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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. When I think about the mind, my head aches. When my consciousness bothers me, my heart beats faster.
  2. Neidan vs Qigong

    Perhaps you might want to read this.
  3. Neidan vs Qigong

    Why do you practice Neidan, not for a better mental and physical health...???
  4. Neidan vs Qigong

    No, I'm not saying that Ming Gong is Qi Gong. What I'm saying is Qi Gong helps in the process of Ming Gong. Ming Gong is the Cultivation of the Body. In other words, Qi Gong was doing all the work for the Ming Gong. Ming Gong is just a name given to the method for the cultivation of the body. There are lots of things are involved in Ming Gong which are very inclusive. Qi Gong is an independent method. Ming is the physical body of a person. Xing is the mind of a person which is also the spirit of the person. It is the spirit that is directly affecting a person. The body may be indirectly affecting the spirit, but not directly. The combination of the Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming produce the result of alchemy. The final product of Neidan is to generate a better and healthier person. Hence, the person is really the dan(丹) that one wants to produce.
  5. Neidan vs Qigong

    You seem to have a deep understand of all these. May I just add a few comments. Qigong can be practice alone as you've said. However, I see that Qigong is an essence for the health of the body; but, of course, I cannot rule out any of the good mental effects. In the orther hand, I would say that Neidan is a Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming. Since Ming Gong is the cultivation of the body, I would say that Qigong is part of it.
  6. what is Buddhist sickness?

    Well, Wudang is too commercialized now. It is not like it used to be. I think the westerners had spoiled them.
  7. what is Buddhist sickness?

    Do you know why he die of prostate cancer....??? You see, the Taiwanese Taoists wear colorful clothes and eat good foods not like the true Taoist in Wudang Mountain in China.
  8. what is Buddhist sickness?

    The dead was a Taoist Priest other than a Buddhist Monk.
  9. what is Buddhist sickness? No, Koreans are not Chinese but there is a group of Korean national in China.
  10. what is Buddhist sickness?

    Yes, Taiwanese are Chinese too. Even though, they don't think so......
  11. Jian

    I was talking about just handling the weight of the sword during practice. I agree that holding the sword fluidly is an ideal case. However, sometimes, a tight grip is necessary. Thus that is where the principle of Yang/Yin comes into to play. That was what I am trying to say. One can keep the weight of the sword off the hand half of the time by Ting Jin(聽勁) if one has the experience.
  12. what is Buddhist sickness?

    Hehehehe...... Can you name one Chinese Buddhist monk that was die of cancer.....?? PS..... When I say Chinese Buddhist, I mean a Chinese monk.
  13. Cultivating when in pain

    I believe what you are trying to say is that the pain was introduced from cultivation. What I am saying one with an initial pain need to be rid of by cultivation. There was no side effect about this.
  14. Cultivating when in pain

    I believe that part ot the cultivation process is to get rid of the pain.
  15. what is Buddhist sickness?

    I have not heard that a Chinese Buddhist die of cancer yet.
  16. Jian

    1. m is the mass of the moving sword 2. V is the velocity of the moving sword 3. r is your arm is the moment arm which is the distance betwee the your body and the centroid of the sword. No.....??? No inertia.....??? How did the sword move then.......????? Isn't it moved by your arm causing the circular motion by the swing of the sword...??? @ joeblast....thanks....
  17. Jian

    Likewise to you. I have no problems with others. I don't what we (you and I) are doing here at all. PS..... Are we talking about how to handle a Jian here or what an ass I'm....???
  18. Jian

    Literally, when you hold a heavy sword, don't you consider its weight is working against you....??? Please be more specific about this: "A tight grip will transfer and fatigue your muscles." Is that a statement or a question...??? Please tell me what you know and never mind what I am or assume what I know or don't know....!!! Thank you.
  19. what is Buddhist sickness?

    If a Buddhist has a sickness, then the Buddhist is not a Buddhist.......
  20. Damn you body!

    Why don't you want to take care your body to begin with.....??? Have you ever heard of the Dual Cultivation of Xing(Mind) and Ming(Body).....??? Either one can be cultivated independently depends which is more lack of. IMHO There is a weakness in your mind. You need a little cultivation for the mind.
  21. Jian

    Wu Ming Jen.... Ah, thank you! You are applying the law of physics. The centrifugal force requires a tight grip on the sword with the hand. During practice, one is holding the sword all the time; the arms may get sore and tired from the weight of the sword. What I was asking, what can one do to avoid fighting the weight of the sword all the time. If one can cut down the time in fighting the weight of the sword, then, the arms will have a less chance of getting fatigue quickly or less stress on the arms.
  22. Texts for preliminary neidan study

    Okay, if I understood correctly. You are asking about a "method" for the cultivation of the mind and body. Am I correct....??? This method had been laid out sometime ago by Chinese Taoists. It is the Dual Cultivation of the Xing and Ming(DCXM) as I have talked many many times already. The former cultivates the mentality and the latter cultivates the physicality. I hope I answered your question.
  23. As a person, I own my mind and body. I cultivate my mind to have a better character and more intelligent. In addition, I cultivate my body to be a healthier person.
  24. Texts for preliminary neidan study

    Vitallii..... Thank you! It was from your own words.
  25. what is Buddhist sickness?

    Yeah, I wouldn't make a doctrine out of it......