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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The Sage not acting for reward

    Well, IMO, attempting to change someone that is a "causes change". Yes, that person B would have to realise his own ego before wanting to make a change to himself. If person is a sage, then he should know better. I don't know if person A has been hurt, even though, he was sad and frustrated. I don't think he was hurt that serious. "Is Lao Tzu suggesting that, even if not in this lifetime, all will eventually be at one with the Tao, so there is no need to change people?" In the TTC, Lao Tzu was suggesting that the rulers should make changes to care for the people equally and with respect. Actually, Lao Tzu was trying to change the people to follow the principles of Tao. Eventually, he was hoping the people are changing to the good. In your scenario, A can make suggestions for B to change. If it didn't work out, then A can just continue with the daily routine to avoid conflict altogether or just walk away which is his choice.
  2. The Sage not acting for reward

    1. Harm is something that is adversely effected to outcome intentionally. 2. Yes, attempting to change someone is not Wu Wei to a Taoist. 3. It is not a bad thing as long as the adverse feeling was not intentional but only if it was a natural cause during the course of a harmonious relationship. 4. Teaching is one thing but absorbing depends on the willingness of the receiver to make the change.
  3. The Sage not acting for reward

    If he walked away and did no harm to others, then he did not violate any principles as a sage.
  4. A lot of questions

    I see that you are picking up lots of erroneous terms from here and there. There are no such terms such as "post earth", "post heaven", yin post earth or yang post earth. btw "Post heaven" was mistranslated from 先天(xian tian). The correct translation is prenatal postnatal. 先天(xian tian): prenatal 後天(hou tian): postnatal Edited the last word. Sorry, my bad.
  5. Nei Gong Forum?

    .....with more spams if it was putted in the wrong hands.....???
  6. The Sage not acting for reward

    If A is a sage.... Then, why would he....??? It contradicts the title of the OP. Isn't it....??? Now, A being a sage, well, if he IS a sage, he should be calm, breathe and just let them carry on in this same way for the rest of their lives; or A may leave the scene completely.
  7. Dantein

    Hi, Daeluin.... What you have given here was a metaphor by saying: If one wants to accomplish a goal, then one must begin with the correct procedures to set everything right. Please remember, at the ancient time, the people did not have the scientific mind like us. Thus they had to use some imaginations for explaining the unfathomable mysteries; and came up with their own fictional ideas.
  8. Dantein

    That is the exactly description originated the notion about Neidan(內丹, internal alchemy) from the ancient Chinese Taoists. The "cauldron and allowing the furnace to work its magic" is the external alchemy(外丹, Waidan) in making pills for longevity. The ancient Chinese Taoists took the Waidan(外丹) idea and applied internally to the LDT and came up with the idea about Neidan(內丹).
  9. Thanks for your honest opinion. Well, I wouldn't say it is useless in that sense. The reason that I have asked the question was because I have been practice the Yang style Taiji. This particular style is having the legs bend or stand on one leg, most of the time, while holding the body weight and moving slowly. IMO That is almost equivalent to Zhan Zhuang or have the same effect anyway. However, sometimes, when I don't feel like doing Taiji, I do Zhan Zhang instead for the compromise.
  10. Meditation

    Since when do we have to wait for all members to be online to post....???
  11. Meditation

  12. Looking for a teacher

    You don't need a teacher, from any place, to tell you that your dan tian is torn or damaged. I can tell you it is not if you cant tell me what is happening with your dan tian....???
  13. Meditation

    Don't forget to breath deep, slow and long(the ultimate method of breathing(UMB)).
  14. Bruce Lee Speed

    FYI Bruce Lee had been practiced Wingchun. It is a special trick to Fajin at a short distance without having the opponent being aware of it.
  15. The funny part is that the guy with a cigarette in his mouth......
  16. About strength training in Traditional Wushu

    FYI In general, fast frame or fast Taiji is the next level of the slow taiji(the fundamental level) to issue higher body strength like Fajin(發勁). Hence, one must practice the slow Taiji for sometime to develop the jin in the muscles, in order, to practice fast Taiji.
  17. Please help me understand this!

    That is exactly what the guru wants you to do........ PS.... You'd just failed the guru's visiting test because you were not trying hard enough.
  18. Please help me understand this!

    You were only speaking from your own point of view. Why don't you try to wear the shoes of the guru.....!!! Did you neglect the philosophy that was suggested in manitou's post #23....???
  19. Please help me understand this!

    Sorry, that was obvious not enough to a guru.
  20. Please help me understand this!

    However, he is not obligated to feed them. The thing that is how can you convince him that you are spiritually hungry....!!!
  21. Please help me understand this!

    Question: Why would one expect a guru should see all his unwelcome visitors.....??? Don't you think that a guru should have some personal privacy....???
  22. About strength training in Traditional Wushu

    I agree with all what is in red. The practice of nei gong(internal) is before wai gong(external). Tai ji quan meets this requirement.
  23. Mastering the emotions

    Wu Wei (無為) by itself is not emotionless. It is the result of its application was. For example, a cultivated person or Taoist may tolerate a great deal of insults by doing nothing to cause any mental distress. The words can be ignored as soon trouble was sensed by the receiving party with no counteraction. Even though there may be a little emotion initially, however, by taken no action to cause harm at the end seems emotionless. I guess that is what "mastering the emotions" is all about in the OP.....!!!
  24. Can't be confident about answer I get . . .

    Well, loosing a piece of skin should have no physiological effect on one's body. Circumcision has nothing to do with Chi Kung. One can live a normal sex life as the same without circumcision.
  25. How does "energy" fit into your practice

    .......Nor it can be stored anywhere.