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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. enlightenment

    Yes, that was the story; but what is the philosophy behind it.....???
  2. enlightenment

    I would say that is only falls into the concept of emptiness rather than enlightenment. Enlightenment is beyond normal and spiritual. In the philosophy of Chinese Buddhism, enlightenment is attained only by religious cultivation through 禪定(Zen and stillness). Of course, the western philosophy about enlightenment is different.
  3. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    There is no easy way.....!!!
  4. communicating through emptiness

    If one thinks eating ice cream in emptiness, then, one was not in emptiness at all....!!!
  5. Integrated oneself with Nature as one, does it matter it is outside or inside....???
  6. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    1 gross = a dozen dozen.....!!!
  7. energy anatomy and postural effect

    The eight Tai Ji postures for exertion of maximum energy(勁,jin)
  8. lifting weight has affected sex life.
  9. Please note that weight lifting does not build up testosterone but takes your libido away.
  10. It does more than you think physiologically. You just need to read about cell respiration; and learn some scientific facts about how the muscles work with the oxygen and the nutrients to give one the internal energy. I do ZZ and Tai Ji daily which give me lots of energy like the thing mentioned in the thread. Btw you don't need to know it and you'll still get the benefits if you just do it; but it's better if you understand what is going on inside your body to appreciate it. It works for me and I understand how my body functions internally. Indeed, my libido is very high. One of my friends had advised me to stop my practice to avoid such high sexual desire.
  11. long term kundalini side effects

    If you are having a breathing problem, then, you will have all kinds of chronic problems.
  12. YMAA Nei Gong video

    練拳不練功 到老一場空 Practice the art without getting its effect; You will be realized that you were wasting your life when you get older.
  13. Please delete

  14. Strength

  15. I feel stupid and slow

    It is because your breath has not sunken to the lower dan tian(LDT) yet. In other words, you have not corrected the breathing problem yet. You need more practice on your Tai Ji until your chi(breath) can reach deep down to the LDT. Then, your problem will go away. Please remember you do have some personal physical problems from the bad habit in the past . In the mean time, practice your Tai Ji, diligently. Eventually, your problem will go away as soon you are breathing properly. Breathing properly means you have met the requirement of the UMB(Ultimate Method of Breathing).
  16. 1. Yes. There is a distinction. 2. Yes, in accord with the Yi Jing(易經). 3. 1 and 2 will answer no to that. 4. The original concept of yin-yang was from the Yi Jing.
  17. Importance of TCM's knowledge in our practice

    It is because that the practitioners of Qigong do not require TCM to sustain their health. However, those who study TCM is to help others with illnesses.
  18. Tai Chi more effective than walking

    Learning Tai Ji styles or instructions are secondary. How long has one practiced is primary. There is no comparison between Tai Ji and walking if someone really understand Tai Ji.
  19. SHaking

    Shaking is good for the circulation of the lymphocytes in the immune system.
  20. Buddhist monks expanding their practice a little ;)

    That was no expansion. They were only using the Gong Fu ability to perform some modern street acts to entertain the westerners.
  21. Spinning back kick of DOOM!

    Yes, I do feel sorry for the guy!
  22. Spinning back kick of DOOM!

    I don't know is he an expert in martial art or not? An experienced martial art fighter knows that he must have the "chi sink to the lower dan tian." He, also, knows to attack the LDT of the opponent first. Regardless how one looks at it, indeed, it was a fatal setup. FYI As soon one looses the grip holding the chi on the LDT, one is the weakest at that point in time.
  23. Spinning back kick of DOOM!

    I have watched again. It was not just one kick. The first kick with the right leg on the lower dan tian to release the breath of his opponent which cutting off the oxygen supply to the brain. Then, the second kick with the left leg right on the head is very fatal.
  24. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Looks like someone had beaten me to a Nobel Prize..... This has many good scientific facts. Chi Kung practitioners must read: Oxygen Crisis