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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    HE..... 寬(容): tolerance; tolerable Tolerance is able to forgive. Generosity is able to give Why did you choose "Generosity" for 寬.....???
  2. Seeking some translations

    除(remove) 扣(hook) 上(upper) 卷(roll) 吞(inhale) 去(go) 緊(tight) 動(motion) 吐(exhale) 中(center) 開(open) 源(source) 出(exit) 浮(flow) 本(original) 根(root) 下(bottom) 推(push) 沉(sink)
  3. "Entrance" Noooooo!

    Perhaps that might keep some of us around. What can we do to retain some old timers.....???
  4. "Entrance" Noooooo!

    How about " New Comer"....???
  5. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Come on you guys, please don't take it literally. The breathing part was meant to be the part on the abdominal breathing. As a Taiji practitioner, one should know better. It was granted and understood.
  6. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I was hoping for that to come out..... It is not just for me but for all Taiji practitioners. Slow motion coordinates with slow and deep abdominal breathing is the golden key to attain the realm of Taiji Quan. Slow motion without the breathing part will not improve the health of the body; furthermore, it will not develop the Jin(勁) in the muscles.
  7. Seeking some translations

    Ron..... What you have here is something written by some ancient Chinese Taoists which are so esoteric. It is meaningless to others. It doesn't make any sense even to the modern natives. It would be worse if it was translated into another language. Sorry...!!!
  8. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I am sorry that the Taiji subforum has been removed. It would be very advantageous to have a standalone subforum for Taiji. Oh, well....!!! It's sad that we cannot keep the serial questions in one place for consistency......
  9. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Thanks...!!! I don't know about that but I’ll take it as a humorous story...... The original philosophy of Taiji is on the emphasis of slowness to begin with. Otherwise, it would be just called Kung Fu(功夫) like the rest.
  10. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Ok. What you have here is the TCM description of internal alchemy(內丹). However, the Tai Ji people are not too concern about that.
  11. How did the practice of Tai Ji effected you physically or mentally or both...???
  12. This thread is not about the Title but about the Tao Te Ching itself. It's not about character and virtue are human descriptions of behavior. This is not what TTC is about. It is about following the principles of Nature which is Tao's way. Those who follow and cultivate Tao's principles are considered to have the virtue(Te) of Tao.
  13. DMP... I am sorry to hear about your physical condition but I am glad that QiGong keeps you hale and hearty. I see you have a very respectable avatar. I always want to have a chance to hear a good definition of QiGong from a member of a respectable organization. May I have the honor to hear the description of the kind of QiGong which kept you in good health. Thank you in advance...
  14. Energy work and scar healing?

    You are right. "Energy work" is meaningless. However, most people are stuck with it is because it was all documented. The first thing that comes into their minds about Chi Kung is "Energy work". It is very hard to change their minds about that. Besides, "Work" is not the correct translation for 功(Kung) anyway.
  15. Ya Mu..... Nice to hear that. I had been practicing Tai Ji and Chi Kung. I had wore a pair of eyeglasses for ten years. One day, I have my eyes exam and they were improved. In the past, I was online most of the time, without wearing eyeglasses. I thought my eyes would be getting worse but not. Instead they were improved. After that, I was continue staying online without eyeglasses again. Since the last change in eyeglasses after ten years, I had two pairs changed after that within 5 to 6 years. My eyesight were improved both times. I was told that people's eyesight do improve as they get older. So, I don't know is the improvement was from the practice or due to old age.
  16. This is how I feel if anyone,

    I was told the Navajo was from Tibet. One time I went to Arizona and bought some Indian books. I saw the pictures of the Indian women do look like Chinese.
  17. That's what it said in the west. I guess. Have you, or any one else, known anyone has improved the eyesight with proof from the practice ....??? PS.... Chi Kung may improve the health of the body holistically, but particularly to the eyesight as far a I know. So far I haven't heard any thing of the sort from the Chinese Chi Kung masters. @Ya Mu...Nobody knows how much I know...... No offense....!!!
  18. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    FYI.... Every move in Tai Ji Quan is a martial art move. Well, at least, the Yang style. Most of the Tai Ji teachers do not encourage their students to learn Tai Ji for fighting. Unless, it was necessary. It is called 武德, the virtue of martial arts. Tai Ji is an art good for self defense. It was not designed to lunge an attack at anyone. As long the opponent is not in contact with the Tai Ji practitioner, then, there will be no harm done. However, as soon a contact was made, the practitioner will get the opponent off balance and fall on the ground. Sometimes, it was not just the off balance that hurts but the tremendous body strength called 勁(jin) which was developed from the practice of Tai Ji. The jin can go right through your body to damage any organ inside you. One can be dead in no time and didn't know what killed him.
  19. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    This idea is from the Art of War.
  20. weight lifting

  21. weight lifting

    There might be some truth to that effect. It is my understanding that most heavy weight lifters are sterile.
  22. Can meditation reduce the effects of ageing? (study)

    The study were only concerned with the stress on the body cells but neglected how to release the stress. There is still one ingredient missing in their understanding about meditation which can enhance the function of the cells to prevent aging. I had said what it is many times already. I hope someone will remember what it was. I am really tired of repeating myself or being insulted by some non believers.
  23. Yes, It is the highest form of Neigong. I forgot to mention it.
  24. For those who wants to know what Iron Shirt is all about. Iron Shirt means that you are wearing a shirt which repels anybody get near you. As soon one touches you, one flies away from you. Btw Iron Shirt is a very powerful form of Neigond(內功). In Tai Ji Quan, Fajin is the internal strength, thus it is a form of Neigong. In general, anything has something to do internally is considered Neigong.
  25. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    Show your opponent that you can do this.....