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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Ten times faster is not the key to Taiji. One should be looking for ten times the Jin in his body. Please note when both of his hands thrust forward with vibration which is a good indication how much Jin is in him. An ordinary person normally stops at the end of the thrust. A Taiji practitioner make his moves faster than the opponent by the following rules: 1. You don't move, I don't move. 2. As soon you move, I move first. The first rule is to be standing still to observe what action is the opponent going to take. Then, the practitioner will know what counter move he will use. Since the practitioner knew what the counter move is, he can make the preparation before and wait for the aggressive move of the opponent. Btw This the best speed in practice for Fa Jin. The practitioner must allow the yin force to reach its high and the yang force to reach its low. If one moves too fast, then, the moves will be out of sync. This is a big No No in Taiji Chuan. PS.... All the talks about Fa Jin should go to this thread: Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)
  2. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Now, I know where you are coming from. I see why you were frustrated with the thread. You said you did not practice the form but you have Jin. It has indicated to me that you are born with a tremendous amount of physical strength but not jin. It is because by definition, Jin is a strength which is acquired from the slow practice of Tai Ji. That's why the Tai Ji practitioners use the term often. I do know people born with a great amount of physical strength do not wish to practice the slow basic form of Tai Ji. For the same matter, after people who had developed the Jin from the slow form, they do not want to continue to practice but do the fast form and learn to Fa Jin. That said, it means that one cannot Fa Jin without Jin. Jin has to be acquired from the practice of the slow form as a prerequisite. In your case, yes, you do not need to practice the slow form. You are so lucky that you have met Chen Xiaowang. I have learned a lot by watching many of his video online. As a matter of fact, I had translated one of his video about Fa Jin, extensively, on this site. He is the one that people should learn from how to Fa Jin effectively.
  3. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    I wouldn't say it is the "law of destruction" but the "law of balance".
  4. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Even though, basically, he is doing the Yang style 24 movement. However, I saw he mixed with some Chen style moves in it. I wouldn't say it is the best Yang stye. The title is just say 24 movements but didn't specify the style. At first, no wonder I didn't recognize the Yang style moves is because he was doing the Chen style at the beginning. It seems to me that he had practiced the Chen Style for a long time. PS.... Thank you for your response about your experience. Now, I know where you came from. I will reply to it when I have a little more time.
  5. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    GreytoWhite.... Let me clarify this. The impression that you gave me is that one can acquire the Jin from the auxiliary exercise by skipping the endless(slow) form practice. I am saying that is not the case. The auxiliary exercise is for the people who have acquired the Jin from the slow form practice as a prerequisite. The auxiliary exercise is for an advanced practice in exerting the existing Jin more rigorously.
  6. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    My friend, now, I see why you are saying that. Those people are way above the beginning level. The auxiliary exercises are for much higher levels. Those guys did not skip kindergarten for sure.
  7. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    The reason you are having trouble with the OP is because you have already underestimate my understanding. If you have preconceived idea about my understanding, then we have lost half the battle already. I will consider to respond to your comments with good judgement until your bias notion has been lifted.
  8. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I know your frustration. Perhaps you are aiming at posts. FYI: The thing is that one must need to understand. We are not born with the jin prenatally. However, Jin has to be developed in the muscle tone before one can exert such tremendous force. The practitioner in the video has good muscle tone; there is not doubt that he had developed sometime in the past. Jin is different from the regular body strength. Jin is acquired from the practice of the slow movements. Jin is, also, a special term used by Tai Ji practitioners to describe this acquired strength from their practice.
  9. Cultivation of the Mind

    Now, finally all the general stuffs are out of the way. It is time to go into the core of the thread. The cultivation of the mind which is the first half of the DCMX. As we can see that items numbers 1 and 2, as indicated in red, have something to do with the mind. There is another important thing which has not mentioned here. It is the Taoist meditation. Taoist meditation is the initial practice for the cultivation of the mind as well as the body. It fits the description, exactly, for the DCXM. It purifies the mind as well as enhancing the internal function of the body. The Taoist meditation is different from an ordinary meditation. The Taoist Meditation purifies the mind, regulates the breathing and vitalizes the body. The Taoist meditation includes a special breathing method which is called 吐吢(tu-na) which the ordinary meditation does not. The TM purifies the mind by going into a state of emptiness. TM regulates the breathing to improve the respiratory system to be more efficient. After the purification of the mind and the regulation of the breathing, the vitalization of the body will take place internally and spontaneously.
  10. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I agree but I still want to hear from Fazeng.
  11. Do you know what you are really asking because I really don't....???
  12. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    My friend, I didn't bypass the pushing hands but I emulated part of it as I had indicated in the previous post. I would like to hear from Fazeng about his special training methods to get the facts straight. I am very curious about how can I build up the Jin without practicing the fundamental basic movements first. This is the first time I have ever heard something like that. Wouldn't you like to hear about it too....???
  13. Cultivation of the Mind

    I will not argue about the definition at the moment. This thread is not about what are the possible definitions of Xing but how do you cultivate your mind. Perhaps, you all may think differently about the meaning of the "cultivation of the mind" is all about some place along this thread. Of course, you may jump in with you opinions at anytime. However, I would like to ask you to hold on them until the full presentation is complete. It is because this thread may answer your questions already when it is done.
  14. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Really.....!! Are you saying that you can bypass the slow form and still can build up the Jin(勁) by practicing some special training methods....??? It sounds a little peculiar to me. May I ask do you practice Tai Ji Chuan or those methods....??? I also would like to hear something about those special training methods.
  15. Cultivation of the Mind

    daeluin.... Thank you.....!!! Since my spirit is part of me, I suppose I do communicate with its guides. I would say that I have learned from the past of the ancestors while they were alive. Since, they are no longer here, I would say they are still teaching me from memory. @MH.... Your Buddhist philosophy is welcome here......
  16. In the concept of the Yin and Yang, there are conditions like: Yin is within Yang: condition #2 Yang is within Yin. condition #1 When Yin had reached its lowest state, it will return to the highest Yang state. When Yang had reached its highest state, it will return to the lowest Yin state. The Yin and Yang are always in the process of balancing themselves.
  17. The terms of Yin and Yang are only used as classifiers. Each has an attribute which is one is the complement of the other. In general, Yin is negative, and Yang is positive. To explain this maybe a bit confusing. For example, Yin is bad, Yang is good. It doesn't mean that Yin is really bad; it simply means that "bad" has the attribute of Yin and "good" has the attribute of Yang. In the other hand, negative feeling has the attribute of Yin. Negative feeling, only, and only, has the attribute of Yin but it doesn't mean that a negative feeling is bad.
  18. Cultivation of the Mind

    From a linguistic and philosophical point of view. I can only see "nature" as the character of an individual like the nature in "see your own nature". One's nature is only reflects the spirit of the mind. Hence, I can only see that "nature" is a good implication for "Xing" but not a good translation. It seems more proper to say the "cultivation of the mind" rather than the "cultivation of the nature". Peace......
  19. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Here is my point of view about pushing hands. The key to the practice of ting jin(聽勁) is by the sense of touch. Of course, it can be told how is done but I don't see one's sensitivity can be taught by oral communication. Yes, pushing hands is definitely has to be done with a partner. If I want to practice without a partner, then, what do I do.....??? Well, I can come up with a way but I must understand what is the requirement of pushing hands. By a scientific observation, pushing hands is to sense the dynamic changing force from the hands of the partner. Since it is a dynamic changing force, I can emulate this force by using a pendulum with a piece of rope and various weights. By swinging the suspended pendulum as it moves, its weight changes to a kinetic force, it is equivalent to the various changing force on the hand of the partner. The kinetic force in the weight can be sensed by using the low arm comes in contact with the weight. Thus I can do the practice by just going through the same motion as I was doing pushing hands. One may be considered this is a crude way to practice pushing hands but, hey, it is a way.
  20. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Steve.... Over the years, I think we are wearing the same shoes with our own frustration. I guess we both were trying to correct each other with our own conception/misconception. Somehow, it didn't work was due to our cultural differences in our understanding of the terminologies. The reason I ignored your responses, most of the time, was to avoid crashes between us. I was continued with my conversation and hope you would absorb some of it or realized somewhat. Most of the members had advised me to go find a teacher. Well, I guess I don't to have say much more about teachers by the reflection of your experience with your teacher. I am glad that we have come to a mutual understand with our thinking. I know our thinking will not change but our voice in future conversation will be in a more friendlier tone. Let's not try to say who is right or wrong or correct each other or advise one to go find a good teacher. If I think that you are right or know more than I do, then, you are my teacher and vice versa. There is no need to go find a teacher elsewhere. There is an old saying: "Three is a company, there is a teacher among the three." We learn from the people that we are in contact with. There is no need to pay a high price for someone to learn from. Sometimes, it would be a waste of time and money. This is the information age, we ought to be able to find the right source somewhere. It is a matter of being impartial to evaluate the contents of the information. PS.... You think I would be gone that quick for a small little thing like this, after all this talk about the Cultivation of the Mind. If I don't get suspended or banned by the administration, I might be here until the time has come for me. Peace....!!! _/\_
  21. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Here we go again with the teacher stuff. Never mind. I'll stop right here. There is a big difference in thinking between the eastern and western here. I will ban myself from this site.
  22. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    If one knows the basis of Tai Ji, this is self explanatory. I had many posts about this already. Do I need to explain this every time when the subject comes up. Please don't start this again....!!!
  23. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    At 1:40 ε‹•δ½œι…εˆζ„θ­˜: The movements coordinates with the intent of the mind(yi) ζ„θ­˜εΌ•ε°Žε‹•δ½œ: The Yi guides the movements ε‹•δ½œι…εˆε‘ΌεΈ: The movements coordinate with the breathing ε‹•δ½œ 要 ι€£ 貫: All the movements should be continuous with one smooth flow.
  24. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Thank you. The grammatical errors and the time involvement had been corrected. The yi is the intent of the mind which directs the movements. I don't see how the yi need to be developed. The only thing I see is the coordination of the yi and the slow movements have to be developed.
  25. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    The combination of slow movements and the deep, slow and long breathings to build the jin in the muscles. Thus this will take care of whatever is going on inside the body. You may have a rat running inside you or what have you. Yeah, jing>qi>shen>qi>jing, that will work but there is no need to know how it works. Just follow this basic pattern and your jin(勁) will be built up in no time few years. Of course, the practice must be done diligently: ε‹•δ½œι…εˆζ„θ­˜: The movements coordinates with the intent of the mind(yi) ζ„θ­˜εΌ•ε°Žε‹•δ½œ: The Yi guides the movements ε‹•δ½œι…εˆε‘ΌεΈ: The movements coordinate with the breathing ε‹•δ½œ 要 ι€£ 貫: All the movements should be continuous with one smooth flow.