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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Cultivation of the Mind

    I thought I have already made myself very clear. By the Chinese Taoist definition, Xing(性) is the mind; Ming(命) is the body. Please don't try to look this up in your dictionary is because you will be misled by some mistranslations.
  2. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Yes, the same result...!!! But......... A Taoist would start with the mind. A Confucian would start with the heart.....
  3. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Good suggestion, but the opened mind has to be in peace, in order, for the heart to be relaxed.
  4. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I think that's where the cultivation of the mind comes into play.
  5. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Yes, it is so difficult to do such thing, isn't it......!!!
  6. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Did I see some uncertainties in the statement....???
  7. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    That is what it means exactly in the Confucian philosophy as indicated in red. Well, I think the difference is in our communication. To a Chinese, one has a "tolerant heart" and to an English speaker, one has a "generous heart". However, we are talking about the same thing but the cultural linguistic expressions are different because of the choice of words. Finally, I think you do understand what I meant; and I see where you are coming from.
  8. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Did you know one can only get the truth from an awkward position by the reaction of those who are agitated.....???
  9. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Steve.... Thank you for all your effort. However, I still don't see all the quotes that you have cited about Nei Gong were explicitly stated as NotVoid had.
  10. Gladly.... Yes, traditionally, it is true that the Chinese was referring the heart as the mind. It was because, once, the Chinese thought that heart is the center of the body which controls all the functions of the body as well. They didn't realize that there is a brain ever existed at the time. Therefore, they had given all the credits to the heart. When you say "it is the cultivation of the mind" here are your referring to both, or just one? It is exactly meant what it says. It is the cultivation of the mind, not the heart. Cultivation of the mind is part of the Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming(DCXM) in the Taoist practice. Perhaps you might want to read the translation of the DCXM and come back with more of your questions if any. Read about DCXM.....
  11. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    "In tai chi chuan the forms must be practiced slowly and relaxed, as the form practice is actually the primary method of nei gong practice and development in tai chi chuan." Has somebody else mentioned this way.....???
  12. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Finally, a true master has emerged with a full understanding of Tai Ji(太極) and Nei Gong(內功). So far, you are the first person, in the site, who have mentioned that Tai Ji is actually the primary method of nei gong practice and development in tai chi chuan. For those who think that I am full of craps, then, please don't listen to me but NotVoid. Indeed, he speaks my language.
  13. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    After all the discussions, debates and arguments, my conclusion is that the result of the practice depends on the understanding of each individual. One will only practice the way which one knows how. If the practitioner missed one thing in the concept, most lightly, the expected result will be altered from what the original system offers. One who misses the whole conception of a system will never reach the expected result of that system. Perhaps, that is why somebody may practice after practice without getting any result. Any thoughts on that....???
  14. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Yes, it is also known as 國際太極(International Tai Ji).
  15. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    You welcome and welcome to TTB. We are glad to share and pursuit the knowledge that you are interested in.
  16. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    Compound character meaning....寬宏: widely encompass; 大量: great amount 寬宏大量: encompass with great tolerance If you are insisting to use the word "generous", then, you are generous in your tolerance to forgive someone.
  17. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    In the 24 Yang Style, the two kicks are done with the right leg first, then turn to the left and kick with the left leg. TWO
  18. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Friend.... You sure know the subtlety about breathing. I couldn't agree more. May I say that there are two kicks in the 24 Yang Style....
  19. Yes, I would say it extends out to all areas because it is a scholarly philosophy originated from Confucius. It is the cultivation of the mind and, regardless, who the individual was.
  20. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Yes, I agree. If the breathing is less important than a lot more thing, then the other things are not more important than abdominal breathing. What I am really saying, here, is that breathing and movement are equally important. Tai ji will not be effective if one is not coordinated with the another.
  21. Yes, it is found in MMA. For example, if you knew that you can out power the opponent and don't want to hurt him, then you just want to give the opponent a clue that you are stronger than him. Let him feel your strength to an extent but not hurting him; so, he'll know not to mess with you. This is what is called humbleness in MMA.
  22. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Yes, coordinating breathing with movement is the basic level but it's not an easy thing for students with a breathing problem. Unfortunately, some student always have problem not knowing when to inhale or exhale first with the initial move. At higher level, the goal in coordinating breathing with movement is to sink chi deep into the LDT. Somehow, many people need lots of practice to get there....!!!
  23. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Steve, thanks, what you are saying is all true at the beginning level. However, I am talking in advance level where the coordination in breathing and movement and vice versa is very significant. I think we can leave Wu Wei out of this one. If you want to follow the principle of Wu Wei, then you probably don't want to practice any martial arts at all. It is because you have already interfered the development of your body. The goal for practicing Tai Ji is to change the breathing habit like "chi sink to the dan tian". Hereafter, one will breathe this way, constantly, as a normal habit. Therefore, it is not by forcing oneself to breathe in any other way but natural as it is now.
  24. No, it is up to you to believe it or not. Do you have such power in you to convince yourself to believe it. Most people do not believe what they see is because they have never experienced such power in the body.
  25. Voice loss - can it be spiritually caused?

    This seems to be the symptoms from excessive masturbation. Do you masturbate a lot, may I ask ....???