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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Cultivation of the Mind

    I can answer those questions one by one with logical evaluation and justification; but I like to hear it from someone else before I do my share.
  2. Cultivation of the Mind

    The Chi is existed for sure. Those who discovered it had created a name for it without a good description but just an unproven concept. There are questions which come to my mind when Chi was mentioned. 1. Is Chi in the air? 2. When one breathes, was it breathing just the air or Chi or both......????? 3. Can Chi be absorbed just by reaching the hands into the air and call the "Chi of Heaven"? or 4. Was Chi produced, inside the body, by breathing the source of Chi from the air and combined with the nourishment? 5. Are we all just blindly accepting what people(so called masters) say about Chi and took it for granted because a Master or two had said so? 6. Shall we investigate all the given available facts and come up with a more acceptable and logical conclusion abut Chi? 7. Is it wise just shooting words in the air telling people what Chi is by assumptions without justification?
  3. Cultivation of the Mind

    Have you reached the level of understand of a Master....??? It is all too easy for you to accept the words of the Masters without knowing what the words are saying.
  4. Cultivation of the Mind

    Daeluin..... You have given me nothing but open loops with blind spots. It is utterly impossible for me to respond to a certain degree of accuracy which is so characteristic to your remarks.
  5. Cultivation of the Mind

    Yes, our minds have blind spots. Part of the cultivation of the mind is to remove those spots permanently by positive means rather than trial and errors or guess work. Most of the time, there is one, only one, truth to all things. Perhaps two. One cannot accept everything by the different comments which made by everybody as the truth. I have been noticed that each individual has his/her own idea about one concept. As soon, one presents an idea, then, everybody agrees even it was contradicted to another. However, it makes me think who is really understand the original concept. For example, people love to hear and say the word "energy". Thus every explanation they make was using the word "energy". Recently, somebody had a good laugh about one's comment about a sweet and sour Qi/Body.
  6. Cultivation of the Mind

    IMO False Xin/Xing is not the true self. One must find the true self, in order, to be a "True" person. For that said, it means all the false information was fed to you once before was considered to be the False Xin/Xing. The False Xin/Xing will cause you to make poor judgement on many other things. You need to be find the truth and and isolate them from the fallacies. That was purifying the mind in the cultivation of the mind is all about. Here is another way of looking at things. All the negative things that you had done was considered to be the False Xin/Xing with respect to the True Xin/Xing. Any positive thing that was recognized by consensus would be considered as the True Xin/Xing. Edited to make the thoughts complete. Sorry, I left in a hurry to run some errands.
  7. Cultivation of the Mind

    I have no problem with Xing(性) = Xin(心) = Mind. However, the Chinese Taoists like to call it "Xing" as an esoteric term for them. It was automatically understood the term was meant 'Mind". Therefore, I must follow their thoughts, in order, to be consistent in any discussion. Btw In the minds of the native speakers through centuries, Xin(心) was always referred as the "Mind" but with more sincerity.
  8. Cultivation of the Mind

    I am just curious why you weren't surprised. Please give me some good reasons...!!!
  9. Cultivation of the Mind

    Xing(性) = Mind; and Ming(命) = Body had already been defined in the OP. What does dual, in the DCXM, mean to you.....??? Dual means two things to me. You must narrow them down to two things for me. What do you think the two things are to you....???
  10. Metabolic formula for Cell Respiration: Glucose + O2 = H2O + CO2 + heat + energy. This formula says energy is an oxygen dependent from breathing. Does anybody believe in this metabolic formula...???
  11. Cultivation of the Mind

    Here is the surprise about Neidan(內丹). The final impression from Wang Chong Yang(王重陽)(1112-1170) about Neidan was: Instead of cultivate an external dan(丹, pill), let's treat the whole person as a pill and cultivated from the inside. In order to cultivate internally, let's cultivate the mind to manipulate the body most efficiently and cultivate the body to be a healthier person. By cultivate the body is by practicing the most effective method for the body to be self-contain. One wants the body to be self grown, self immune to be freed of illness and self healing. The best forms of excises are Tai Ji and Chi Kung. Both exercises are involved with body movements and breathing which are the most vital essences for longevity. During these practices, the mind was also cultivated spontaneously. The mind can control the body by enhancing the speed and accuracy for the action and reaction. The physical strength was developed for the body by the slowness in doing the movements. The cultivation of the mind, besides, training to control the parts of the body; it was also involves with the intellectual aspect. The mind should store as much as knowledge to cope with the complex world of ours. As a basic concept for Neidan from our ancestors, they had come up with the best method there is, the Dual Cultivation of the Xing and Ming(DCXM). It is also known as the Dual Cultivation of the Mind and Body. The mind and body are the two major ingredients to be cultivated for one to be a better or true person. Thus the DCXM is the best method to cultivate a person into a most effective internal pill ever. Surprise.... Are you surprised what Neidan(內丹) is all about now......???
  12. How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

    Anything in excess will be harmful to the health of the body.
  13. Texts for preliminary neidan study

    .......very poor understanding with mistranslation.
  14. Very contradictory. If one does breathe, then, there is no oxygen. How can there be Qi as energy......??? Can somebody hold the breath and see how much Qi was there.....???
  15. It would be interesting for Westerners to view at 29:00.
  16. If Chi translated as energy, then, who can distinguish the difference......??? If Chi was translated as air/breath, then there is a big difference. Before the air gets into the body, it contains dust and pathogens may be considered as "coarse chi". After the air enters the nostrils, the dust will be filtered through the filter system in the nose. In addition, before the oxygenated blood was delivered to the body cells, the pathogens were engulfed by the macrophages in the lung. Hence, the air may be considered as "fine chi."
  17. Anyone into strength training?

    If one does Chi Kung correctly, then, that is strength training without weights.
  18. The idea is to feel the breath/chi deep down in the lower dan tian which is more important than hearing it. It is very correct to "focus on breathing into the lower dan tien" the whole time. In Chinese term: 意守丹田(focus on the dan tian).
  19. Whats in a name?

    I can see that in your nick, 半影, half shadow....... Dae is half of "daedae".......!!!
  20. Sorry, this is where your confusion was. The normal breathing rhythm, in one cycle, is the abdomen expands when inhale and contracts when exhale. "There can be multiple breathing cycles to one expansion or contraction." is a big NO NO. This will break the breathing rhythm.
  21. Even though, you think "not that Im supposed to feel the air going through my sinuses" but just be sure it happens. Then, everything will be alright.
  22. No, it was not still just you. The lungs of a baby are not fully developed to breathe yet. That is why they breathe with the abdomen.
  23. Reverse breathing is when the abdomen was contracted during inhalation; and expands during exhalation. In normal breathing, it is the opposite.
  24. As a rule of thumb for all breathing exercises.... At the initialize position: One starts with the body in a relaxed position and exhale most of the air out. The movement should be coordinated with the breathing and vice versa. That said, one should start inhale as soon one moves the hands upward. When the hands reached to its peak position, that is where the inhalation stops. As soon the hands are going down, that is where the exhalation starts. Until the hands reach the lowest position, that is where the exhalation ends. There should be, only, a short pause in breathing between the time when the hands change position going toward the opposite position. For other words, breathing stops when the movement stops. Resume breathing when the movement starts again. One should never hold the breath while the body is in motion. If one moves slow, then the breathing is slow. The breath should go as deep as possible. The realm is to have the breath reach deep down to the lower dan tian. However, one should never force the breath down to the LDT. It will happen one day after a long period of diligent practice.