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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Meditation harm?

    Try the True Taoist Meditation with a vacuous mind. Your attempt was to clear/purify your mind without thoughts.
  2. Meditation harm?

    You should concentrate on your breathing as in a Taoist meditation and forget about the mindfulness and visualization for now.
  3. how to love unconditionally

    I only said something against me, but I didn't say that was something wrong.....
  4. How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

    The term Chi(氣) in Chinese has multi-definition. In Chi Kung, Chi means air/breathing. In TCM, it means the functions of the internal organs or the energy inside the body. It is a very confusing term. One has to determine its meaning within context. If one translate it as "energy" for all, then it is a big confusing issue. PS.... The Chinese only know the term as Chi(氣) but not its exact meaning in their minds when they speak.
  5. how to love unconditionally

    My bird loves me but bites me anytime when he likes it.... I guess it's unconditional....
  6. how to love unconditionally

    This is my English.
  7. how to love unconditionally

    I will forgive you for passing a judgement on me.......
  8. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    Yes, you are quite right. One only practice YouWei(有為) once is to be WuWei(無為). Initially, YouWei(有為) will give one the intention to be WuWei(無為). One wants to cultivate WuWei(無為) but not YouWei(有為) is because it is the opposite of WuWei(無為).
  9. How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

    Sugar should not affect your Chi in any way but aids it. Your body only used up as much sugar as it wants to produce Chi. Then, the rest of the sugar will either stored in the liver as glycogen or go to the bladder which gives you diabetes.
  10. how to love unconditionally

    Forgiveness implies judgment was only your own judgment. One still can forgive without judgment. One can forgive without asking who is right or wrong but just to forgive to begin with. I will forgive whoever had used words against me in the past or future. It is because I am in the process of the Cultivation of the Mind. Forgiveness without judgment is part of the Cultivation of the Mind by following the principle of Wu Wei. You see, Wu Wei takes me a long way....!!!
  11. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    I couldn't agree more. Comprehension is one's words by intuition from the experience of the practice. If one only knew how to repeat what the Master says or somebody else's, then, one should be wondered has s/he learnt the basic concept at all. It is true a Master may be good with the methods. However, the master might not know the latest possible way to explain them to the disciples. Especially, there may be a language barrier. In some cases, the end result may be, only, depends on how much was the student absorbed by his/her comprehension of the concept. I always like to compare between my understanding and others to get good feel of it. I will make corrections if there is a need for it. Otherwise, I will stay with the original idea until another supersedes.
  12. Chapter 80 - A Peaceful Little Country 1. 小國寡民! 2. 有什伯之器 而不用, 3. 使民重死 而不遠徙。 4. 雖有舟輿 無所乘之, 5. 雖有甲兵 無所陳之。 6. 使民復結繩而用之。 7. 甘其食, 8. 美其服, 9. 安其居, 10.樂其俗。 11.鄰國相望, 12.雞犬之聲相聞, 13.民至老死, 14.不相往來。 Terse English 1. A small countries with few people! 2. Though there are many utensils but not in use. 3. Let the people feel rather die than migrate. 4. Though owning boats and wagons no need to ride them, 5. Though owning weapons no need to display them. 6. Let people return to era of using knots as reminder. 7. Give them food, 8. Offer them attire, 9. Provide them shelter, 10. Amuse them with entertainment. 11. Looking over the neighboring countries, 12. Hearing the sounds of chickens and dogs of each other, 13. People grew old until death, 14. Neither socialized with one another.
  13. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    This is a very ambiguous statement........
  14. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    Yes, the result is important. It would be more advantageous if the practitioner understands the principles of the method. Thus it would be more encouraging to do the practice and the result might be achieved quicker. It might take longer to get to the result if one doesn't understand the method with words. I would say that the method and the result are equally important. One would know what to do if one knows what the method is about. For example, most people do not understand that Chi Kung has a lot to do with breathing. If they don't learn the breathing method, then, they will not get the result of Chi Kung at all. Same thing with Tai Ji, if one practices Tai Ji but doesn't understand its concept, progress might not be taken place as effective as expected.
  15. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    Please note that not everybody knows and teaches Neidan. One does not expect a martial artist to teach Neidan. Neidan is to be practiced by True Taoists.
  16. how to love unconditionally

    Love should/shall not expect anything in return. That is Wu Wei.
  17. Anyone into strength training?

    I believe that the weight training is not for beginners. It has to be for someone who has the Jin developed in the body already. @ Daeluin, it seems that way but the grind machine for grain has a different design. With the size of the ball, I don't think it was made for an ordinary person. The ball shown in the last video is a special design for Tai Ji weight training.
  18. You should put your mind deep into the movements and concentrate on your breathing is your best bit. You practice with your heart and feel proud that the people are watching you. Think about it is good for your health. Ignore the distractions around you. Pretty soon, people might say that you are good. I got over this problem when I was on a cruise. I was doing my Tai Ji and the circle walk on the boardwalk and I had noticed that people just walked by like nothing has ever happened. Except one Chinese lady, walking with her daughter, complimented me on my kicks.
  19. Let's talk about it or what do you think it is.
  20. Anyone into strength training?

    You probably have to do the reverse breathing for that....!!! Breath control is where Chi Kung gives one the experience. One learns to inhale as much oxygen as the possible and hold as long as possible by breathing deep, slow and long. It is the most basic fundamental breathing method in Chi Kung. Hopefully, we are going some place with the understanding of the UMB(the Ultimate Method of Breathing).
  21. Anyone into strength training?

    Yes, this is where the metabolic formula kicks in: Glucose + Oxygen => H2O + CO2 + Heat + Energy(ATP)
  22. Cultivation of the Mind

    Good morning..... We have a new member had gave me a challenge and I'm glad that he did. Thanks. This is not a brand new subject. It has been practiced and hidden in the shadow of a Taoist. Cultivation of the mind is part of the Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming(DCXM). By the Chinese Taoist definition, Xing(性) is the mind; Ming(命) is the body. Please don't try to look this up in your dictionary is because you will be misled by some mistranslations. It is going to be a long subject. Please feel free to discuss it.
  23. Cultivation of the Mind

    Perhaps you might say that I do live in a black and white world to see things from a scientific perspective. I have found Tao and there is no need to search for Tao.
  24. Anyone into strength training?

    I think this is the right thread for me to ask a question about Chi. May I take this opportunity to have anyone who wish to conduct a Chi test. 1. Please release all the breath and try to lift some weights and tell me what happened. 2. Please take a deep breath and hold, then lift some weights. And what happened....???
  25. My new Buddha statue

    You have invited a Buddha from Thailand....