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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Cultivation of the Mind

    If one is starting to ask me to talk to a frog, then it is the most logical thing for me to do is to stop talking to the one.
  2. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    dwai..... I have been holding on my criticism about your understanding about Tai Ji. I'm sure that you feel the same about me. Perhaps some of you may think it is naive on my part. I had said this before and was attacked by many members. Well, I am not afraid to defend the truth. From observation, regardless of the style, it is the amount of time one puts into the practice rather than the form as the dependent. It is the biggest fallacy if one think each form will give you the most energy. Indeed, there are eight basic forms to be performed, most effective, by the practitioner for Fa Jin. That said, I may conclude that all Taiji movements/forms are slow and have the same beneficial effect on the body to produce jin or energy. Of course, the movements have to be coordinated with the breathing for the physiological effect to take place inside the body. Again, I repeat, it is the time that one puts into practice to be effective rather than the style of the forms. From this quote which indicated to me that you did not have the actual experience by your own intuition.
  3. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    FYI.... According to the legend, Zheng Sanfeng(張三豐) is the founder of Wudan Pai and invented Tai Ji Quan in the Wudan Mountain.
  4. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Things do change as they evolve. All of the names for the moves are retained basically. However, as the style had passed down to another family, the moves are the same but the names have changed. In some cases, the moves had been changed but the names are the same. Some families had changed the animated names to the actual description of the movements. For example, the "impulse money" is called the "impulse lower arm".
  5. Question about Taoist prayer.

    I didn't know that there was a thing such as "Taoist prayer".
  6. Cultivation of the Mind

    daeluin... Sorry, I am loosing your sense of logic.
  7. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Are you going to let the rose colored glasses to deceive you or your own mind.....????
  8. Cultivation of the Mind

    1. Interpretation is different from translation. Especially in Chinese classics. Anybody can translate the characters but not the intended meanings. Without an accurate interpretation prior to the translation, the final wording better to be logical and flawless. The pursuit of learning is to increase knowledge day after day. The pursuit of Tao is to decrease knowledge day after day. I have no problem with the first line. However, the logic in the second line doesn't seem to be fallen in place. It seems to me it is saying: One is going after Tao and become more and more stupid everyday. In that case, I do not want to participate in the pursuit of Tao. Do you.....??? 2. It is fine to learn from a teaching Master; but I would question the logic of his thoughts when in doubt. Unless, you took everything for granted. 3. I do not do translation is because how I like it. I do it with a logical mind and handle thinking matters within reasons. Sorry, I don't know what the mind of tao is.
  9. Cultivation of the Mind

    I do aware most members here do not believe in scientific knowledge. However, there are some peoppe with engineer background may take that into consideration. You sound like that a Taoist should not reply his/her thoughts on modern science. How about relying on some knowledge which already had been proven with the scientific method....??? Do you think we should believe in something to keep the mind going....??? If we are trying not to believe anything we hear or read, then we shouldn't be here talking to each other in exchanging ideas.
  10. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I read them through optical filter lenses to rid of distortions.
  11. Cultivation of the Mind

    I wish you'll find someone real soon.
  12. Cultivation of the Mind

    Chapter 48 - Rule with Wu Wei 1. In learning, knowledge increases daily. 2. In seeking the Principles of Tao, one's desires are lessen daily. 3. Lessen and more lessen. 4. Until reached to the state of Wu Wei. 5. Being Wu Wei then there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. 6. Ruling the world always with no accomplishment, 7. Or with multifarious decrees. 8. Then, one is not suffice to rule the world. Note: This is the translation and interpretation from the native knowledgeable scholars.
  13. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    IMHO In a good discussion, I do not want to be evasive, defensive or offensive but persuasive. I must said each style has its own uniqueness. The Chen style has a lot of Jin, as compared to other styles, through the body which is their specialty.
  14. Cultivation of the Mind

    Back to the cultivation of the mind.... The initial purification is to reset the mind to a zero-state which is the state of emptiness. However, I would like to refer it as the mind in a vacuous state to distinguish from Buddhism. Since the mind is able to understand things, it was fed with many fallacies and fiction stories but less facts. A Taoist may consider the fallacies and fictions are contaminants to the mind. These contaminants must be eliminated as part of the process in the purification of the mind. It is a mantle cultivation to sort out the facts among the false information. The prerequisite is to get oneself educated with logical facts and scientific knowledge. One should be able to isolate the facts from the fallacies, instantly, as soon they are involve in a decision making. Knowing the facts and defending the truth with logical reasoning are invincible. With all that said, the mind must be purified and free of all contaminants by retaining all the known facts. Therefore, to a Taoist, the purified mind is considered to be a "true mind". Surprise.....!!!
  15. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Do you know how to read metaphors.....???
  16. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    勁 We are not talking about Jin......????
  17. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Yes, my double headed snake........
  18. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    It is only the state of mind in the practitioner. Anyone can behave like Mr. Wong if one wants to. There are many options for each individual needs. One can learn Taiji for health; and the others can be a good fighter if that was their choice.
  19. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    I know my Jin were developed from my practice of the slow forms for sometime diligently. There are lots of claims by assumption of what it is. It needs to be more persuasive. Are you talking about qi or jin....??? Anyway, whatever, it is still immaterial but it has to be consistent.
  20. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Very convincing.
  21. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    This is a very wise and persuasive statement. Yes, the above videos are good demo of Fa Jin. That's all.
  22. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Fair enough, in a good discussion, I do not want to be evasive, defensive or offensive but persuasive. @MH..... There is only one theory but different understanding. That's all......!!!
  23. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    If one has Jin, then one may feel exactly what's taking place in whatever one was watching. If one doesn't see it, then one has no Jin.
  24. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    I have read and also heard from Chen Xiaowang talked a lot about Fa Jin. I wouldn't dare to charge his knowledge about Jin. Btw most of the Tai Ji practitioners do not mention electrical charge stored in the bone marrow. As a matter of fact, I don't think they even know these terms have ever existed.
  25. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Please understand that the executed amount of Jin may be controlled by the practitioner. Can you imagine what happen to the opponent if he takes one step forward with the thrust....??? The amount of Jin may be exerted a lot more than just standing at one position.