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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Videos you like.

    Fast Tai Ji(快太極) is the second level of Tai Ji. The first level is to be familiar with the forms by doing slowly. At the same time, it develops the internal breathing process as it goes along . After all the forms are being familiarized, then the second level is to go faster and the arm movements are at the shorter distance. At this level, the muscles may be not as relaxed as in the first level in order to fajin(發勁).
  2. walking chi kung

    I know about the part on walking but what about the Chi Kung part....??? What did you do for the Chi Kung part....???
  3. This happened to me once when Firefox did an update. During the interim, I had to use another browser. Now the problem has been corrected.
  4. Philosophically, Dao is to be found in all things. However, with the isms, it makes the difference in practice; even though, there are some commonalities existed between the two religions. For a better understanding, it's best to distinguish them apart.
  5. walking chi kung

    I am just not able to find myself to be engaged with the conversation about walking Chi Kung.
  6. Videos you like.

    I think we had went through this once before elsewhere. Let's keep the integrity of the OP by not trying to derail this thread.
  7. Most people are confused with the idea about "enlightenment(頓悟)" and "Ch'an(禪)". These are the esoteric terms for Buddhism. It has nothing to do with Taoism.
  8. Water Tao and Flow

    The quale of water is closest to Tao. Taoist adepts are from the origin. So, they are the source. Thus they are free flow.
  9. Where did the idea of cultivation originate?

    The idea of "cultivation" was from 修道(cultivate the principle of Tao). Thus anything that one practices or try to attain perfection in any form of art or culture was considered to be a cultivation. For example, practice Chi Kung for better health or morality for being a better person was considered to be in the cultivation of the principles of Tao. In other words, it is either for the better physically or mentally will be considered as "cultivation". Note: 修道(xiu tao): cultivate the principle of Tao.
  10. Philosophical Taoism

    So, are there any particular terms that you are interested in......???
  11. Entering the Tao of Sudden Enlightenment free resource. This Tao is not the same Tao as in the TTC. 頓悟入道..... It should be translated as: Entering the Path of Sudden Enlightenment free resource.
  12. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    It is 子時 from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am.
  13. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    @ zanshin and @ Captain Mar-Vell..... May I ask how much do you weight....??? PM me if you prefer...!!! Thanks!
  14. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    上丹田是頭部 Upper Dan Tian is the head section 中丹田是胸部 Middle Dan Tian is the chest section 下丹田是腹部 Lower Dan Tian is the abdominal section
  15. Apparently, he's got problems now. It seems to me that his physical condition is not capable for ZZ at the moment.
  16. Videos you like.

    Any Tai Ji practitioner would like to comment on the last remark....???
  17. You know about the Yi Jing but not your life.....???
  18. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    "Sink Chi to the Dan Tian" means abdominal breathing. I let you go from here.
  19. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    Interesting! How is your blood pressure...???
  20. The Yi Jing Begins with the Eight Symbols of the Ba Gua

    Is there a problem with that....???
  21. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    That is the most fundamental way of breathing to begin with. It is not a fix formula. Normally, a good teacher won't tell you the rest. The rest is up to your own intuition throughout your practice. Your teacher may be expecting some feedback from you to show some progress. If your breathing doesn't have any significant improvement, then you are wasting your effort. I am sorry, one will not make progress without absorbing the meaning of "Sink Chi to the Dan Tian" by now. Btw my resting heart rate is about 60 also. It would be considered normal for a healthy person.
  22. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    Yeah, you got that right. Tu Na is all about AM and FM. If you don't like to call it Tu Na, let's call it the UMB. It's only a name for identification. In this case, it is about the modulations of inhalation and exhalation. AM is the regulation or modulation of the amount of air breathing in and out of the lung. FM is the regulation or modulation of the time duration for inhalation and exhalation.
  23. Mindfulness or Mindlessness?

    It was my response in using somebody else's words. To an ordinary person, mindlessness is "notices nothing". This was due to lack of interest in anything. For a cultivator, mindlessness is "lingers on nothing". This was due to having a great effort to think of nothing. A "Quiet and blank" State This is a state of mind to be attained without any mental effort.
  24. The Yi Jing Begins with the Eight Symbols of the Ba Gua

    The Prisoner..... If you are really trying to go in the application of the Yi Jing, would you please start your new thread. This thread is really a natural path to Yi Jing.
  25. Quality of Conversation on Site

    Thank Tao, it is improving.