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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. celestial.... Video-1. Thank you for this presentation. I will borrow the video to help me to start this new thread. I hear what they are saying almost in all of my life. Somehow, I cant take it for granted. I do not like to think that something is what it is because somebody said so. Thus just for my curiosity and satisfaction, I would like to look deeper than what they are telling me. I figured with all the modern science and technologies, I ought to be able to come up with some kind of satisfying explanations about the ancient arts in Chi Kung, Tai Ji, Nei Gong and etc. May I give this an evaluation with the best of my knowledge. I will explain what is going in the body of both practitioners with modern scientific principles. I will apply the law of physics and physiology of the human body to back up my reasoning.
  2. Dantein

    Let Nature take its course. I rest my case.
  3. Here is the modern concept explaining the ancient concept of the ultimate method of breathing. It is known as Chi Kung. 氣功
  4. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    You've just defeated the purpose of this thread........
  5. Mind, Body, and Spirit.... Spirit is part of the mind but the most important ingredient in Qigong is the UMB. However, most people do not realize that. Note: UMB is the Ultimate Method of Breathing.
  6. I am very confused about the statement. Qigong is a method which stands on its own. I have no idea that it was a corrupted method which derived from alchemical methods. Btw, the alchemical method is a form of Qigong as far as I know.
  7. I cannot agree with that but let it speak for itself.
  8. I don't know what spiral fajin(發勁) is neither. That was not my original OP. The master was being performing fajin to his student but not spiraling. It is just plain fajin.
  9. Did you know that jin(勁) is the physical force which was generated from ATP....???
  10. Dantein

    Knowing these original terms, not from a second hand source, probably would have a good idea of what dan tian(丹田) is. 1. 氣沈丹田 2. 氣聚丹田 3. 丹田呼吸 4. 腹式呼吸
  11. Dantein

    Pretty good generalization.... Who did you hear it from that was true....??? Can he track you down as someone who actually knows what you are talking about....???
  12. Dantein

    Sigh...!!! One need to get the fact straight. It has to be one or the other. There is nothing in between. There is no argument about it.
  13. hmmm..... meditation overload....??? Does that mean something non-physically overflow....???
  14. Repairing damage to energy field

    hmmmm..... I believe an energy field is either stands or collapsed but damaged......!?
  15. breathing

    You can do RAB any time if you are capable. You can do it either sitting or walking. I would prefer doing it while walking. You breathe deep with the same amount of inhale and exhale. When you breathe, do it deep, slow and long for both inhalation and exhalation. An experienced martial artist always try to do RAB during combat for self protection and issue maximum body strength.
  16. Meditation and Standing Meditation

    1. It should be like that your mind is empty which is thinking of nothing but breathing. 2. You should breathe with your abdomen but not just visualize. 3. Yes. 4. You are doing the same as you were sitting. The only way to build up your chi is by abdominal breathing. You do the UMB to sink chi to the lower dan tian. Ref: UMB
  17. Taoism is to maintain oneself in a Wu Wei state which means in a state of serenity. No emotion shown doesn't mean that you are not happy nor sad but calm.
  18. yin/yang theory applied to motion

    You need to understand the attributes of Yin/Yang. Let me give you two examples. Cold/Hot, Weak/Strong. Your body temperature should be warm. If you are COLD, then, you are too YIN. If you are HOT, then you are too YANG. If your body is restless, then you are too YANG. If your body is very weak, then, you are too YIN. In regarding to the motions for the OP.... In the Yang(楊) style Tai Ji Quan, if the arms or legs were extended all the way, then, it would be considered too Yang(陽). If they were bent too much, then, it would be considered too Yin(陰). If the body weight was placed on the right leg, then, it is Yang. The left leg would be Yin.
  19. enlightenment

    The Zen monk told his master that he would burn the statue of Buddha to keep warm. All others might think that would be disrespect to Buddha. However, the Zen monk didn't think so. It is because that the statue of Buddha is only a wooden idol but not Buddha himself. Spiritually, he knew Buddha is within his heart. Hence, his thoughts are beyond normal and spiritual; and that is enlightenment.
  20. Dantein

    Please don't listen to those fallacious stories. They are not worth to waste your time for your worries. Dan Tian is only an imaginary location on your body. For example, the lower dan tian is your abdomen. No matter what, your abdomen will not be torn if you ejaculate.
  21. yin/yang theory applied to motion

    Yes, that is what the movements of Tai Ji Quan are all about.
  22. enlightenment

    Yes, that was the story; but what is the philosophy behind it.....???
  23. enlightenment

    I would say that is only falls into the concept of emptiness rather than enlightenment. Enlightenment is beyond normal and spiritual. In the philosophy of Chinese Buddhism, enlightenment is attained only by religious cultivation through 禪定(Zen and stillness). Of course, the western philosophy about enlightenment is different.
  24. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    There is no easy way.....!!!