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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Can I become a Taoist?

    Well, there was a statement about a real Taoist doesn't smile which is not true.
  2. Wu Wei meaning non-selfish action

    Ahhh....That was an ill will. I do see the "Un-Wu Wei" part of you again as from time to time.
  3. Can I become a Taoist?

    Even though the latter wasn't very Taoist, but I am sure a Taoist would like to appreciate it. This old bum thank you...!!! PS.... Edited to add a smile.
  4. Do Taoists get angry?

    You mean you would like to keep hatred with anger within your system permanently.....???
  5. Wu Wei meaning non-selfish action

    It would be selfish if, only if, causing harm to others during the course of "heal self first".
  6. Do Taoists get angry?

    Reacting to in a negative way shouldn't be thinking as a way of cultivation. By definition, cultivation is always working toward the positive. The purpose of cultivation is to change something from negative to absolute positive.
  7. Can I become a Taoist?

    Anyone may become a Taoist only, and only, by self-cultivation. Can a physicist do that too....???
  8. Do Taoists get angry?

    Who said a real Taoist doesn't smile.......
  9. Can I become a Taoist?

    That is fine. I have no problem with that.
  10. Do Taoists get angry?

    If there was no anger, then there was no hatred to begin with.
  11. What does "Qi cultivation" mean to you?

    This is what I meant by the second definition: 2. æ°” is the postnatal source of energy such as air/oxygen and nutrient from the foods we ate
  12. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    Dusty... You had caused harm to man B. That was not so Wu Wei....
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    以观其妙 One would observe its 妙(miao). It seems to me that 妙 in context fits all of the definitions by Taoist Texts.
  14. Do Taoists get angry?

    I thought you said no one can be a Taoist in another thread....!!!
  15. Can I become a Taoist?

    rainbowvein.... Following your own naturalness is following Tao's way. No...???
  16. Can I become a Taoist?

    Let's hope we do get some proper guidance and not ended up with that........
  17. Do Taoists get angry?

    Anger is human nature but it would be an unnatural thing to a Taoist. To easy or minimize anger to zero is part of the Taoist cultivation. Taoist cultivation involves some work done with the mind and body and assure that no interruption which might cause anger.
  18. Can I become a Taoist?

    Yes, anyone can be a Taoist. Ever since I had translated the following document, I have been practicing these principles to a certain extent. My goal is to be a Wu Wei Taoist. Ref: Taoist Canon Edited: to correct the reference document.
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    It has to be done in a contextual manner with many sentences.
  20. Can I become a Taoist?

    A Taoist needs to be cultivated, in order, to become one. It will not happen overnight. Of course there are prerequisites which is to get rid of all these flaws.
  21. Do Taoists get angry?

    A Taoist needs to be cultivated to become one. It will not happen overnight.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    The last two lines had mentioned two names. I don't think these two names was referred to as "both of those (governing with and without desires)". It is because "常有欲(always with desire) and 常無欲(always without desire)" are not names. Btw the two names are there if one had done the punctuations properly before doing the translation.
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Yeah, that's why Laozi was reluctantly called the "which might call it" Tao. It is because a name can be named is not an eternal name. Since Tao is eternal, therefore, Tao cannot be given a name. Even a name was given to Tao, but one still have to keep in mind that Tao is eternal. The reason that a name has been given to Tao was, only, for the convenience of communication.
  24. Now, I know what they mean by good grounding.