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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    I will if you promise me that you will stay out of my thread......!!!
  2. It was more complicated to identify one's left hand from the right for some people.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Well, in classics, it's better to stopped to take a breath at the right place. Otherwise, one will be suffocated to death.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 2 of the Tao Teh Ching

    It was not arguing but just a different level and approach to the understanding. Somebody may already knew the whole story and it may be just a beginning to look into the TTC for someone else. We had a big discussion, here in the forum, about the different versions. Perhaps one may go back to see some of the pages to review it.
  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 2 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, I'll ignore you is because it was not how it was written to make sense to anyone but to Lao Tze. No offense! Please keep in mind that all my responses are aiming at the issue rather than make a personal attack.
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Even though there are no commas in the original, but please don't forget the commas were placed, mentally, in the reader mind at the time. That is how one reads the Chinese classics. No one can deny this fact. "His comma's and nobody else." Perhaps one should have broaden one's vision and look ahead not backward. Ref:
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 2 of the Tao Teh Ching

    音声相和 I believe the proper translation would be as follows: 音声相和 Tone and sound are mutually harmonized. 音 is signifying the five Chinese tones. The five tones are do re mi so fa. 声 signifies the human voice. Human sings with the musical tones which harmonize with melody.
  8. Taoist living in a rat race world

    Yes, he always have something to say but vaguely and being a two-headed snake.....
  9. Qi Meridians and Acupuncture points

    In order to understand "How does this circuit make sense in relation to the wu xing and the various cycles, such as generating, controlling, overacting, insulting?" One need to have a thorough understanding of the Wu Xing(五行) and its aiding/opposing cycles. I believe that someone had already posted some nice threads about the Wu Xing cycles.
  10. Qi Meridians and Acupuncture points

    Perhaps I may answer your question..... 手陽明大腸經 Hand/Yangming/Large Intestine 手少陽三焦經 Hand/ Shaoyang/Trible Burner 手太陽小腸經 Hand/Taiyang/Small Intestine 手太陰肺經 Hand/Taiyin/Lung 手少陰心經 Hand/Shaoyin/Heart 手厥陰心胞經 Hand/Jueyin/Heart Protector In regarding to the Yang/Yin aspect, each meridian was given a descriptive name to indicate its actual location. The name has three parts. The first part is indicating the body part, second indicates which side of the body part, and the third is the association with an organ. For example, 手陽明大腸經 Hand/Yangming/Large Intestine 1. Hand(手) means that the meridian is located in the hands. 2. "Yang(陽) ming" means it is located at the outer side of the hands. 3. Large Intestine(大腸) is associated with the large intestine organ . and... 手太陰肺經 Hand/Taiyin/Lung The Yin(陰) indicates that is located at the inner side of the hands.
  11. I am surprised to hear that from a physicist. You did say that you are a physicist...right......???
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 2 of the Tao Teh Ching

    "A sage always puts himself behind but ended up in the front."
  13. (possibly) front channel block

    The symptoms you had described were most happened to those who masturbated often.
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    There is always peace here. I was only asking someone to just pay a little more attention to something else. Perhaps one might find it more fruitful instead of spinning the same old wheel and still ended up at the same old spot. Peace with Taoist honor....!!!
  15. (possibly) front channel block

    With people speak of the kundalini symptoms, I just have to ask the same question: how often do you masturbate....???
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 2 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Succeed but not dwelling in it(being vainglorious). Therefore, by only not dwelling in it; then, the merits won't be discredited. In other words, one shall maintain one's humbleness by not being vainglorious about one's accomplishment. Do not praise oneself for credit but put oneself behind the scene; then, one will be recognized and praised by the people. Remember? A sage always puts himself behind but ended up in the front.
  17. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    All the other versions are copy cats. Please spend some time to follow the logic of the received version(my translation). Let's see if you can detect the uniqueness of it. Again, perhaps you would like to see post #320, 329 and 336.
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    At the time, the Tao Te Ching was passed on by word of mouth. These two characters 噭 and 眇 are only phonetics in the codex. If you have a copy of the received text, then you should use it as good reference. The received text has been finalized by the native knowledgeable scholars with the most logical and up to date characters. Perhaps you would like to see post #320, 329 and 336. 故恆無欲也,以觀其眇 So, free of desire, perceive the Unperceivable, 恆有欲也,以觀其所噭 Full of desire, perceive the manifest; Please compare the common translations with my translation below. The punctuations are proper placed in the phrases to reflect the true meaning of the TTC. 5. 故常無,欲以觀其妙。 6. 常有,欲以觀其徼。 5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale. 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary.
  19. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

    Sorry, Mr. H.E. didn't consider the clasic term, 為不為(wei bu wei), as a classic term,
  20. Taoist living in a rat race world

    TTC: A sage always leaves himself behind but ended up in the front. If your boss needs someone to kiss ass for promotion, then, might as well have the boss kiss your ass good bye.
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 8 of the Tao Teh Ching

    11. 夫唯不爭, 12. 故無尤 11.Therefore(夫), only by not contending, 12.Then, no resentment. FYI..... Commonly, 夫 was known as a male adult or a brave man or a big hero. 夫 is very classical term known as "therefore"; "thus"; "hence" if the character was putted in front of a phrase. Most people do not understand the Chinese classic will have trouble in the translation of the term. .
  22. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

    Remember this written in classic. It has to interpret with the combination of Taoist and Buddhist philosophy in this case. 養氣忘言守。 To maintain the Chi is by being silence and stillness without thought or worry. 降心為不為。 If you were intended to have a peaceful heart, then, it will not going to happen(because it has to be happened naturally). Ref:
  23. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

    坐忘銘曰。常默元氣不傷。多言損氣。故貴忘言。陳養晦日。終日不開口。閻王難下手。忘言乃養氣之妙訣也。接氣布氣之術。皆祖於此。 坐忘銘曰 The sitting forget-not rule says: 常默元氣不傷: frequently meditate, the initial Chi shall not be disturbed. 多言損氣: talk too much will harm the Chi. 故貴忘言: Therefore, silence is precious. 陳養晦日: 陳養晦 says: 終日不開口: Close the mouth all day 閻王難下手: The King of Hell is hard to get you 忘言乃養氣之妙訣也: Silence is the best secret to maintain the Chi. 接氣布氣之術。It is a method to receive and spread the Chi. 皆祖於此。It's all begin here.
  24. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

    白雲 is "white cloud" instead of "white snow". Perhaps you might have a different view now.......!!!.
  25. Tai Chi Swords - Southern California

    Just be sure the sword doesn't touch the ground when you make a righthand circular move. There many selections in LA Chinatown. That is where I got my Taiji sword.