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Everything posted by ChiDragon


    1. Please clarify. 2. You should always exercise your breathing with the belly expanded and contracted while inhale and exhale, respectively; and do the opposite for the reverse breathing. You can't focus on the energy is because the energy was generated, only, if you breathe properly. Don't worry about all the other fallacies which mentioned in the book. If you breathe properly, then your body will take care itself and do its thing.
  2. I don't think they are just beliefs but scientific studies with more reasonable concepts.
  3. Falun Gong/ Falun dafa

    Hello ShivaShakti...... As I said before, Chi Kung is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB). As everyone knows, Chi Kung cures many chronic diseases. Anyway, anyone may assign a name to it and build a story with some kind of philosophy behind it; and call it his/her invention. In this case, someone had called the UMB as Falun Gong or Falun Dafa which attracted many practitioners. Somehow, the group get too gigantic and shook up the government. What happened was a few practitioners were looking for a good place to practice Falun Gong in Beijing. They had found a big park, 北海公園(Northern Ocean Park). Immediately, they had made a few phone calls and 20,000 members showed up in two hours and occupied the park. The action in the assembling a big crown in such a short time was causing a big concern by the government. Indeed, the government does not want this to happen in any part of the country by declaring that the practice of the Falun Gong is an illegitimate practice. The group are believed in a philosophy which called 真,善,忍 (True, Kind and Endurance), the Ultimate Cosmic Principle and related to Buddhism. However, they were never considered as a cult. In general, they was referred as the practitioners of the Falun Gong with the practice of Falun Dafa. During the dispersion of the crowd by the police, the organizers of the assembly were arrested. Then, the members up rise and protested to release those who were arrested. Unfortunately, there were more arrests were made; and more protesters up rise. That was how the group got in conflict with the government.
  4. Falun Gong/ Falun dafa

    What is happening to them was not their fault. It is due to the size of the cult. The cult has a tremendous assembly power and financial status. The CCP is afraid that this big cult might overthrown the government. Therefore, the cult was classified as an illegitimate cult. It was a local group of officials were selling the organs of those practitioners who had been arrested. btw Falun gong(法輪功) may be considered as the efficacy of the Falun Dafa(法輪大法). Falun Dafa is not a cult itself but only a method of Qi Gong. Falun Gong is a synonym for Falun Dafa; and both names are interchangeable.
  5. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    For those who wants to know what Chi Kung is all about, at least, should read this article to appreciate the benefits of the UMB. If you don't believe it, then, just keep it in mind for future reference. The vital requirement for the human body
  6. Taoist Communities

    Don't be so complicated. Just practice Chi Kung with the UMB which will enhance all the internal functions and the physical cleansing process of the body. It is the most natural and economical way. Note: UMB: the Ultimate Method of Breathing.
  7. Let's make the story short. To the best of my knowledge, here are the meanings of the compound characters as follows: 明指: Clearly indicated; explicitly described 明旨: Clear meaning; explicit meaning. It seems to me they are used interchangeably by both Chinese and Japanese. Chinese sites: Japanese sites:
  8. FYI.... 性命法诀明指 is the Chinese version. 性命法诀明旨 is the Japanese version. Both characters are almost interchangeable but with a slight twist in meaning. The Japanese adopted the Chinese characters, most of the time, they are identical in meaning. Sometimes, they have used the characters differently in their meanings.
  9. Do you know the difference in meaning between the two characters....???
  10. kudos100..... Do you do the M-thing alot like all other males do.....???
  11. hello everyone. looking for help...

    Elle..... Do you do the M-thing alot as all other males do.....???
  12. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    I believe we're busy "breathing" after birth with the belly. The nutrition and oxygen were supplied from the mother through the umbilical cord.
  13. Chi Gong + Weight Training

    Here is my additional story.... Chi Kung or Tai Ji is to work the muscle tone from the inside out; and weight lifting is outside in. I practiced Tai Ji(internal) for many years to build up my Jin(勁). My brother in-in-law did weight lifting(external). Then we'd decided to have a match in arm wresting. During the match, I was regulating my breath and Jin with calmness while he was trying very hard in exerting his arm strength and was exhausted. Later, he told me his arm was sore for two weeks.
  14. This gives me the idea to free the bird by removing the jesses.
  15. Chi Gong + Weight Training

    Well, Chi Kung is internal and weight lifting is external. It is better for you to practice the internal before the external separately. Btw, lactic acid build up is when you have consumed all the oxygen in your body. In your case, the build up was from weight lifting. In order to resume your lactate level back to normal, you must rest and your breathing has to return to normal. As a rule of thumb, Chi Kung generates more energy than it was consumed by your body; and weight lifting consumes more energy than it was generated. That is why you have the lactic acid build up. If you have anymore questions, please don't hesitate to ask them. Thanks.
  16. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    There is no chance of hyperventilation doing normal breathing. Especially, when energy was being consumed in swimming. Hyperventilation may occur, only, when it was mechanically forced into the lungs like the patients in the hospital.
  17. I guess you didn't watch the documentary. The straps were placed on the eagle's legs to train it to stay with its master. The eagle was trained to hunt other birds. Therefore, it has no problem if it was released back to the wild. FYI As soon those straps were removed, the eagle will not return to the master's hand but go back to the wild and live its normal way of life.
  18. No, that is not humane. What you do is untie the straps on its legs.
  19. zhan zhuang with no real teacher

    Use your judgement to sort out the facts from your own experience.
  20. Me too. It was interesting to know how does the eagle know when it was released and free to go....???
  21. zhan zhuang on the 6th floor

    Yes, as long as you are barefoot or wear a flat sole, you will have the same benefits either on the first or 100th floor.
  22. Relying On No-one But Yourself

    Don't take them out of water...!!! Ofc...unless you want to cook them...
  23. Relying On No-one But Yourself is not ABC you know....!!!
  24. Relying On No-one But Yourself

    First of all, one must be enlightened with the word "Enlightenment". At the end, self-enlightenment is on one's own. Otherwise, it is not self Enlightenment.
  25. TaiJi Treatise 1881 new Brennan Translation here....

    It means it stay put in one place. So, everyone will be able to see it at anytime. It wasn't a bad idea anyway. I wish the UMB thread is pinned too.