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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    If you have gone through all the chapters, then, you'll know this is a way but not the only way. There is one chapter that 道 was meant to be the "way" to walk on. 恆 or 常 was changed and meant to have same meaning as "eternal" because it was the name of the ruler. Don't you think that 道 is eternal.....???
  2. Tai Chi Swords - Southern California

    I don't know about the legetimately sharp swords but you can try Chinatown in Los Angeles.
  3. growing lotus

    You can check them out in the nearest Chinese nursery.
  4. Wen and Wu: the Civil and Martial Fires

    火候 has a linguistic meaning which has nothing with any field. It means the right condition was sat for a particular event or one has put enough effort into a practice to get to the final result. Furthermore, it is a description indicating the level of accomplishment of a practitioner because one had been putted lots of time and effort to get there.
  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 8 of the Tao Teh Ching

    FYI The character 居 is interpretable as noun or verb depends on its loction in the phrase. Please see the examples below: 居善地 dwelling in a good place 善居地 a good dwelling place 地善居 a place is good for dwelling. You see, one must follow the logic in each phrase, in order, to have a proper translation.
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 8 of the Tao Teh Ching

    So, how would you rephrase it to make it a noun,,,,???
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 8 of the Tao Teh Ching

    居: live 善: good 地: earth; land; place "Live in a good place" is a more proper translation.
  8. Wen and Wu: the Civil and Martial Fires

    Do you really know the metaphorical meaning of 火候......??? Please don't jump to conclusion when you see the character 火(fire).
  9. This demo shows the body coordination with the mind starting with the famous Tai Ji movement the "Four Corners".
  10. Or it is called the Yin/yang symbol.
  11. How do you think the charge ions passed on; it isn't cell to cell......???
  12. Action potential.....
  13. Wen and Wu: the Civil and Martial Fires

    FYI.... Wen(文) is a classification given for all scholars without any martial experience. Wu(武) is a classification given for those who practice martial arts only and with no scholarly experience. Normally, they are bad tempered and ready to fight at anytime. Wen Wu(文武) is a classification given to one who is a scholar and a martial artist which has more mental control and self disciplined.
  14. Neidan vs Qigong

    Qi Gong is more internal breathing and slow external exercise. Internal breathing was done deep, slow and long.
  15. Hello! Atheist, Skeptic & Open Minded Here:)

    Welcome, SGM B.C. I am glad that you are here and here is why I'm here.....
  16. In general, I think it's the multiculture in the west vs the Chinese/Jepanese Cultures. The phrase in red was being biase already. The phrase in blue is tring to be persuasive for the readers. The scholarly research was done by westerner scholars of course. I have a feeling that there was a landslide in the decision for the conclusion.
  17. Chronic fatigue from doing qigong

    I had noticed people say they practice Qigong, but they all have a different understand and doing it differently. May I ask what were you doing in your Qigong practice which causing you to have the adverse effect. It seems to me that you are not doing it incorrectly. Thus that is why you are getting the opposite effect.
  18. Fung Loy Kok Tai Chi?

    I had watched the video, the idea was emphasized on stretching. IMMHO Extention of the arms and legs will not keep the body in balance. That is not what Tai Ji is all about. I expect the movements to be more soft and resilient with flexibility. PS.... In other words, it is too much Yang(陽) not enough Yin(陰).
  19. Here is my two cents.... There is no priority between the western and eastern cultures. It's best to know each separately but don't mix them.
  20. Tai Chi Body Coordination Demo

    Strength can be felt by a hand shake. How much one knows is by one's words.
  21. Tai Chi Body Coordination Demo

    That is nothing new. I heard that before. I am glad that you were able to tell that I had been practiced a lot. At least that is a plus....................... How long have you been practiced Tai Ji.....???
  22. Hello! Atheist, Skeptic & Open Minded Here:)

    It was in use without you knowing it. Otherwise, you may not be standing up and fight at all.
  23. Identification of Taoist Statue

    FYI You were right in the first place. He is Guan Yu or Quan Gong(關羽 or 關公). The weapon(關刀) in his left hand is his symbol for killing all the bad guys. It was known that he will never kill a child, a woman or a good guy. Thus he was a man of justice. The four characters are: 义炳乾坤: The righteousness lighten up Heaven and Earth. 义 is a simplified character for the traditional character 義(righteousness). This character is always used to signify the moral character of Guan Yu.
  24. What Do You Do Immediately After Sessions ?

    Lower your arms slowly and exhale the last breath from the last session. Then, walk away to go back to your daily routine.
  25. how iportant is Feng Shui to health?

    The location of the room is primary and the position of the bed is secondary. In other words, if you are not in the right room, then, arrange your bed in the right position to give you the benefit of the doubt. If none can be done, then just make yourself comfortable which is the main goal of Feng Shui.