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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. For those who wants to know what Iron Shirt is all about. Iron Shirt means that you are wearing a shirt which repels anybody get near you. As soon one touches you, one flies away from you. Btw Iron Shirt is a very powerful form of Neigond(內功). In Tai Ji Quan, Fajin is the internal strength, thus it is a form of Neigong. In general, anything has something to do internally is considered Neigong.
  2. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    Show your opponent that you can do this.....
  3. FYI..... 1. -bad eyesight....No 2. -tinnitus.....Unkonwn 3. -mental difficulties due to bad medication (e.g the person is unable to take care of himself, he used to be able to do that) If the nerve cells are damaged, then it is no. 4. -ebola infection....It maybe too late to boost up your immune system to fight the infection. 5. -aids....Likewise, it is too late to reverse your immune system. I hope, one day, someone will practice Chi Kung to get rid of the virus to prove me wrong.
  4. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    陽貨(Yang Huo): 子張問仁於孔子。孔子曰:「能行五者於天下,為仁矣。」請問之。曰:「恭、寬、信、敏、惠。恭則不侮,寬則得眾,信則人任焉,敏則有功,惠則足以使人。」 Zi Zhang asked Confucius about benevolence. Confucius said, "To be able to practice five things in the world(under heaven), it has to be benevolence." It was politely asked and was told, "courtesy, tolerance, trustworthy, agile, and kindness. Showing courtesy will never regret, tolerance will win the respect of others, trustworthy will gain the trust of others, agile will be successful, showing kindness will enable you to employ the services of others(with loyalty)."
  5. Wearing Hats and Qigong

    See the different styles of Taoist hats.....
  6. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    There are eight effective ways to fajin. See for yourself are they effected by the gloves or not.
  7. Energy work and scar healing?

    Chi Kung or energy work will only speed up the process of healing. However, there is no guarantee it will leave no scar. What Chi Kung does is to increase the rate of metabolism. Just be sure your Chi Kung practice has something to do with deep, slow and long breathing. Otherwise, it has no speedy effect in your healing.
  8. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    Please make the following corrections. Lǐ 礼 = Ritual Etiquette(禮儀, 禮節) Xìn 信 = Sincerity Trustworthy
  9. Wearing Hats and Qigong

    No, it is not more than symbolic. Well, you might say it keeps the body heat from radiation.
  10. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    What is quality meditation and what is the significance of it....??? What would a master of meditation teach someone.....??? Sorry, I have to ask these questions is because there are too many individual definitions and I have to know what each individual was talking about.
  11. Neigong Forum is back online!

    "Neigong is any practice that involves the evolution of the spirit through the cultivation of internal power and the fusion of Yin and Yang Qi." How did you derive this definition for Neigong(內功).....???
  12. Sitting meditation: for how long do you sit?

    Vitalii.... What is your understanding or definition of "sitting meditation (Dazuo/jinzuo)"....? Can you give a simple description....?
  13. The Sage not acting for reward

    MH was trying to say that he is not religious......
  14. I would say healing is like a cut on your finger has been closed. Thus that wouldn't be considered an improvement nor temporary. It was a complete healing. Where did you hear about the "stillness medical system" ....??? Is it the same as Chi Kung...???
  15. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    Yes, just be sure to tell the doctor that you masturbate often. Otherwise, the doctor might assume there was a kidney infection and prescribe an unrelated drug.
  16. Wu Wei meaning non-selfish action

    What do you think if the lines were rephrase like this: The man of superior character with Wu Wei has no motive; The man of inferior character acts with an ulterior motive. In the TTC, 無為(Wu Wei) is always in a form compound characters. They shouldn't be breaking up to translate separately; it will change Laozi's whole philosophy of Wu Wei completely.
  17. Sitting meditation: for how long do you sit?

    I would rephrase this line. 但有絲毫動靜思念,即不名靜坐。 If there is a slightest(絲毫) activity(動靜) in the thoughts, then it wouldn't be called still sitting(Jinzou).
  18. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    Yes, there were no rules but good intentions. Indeed, each philosophy was initiated with a good intention. These intentions eventually will meet at one point to share and emerge their commonalities.
  19. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    The 5 so called "Cardinal Virtues" are, actually, the Confucian philosophy rather than the philosophy in the Tao Te Ching. The distinctive difference is morality(Confucian) and virtue(Taoism). The Chinese term 道德(Tao Te) is the same for both philosophies. One who study Taoism must know the distinctive difference in meaning between the two, before mix them up, to avoid confusion.
  20. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    It depends on how often each individual does the practice. If one practice few times daily, one should feel the different in strength in few months. The more one practice, the sooner one will attain to that state. After three years, the jin(勁) developed in the muscles should be very noticeable. The jin should be built up more and more from year after year with diligent practice.
  21. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    Please take my words for it. The problem is from your masturbation and I repeat. Breathing in your Chi Kung practice cannot cause any pain as such. I had went through what you have gone through. It won't cause you addition pain. I just had performed the procedure, recently, and many times before, the pain went away immediately. PS..... Just for your confidence, there was one member PM'ed me with same problem. He was all right by taken my advice with positive feedback.
  22. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    Please perform the finger depression procedure as suggested in Post #3. Your pain in the LDT should go away almost immediately. Please give us some feedback on this. Thanks!
  23. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    All the problems described above were from your excessive masturbation. Chi Kung should do you a lot of good rather than bad. Thus, please don't blame that on your Chi Kung pracice.
  24. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    "Breathing into an area below my navel" is the goal that one would like to attain for Chi Kung practice. It is also known as "氣沈丹田(Chi sunken to the LDT)" The Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB). Keep that up, you'll be home free.
  25. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    Have you looked at our(TTB) Tao Te Ching section below for Chapters 38 and 81....???