed that you are a Taoist per se.
  25. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    This is my understanding about the overlap which is similar to Astral Monk.... Zen meditation is a combination of physical and intellectual involvements. Taoist meditation has more trends toward the physical aspect for good health. Of course, a Taoist does has the intellectual aspect, also, but not through meditation in the same manner as a Buddhist.