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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    It is because that they didn't know how to practice properly. It is not very easy for people to grasp the subtlety of Taiji. The internal power will not be developed just by performing the movements. There is a lot more to it than that.
  2. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    FYI Terry Dunn had met Marry Chu before.
  3. Eclectic Meditation

    How do you breathe during zazen? Allow the diaphragm to move freely so that the breathing can be deep, easy, and natural. Don't control or manipulate the breath. You don't have to make the breath happen in any particular way. It will happen by itself if you take a posture that you can be reasonably comfortable in and position your body properly. Ref:
  4. What is Gong(功)Why is ?

    That is correct. To be more precise, in martial arts, it is something that was to be acquired, biologically or physically, from a method that requires diligent practice.
  5. Why is almost every method ended up with 功 at the end. Anyone would like comment on that?
  6. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Nice try, Cobie
  7. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    It seems you are interested in fajin with enthusiasm. Let's not spam the OP here. I will forward your valuable comments to a new thread and go from there. Thank you.
  8. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yes, indeed!
  9. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    This seems very logical.
  10. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    You guessed right!
  11. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    May I ask where are the Jin came from?
  12. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    As I had said, one's word reveals only how much one knows!
  13. Eclectic Meditation

    My suggestion is that you should do breathing, at the same time, while doing Zazen.
  14. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    If that is what you believe, it is fine. According to my native source, that is what it is all about. Peace!
  15. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    If one thinks that Neidan can just learnt from a seminar, then, it's better to say good bye to your money.
  16. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Who said Taiji is neidan? Taiji and neidan are practiced differently, but both do involved with abdominal breathing. What I am trying to people was abdominal breathing is the key to all martial arts. FYI Any style of Taiji has the same effect on the body. It is not the style that counts, rather it is how much time and effort one puts into for the diligent practice to condition the body. I know what Neidan is all about, would you like to hear the Chinese version of it?
  17. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    Hi @thewheelofortune Welcome to TDB. You don't need to learn martial arts to get into neigong. Neigong is more like a prerequisite to martial arts. It help you to build up your internal strength. Perhaps you would like to concentrate on that. Just pay more attention to breathing, it is the key to your health in the future. Good luck!
  18. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yes, I learned Taijiquan from Marry Chu, a master of the Yang Style Taiji. "if we’re bouncing someone, it feels like they weigh 1 lb instead of 150 lbs," I don't think you have realized that was the internal strength you have developed from the practice of Taijiquan. BTW The internal strength developed from Taiji is called Jin(勁)
  19. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    If I am doing it wrong in conditioning muscles with Taijiquan, if that is the case, I shall quit Taijiquan after forty years of practice. FYI Taiji is considered as an internal practice to build up internal strength of the muscles. It doesn't display the extrusion contour of the muscles as in weight lifting. Weight lifting was considered as an external practice. "it is about releasing, letting go of muscular strength and developing internal power. " You got this in reverse. Taijiquan develops the internal power of the muscles then it can be released in magnitude by the control of the mind as one wish. The distinction between Neigong(內功) and Waigong(外功) are by the methods of internal and external practice.
  20. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    That is right he is doing a more intense workout. He is not practicing Qigong/neigong . Of course, it is not demonstrative of Neidan/Neigong. It is demonstrating the result of the final product of the practice of some kind. That which gives the ability for the body to perform.
  21. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yes, you are right. Perform a Sabre form is not how much does one need to know to learn Neidan. Rather it was the result from the practice of Neidan in conditioning a healthy body to do the performance. Neidan was accomplished through the practice of abdominal breathing. Hence, proper breathing will help the body to maintain its energy level for the continuous performance without getting fatigue!
  22. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Thank for your humbleness and honesty.
  23. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    What happens then? What have you gained? Did you orally taken the elixir?
  24. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    You all had made your points. Thank you very much. Hope you all practice your own method to a successful journey.
  25. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Please tell me what Neidan is rather than it is not.