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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Vitalii.... I see some Jin(勁) in you.....
  2. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    This is only your understanding based on your present knowledge. UMB is the one most basic guideline for Chi Kung. Anything other than that is just a diversion of it. Sorry, this does not fit into the definition of UMB. Why do you think we need to practice Chi Kung; and natural breathing does not....???
  3. walking chi kung

    Sorry, my action had causing you some mental distress and wasting your time. I am sorry that I still haven't gotten the point across. However, I don't know have you noticed that there are some high power members do share my thoughts the same way. Perhaps you might want to follow their advices. In case you would like to know who they are, you might find their names by the "Like This" button. I believe those high power members had already sorted the facts from the fallacies without coming forward to offend anyone. I am the only one who is sticking my neck out to make a fool of myself. My apologies to all for making my contribution in such a repetitious manner. Best regards.
  4. walking chi kung

    UMB = The Ultimate Method of Breathing
  5. walking chi kung

    Correction: The UMB was discovered more than two thousand years ago by the Chinese Taoists. It has been known as Tu Na(吐吶).
  6. walking chi kung

    hehehehe.... What do you think that you are doing right now......??? It's fine, no problem. I am only suggesting it is only a guideline. It won't hurt if it was not followed.
  7. walking chi kung

    These notions are fallacies. It maybe corrected as follows: 1. The number of inhalation before exhalation makes no difference. It is better to breathe deeply with one smooth inhalation and it goes the same with exhalation. 2. It's ok to follow but not necessary. 3. Same as above in 2. Note: All Chi Kung practitioners should know about the UMB and use as a uniform guide.
  8. walking chi kung

    Breathing is not equal to Chi Kung but the UMB is.
  9. Relying On No-one But Yourself

    How about this, young man...??? Relying On No-one But Yourself means to determine which religion to be followed on your own. It doesn't matter, only, if you are defending the truth. There is always a way out if one handles right.
  10. walking chi kung

    UMB = The Ultimate Method of Breathing. Ultimate means it is not just ordinary breathing.
  11. walking chi kung

    This is just a friendly reminder: Please don't call anything Chi Kung without the essential ingredient which is the UMB.
  12. living with your taijiquan teacher? advice?

    Nowadays, it is impractical to live with a teacher to become perfect. Unless, you stay in a temple with your sifu or something. Nobody is perfect at the beginning but practice, practice and practice to make it perfect. You just need to learn the forms and let your muscles get use to the telemetry of all the movements. The mistakes may be corrected at the end. It has been known to be done this way in many cases.
  13. "Acupuncture uses Qi re-routes, Overcoming and/or bypassing blockages etc" is only an ancient concept with no scientific backup. In modern terms, what acupuncture does is either activate or deactivate some nervous system. In other words, the acupuncture needle was either activate or deactivate the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system.
  14. A testimony from someone who practiced Chi Kung(UMB, the Ultimate Method of Breathing).  小時候我是三天就一病的小孩,幾乎在當時什麼病都生過,體質之虛弱,稍有天候變化就感冒。長期的病弱使我變得很自卑內向、沉默寡言。直到十八歲那年,踏入師範學校,有規律生活後,身體才好轉。 I was sick every three days when I was a kid. I almost went through all kinds of illnesses. I catch a cold now and then when the weather changes due to me weak heath. The long time with the sickness and weakness had led me to have inferiority complex and introvert.  師範學校有一位吳老師,教導我做內丹功,從此我每天早上就到空曠土地上做此運動,配合自己的體操,三十年如一日,從未中斷,其方法: There was a college professor, Mr Wu had taught me the Neidan Gong(內丹功). From then on, everyday in the last three decades, I have been doing the exercise in a vast open field. This is the method: 1﹒雙腳打開與肩同寬,將兩手空中做半拋伸展,由上往下緩緩下降。 2﹒而且緩緩大量吸入空氣,不能中斷,長長地吸,吸得越飽越好,直到飽和為止。 3﹒此飽和之氣,壓入小腹丹田之中,不能漏出,把此氣緊鎖在體內,讓血液帶著氧氣走進身體的每個細胞內。 4﹒小腹內之氧氣禁不起忍耐時,才張口緩緩放出來,放出氣體不能中斷,要放得乾乾淨淨、讓肺部完全沒有氣體為止。 This is the method: 1. Separate the feet and even with the shoulders, extent both hands outward and lower them slowly from top to bottom. 2. Then slowly breathe in a large amount of air with no break in between, long deep inhalation, the more air the better, stop until saturation has been reached. 3. Let the saturated air sink into the dan tian with no leaks and locked inside the body to let the blood carry the oxygen to every cell. 4. When the oxygen inside the abdomen is no long bearable, then open the mouth to let the gas out with no hesitation. Let it all out until you felt like that the lung is all emptied out.  如此深深長長地吸,又緩緩長長地呼,一吐一納就是最深度的呼吸法。剛做全臉會通紅昏昏,多練就不會有此現象了。我每天早上約做一小時,其中間再配上早操,來活絡筋骨,才不致單調。 Such deep and long inhalation and slow and long exhalation, Tu Na is the profound method of breathing. At the beginning, one might have the face turned red; but eventually, the problem will go away after a continuous practice. I have done this for one hour every morning including some other exercise to activate my joints and bones. So, it won't be so monotonous.  三十年來有氧吐納運動後,發現幾項效果: (一)可以用新鮮空氣洗淨器官一地板髒了用水洗淨,內臟污穢了用新鮮空氣來洗滌。每天將新鮮空氣,灌飽到體內,可以活化細胞,增進器官功能。 (二)可以提神清腦一每天做深呼吸,精神很振作,頭腦很清晰,思維靈敏。 (三)可以防止器官老化一充足細胞的氧分,器官自然健康。 (四)可以增進食慾一有恆做運動,食慾會正常,不會有厭食偏食現象。 (五)強化心肺的功能一心肺中時常有新鮮氧氣在更替,心肺的功能就活躍有力了。 (六)比較容易安眠一睡眠對健康影響很大,做吐納後,睡眠會好些。  身體要健康,運動是不可少的,體內容納大量的新鮮氧氣,才是最好方法,也是活化細胞根本做法。 After the thirty years of aerobic Tu Na practice, I have discovered the following effects: 1. Using the fresh air as a cleansing agent to clean the internal organs. It is like cleaning a dirty floor with clean water. Breathing fresh air into the body, daily, will vitalize the body cells and enhance the function of the internal organs. 2. It can inspire to mind to a clear state for clearer thinking. 3. It can prevent the internal organs from deterioration and slow down the aging process. The internal organs will stay healthy if the body cells are provide with ample oxygen. 4. It will provide a good and normal appetite and will not be picky on the foods. 5. It invigorate the lung and the heart and enhance their normal functions. 6. It made one sleep better. For a healthier body, it cannot be the lack of exercises. However, to allow a large capacity of fresh oxygen in the body is the best method. It is also the most fundamental method to vitalize the body cells. Note: Doesn't this sound familiar like Qhan Qhuang(站樁) and Chi Kung(氣功)....??? Ref: Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶)
  15. Sorry, nobody is at home.
  16. walking chi kung

    Yes, I realize that but no one has told me what had they done different in their walking than an ordinary walk. Everybody walks, are you saying everybody is doing Walking Chi Kung....??? If so, then why so many people did not get the benefit out of it. I know it is awesome but what make it so unique to make it so awesome....??? I know I am doing something different when I sit or walk. Anyway, what I would like is to hear a direct answer from somebody.
  17. Wu Wei 'non doing' meditation suggested in TTC? query

    Wu Wei is really not doing anything to disrupt harmony.
  18. Many people are misunderstood the meaning of "Chi stagnation". The TCM interpretation for "Chi stagnation" is that the function of an internal organ is not working normally. However, to correct the abnormality is by performing Chi Kung. If Chi is the bad guy, then why should more Chi be added to the body for more stagnation....??? If we follows the concept of Yin-Yang, then the Yin is the bad guy which is the illness; and Yang is the good guy which is Chi.
  19. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    I don't know what do you mean by "to get dampness out of your body". It is normal when you get hungry after doing some exercises and Tai Ji is no exception.
  20. Tao is not enlightenment. In Chapter One, 道(Tao) has two meanings already, one is Tao itself and the other means "spoken". The are more meanings defined in the later Chapters. The meaning of 道(Tao) in this thread means "path". I am just telling you that there is a mistranslation which causing a misrepresentation. This is general knowledge, "enlightenment(頓悟)" and "Ch'an(禪)" are the esoteric terms for Buddhism. It has nothing to do with Taoism.
  21. Only illness in the body blocks the function of the internal organs; only energy can clear the blockage. "Energy blockage" is only a fallacy in the confused mind by misconception to begin with for a long time. Thus it is time to correct the mind with facts.
  22. Some I Ching resources on-line

    Was the documentary online that anyone can watch it....???
  23. walking chi kung

    Most people wouldn't know what you all are saying here anywhere besides doing something without knowing.
  24. Relying On No-one But Yourself

    There are alot more to that about breath. The farther one neglects it, the less one knows about it. One breath off is a few seconds off for survival.
  25. Videos you like.

    Jin may be issued from the any part of the body rather than from the root. The root is the foundation of the stance for the body to stay put on the ground to maintain balance. If you have noticed the movement of her foot in the video. At the beginning of the video, her foot turns 45 degrees outward before she moves forward to keep her balance with one leg. Indeed, that is where the root is.