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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What style/practice is this?

    hmmmm.....give it another second thought and see does that definition fits.....!!!
  2. What style/practice is this?

    I've just realized, the Chan and Yang styles have their own simplified 24 forms. The 48 form is the combination of all other style forms.
  3. What style/practice is this?

    By the rule of thumb: Any exercise involves with deep breathing and slow movements is considered to be Qi Gong. You were right the first time.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    If straw dog = straw and dog, then monkey brain = monkey and brain...???
  5. What style/practice is this?

    Don't you read the description on the top of the videos....???
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Cultivation of the Mind is to broaden one's vision by not being evasive, defensive, or offensive but impartial and persuasive.
  7. When I am thinking, I felt and only felt that my mind is inside my head and nowhere else. I don't feel it in my chest nor in my abdomen.
  8. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Here is another event which took place there. After the advanced student decided to go back to watch the competition, he ask a white student to play with me. This student had practiced Tai Ji for ten years. When our hands come into contact, I know that he knew nothing about Dong Jin(懂勁) or Ting Jin(聽勁). I have spent no more than ten minutes explaining to him how to do it. Indeed, He knew how to Ting Jin in no time. Indeed, this is how I can learn by talking to some experienced persons collecting information and put them into application by my own intuition without spending hours with a teacher.
  9. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    I went to visit the Tai Ji Competition today. I meet an advanced student and did some free style push hands. I was told that I do know how to Ting Jin(聽勁). Thus it was not a waste of time of my diligent practice, without a teacher to baby sit, after all.
  10. Cultivation of the Mind

    Who are we, here, to set the rules for them.....???
  11. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    So far, this is the most simple, direct and best response. :)
  12. I know this is Taoism but

    Chapter One 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 5. 故常無,欲以觀其妙。 6. 常有,欲以觀其徼。 3. Invisible was the name given to Tao at the origin of heaven and earth. 4. Visible was the name given to Tao as the mother of all things. 5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale. 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary.
  13. I know this is Taoism but

    He is the one with rocks in his head, marblehead.
  14. Cultivation of the Mind

    Very humorous story. I have nothing to add....
  15. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Yes, that is the concept of Yin/Yang and what Tai Ji is based upon. How do you cultivate from the soft to build up into firmness.....??? Which comes first, Jin before Fa Jin or vice versa....???
  16. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Questions...... 1. How does one develop Jin.....??? 2. Can one develop Jin while learning Fa Jin simultaneously.....???
  17. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    What do you mean by the basic method.....??? What do you mean by to develop a high level....???
  18. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Thank you! spatha This is the video, on Fa Jin, that I had done an extensive translation on this site.
  19. Tao is not emptiness but an invisible form. Invisible does not mean emptiness. Tao can be visible only by the manifestation of all things that come into being. Tao is visible when all things are manifested. Tao is also there before all things come into existence and to be visible to them. Tao is visible which one cannot see but only by intuition or grokking through its manifestation. The existence of life or things is the manifestation of the fullest of Tao.
  20. Cultivation of the Mind

    Thank you for adding the last two items. Adding knowledge is a constant must in the cultivation of the mind. Indeed, I rather make scientific assumptions other than the wild ones. Based on your words, It seems to me that you have a different assumption about a True Chinese Taoist. A Taoist will consider all matters to purify the mind is a must. Anyway, a Taoist does not honor life with the luxuries per your prescription. The prescription for a true Taoist is to honor life with good health and longevity. Even to be an immortal if one went beyond the imaginary. Also a Taoist should make a distinction between personal convictions and proofs. Btw I think a Taoist has already considered that in the Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming(DCXM). The Taoist sages have spent years in isolation were simply to integrate themselves with nature as One. To live in a state of tranquility and breathing the fresh air in the mountains for a better health toward longevity. Also, to pursuit the principles of Tao and lessen the desires, day by day, for a materialistic world as the mortals would strive for.
  21. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Steve.... Didn't I make the correction....??? Sometimes, there are things that people use them as figure of speech. If one do not consider the correction has been made as the last resource but arguing with old facts, then one is either evasive, defensive or offensive rather than persuasive. I only deal with the latest of what one had said as the last resort and hope you'll do the same. I do speak with confidence. There is no need for me to be evasive, defensive or offensive but persuasive. Let's stay with the flow and argue about what is Fa Jin rather than arguing something in the past. Let's move forward and see how much do we know about Jin and Fa Jin. I will know how much or less one knows by the words from one's mouth.
  22. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Let me clarify this. The students, in the video, were well trained with Jin in them. In the demo, some of the student's Jin had been canceled with the teacher's Jin by contact and by the fall also. The students in the other videos did not help the master to fake it. There was no need for that. Those students just didn't have the skills as the last video. Beside, the beholders have not possess any Jin in them to feel the effect in the video. One need to have to develop the Jin in the body in order to understand what was going on in the video by intuition. When I was watching those video, I was almost synced myself into it which seems like I was there in person. Those who criticized those videos was an indication to me that they don't have any Jin in themselves to realize what is going on. Sorry, folks. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I beg your pardon.
  23. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Have you notice how the students fall to the ground...??? They were trained well. The teacher have not used full thrust of his jin is because it was only a demo. Otherwise, the student would have been moved father away from the teacher. Btw the purpose of Fa Jin is keep the opponent away as a defensive move.
  24. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    The eight basic ways, in Tai Ji, to Fa Jin.
  25. Cultivation of the Mind

    If one is starting to ask me to talk to a frog, then it is the most logical thing for me to do is to stop talking to the one.