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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Nei Gong Forum?

    Well, that was one cultivation you did right by being aware of your environment consciously.
  2. What is Neigong?

    What are you really saying, eventually, everything was done internally. Anything was practiced inside the body, regardless, its purpose is to enhance the well being of the body and its strength as the final result. It is still covered in the general term as neigong(內功). Btw I was only using the muscle scenario as one of the examples. If you want, I can go down to a more finer detail how the muscle works begin with biochemistry of the body cells. We can stay away from all this endless conceptual talks if we can be avoided.
  3. Nei Gong Forum?

    Ofc not. It was from the mistakes or trial and error while doing the actual practice learned by the mind.
  4. Nei Gong Forum?

    IMO The IQ has to do with the personal intuition in the understanding of the effect learned from the diligent practices. It because a teacher can only help one to get started, and the later stage is strictly by self intuition for advancement. If one has to depend on the teacher all the time, then there was no advancement but stagnation.
  5. What is Neigong?

    Hi, NotVoid.... You are correct but how many "internals" are there internal to a body....??? Again, it would be meaningless if the meaning of "internal" was made too broad.
  6. What is Neigong?

    IMO.... Neigoong is a just general term meaning "internal strength method" for all practices. The reason it is so confusing right now, in the west, is because people are trying to lump everything together as in every term they knew. Each term has its own meaning and is different from one another. Hence, that is why they are named different. If people said Chi Kung is Neigong and both are all inclusive, then, there was really nothing has been said and nothing was understood to distinguish the meaning of each term. Here is the worse fallacy about Chi Kung. Some said it may or may not have something to do with breathing and it is very contradictory. It has to be one way or the other but not both. I don't know how the truth got lost in the translation.
  7. Nei Gong Forum?

    Interesting! If it is not a secret, may I ask what was the first basic fundamental thing that you were taught in the beginning....???
  8. Nei Gong Forum?

    So, the way is going right how, are we still going to have a Nei Gong Forum or not....???
  9. Nei Gong Forum?

    I think that I had made myself very clear in the previous post. The majority is the "general public".
  10. Nei Gong Forum?

    "Inaccurate statement" is only relative. Have you been noticed that I have not use these words against you to have some lead room and leave it open. I know in the past, according to you, the only thing you have against me is that all my readings are inaccurate. In addition that I don't have any practical experience. The most of all, I have no complete knowledge about any of the Wu Gong stuff. We all have frustrations but no patience. Don't you think that others might have the same frustration without displaying it. Something if I don't agree I just ignore it but why all the frustration. Besides, how would you know that somebody might be laugh at you and said how little does this guy knows?
  11. Nei Gong Forum?

    Thanks! I like your modesty too. May I say that "breath is one way of working with energy" and is more effective than "breath is no way of working with energy"...???
  12. Nei Gong Forum?

    I see you all got the 真傳 from your sifu(師傅).
  13. Nei Gong Forum?

    I believe that is the ancient notion for the general public. The majority always have the upper hand but the minority ends up with the hidden demystified understanding.
  14. Nei Gong Forum?

    You didn't bother. You had said it all. Thank you very much! PS.... Let's leave it at that with no hard feelings....!!!
  15. Nei Gong Forum?

    Anyone of you have any refine details beside scratching your heads. Please give some fine details how have you been practicing and what are your results..!? Let me hear your side of the story besides just your objection and say "no". PS.... In your own words, please! So, I know what you are talking about other than some else's words.
  16. The Yi Jing Begins with the Eight Symbols of the Ba Gua

    So far, we have established the position of Heaven and Earth. These two sources do not move to the naked eyes. However, there are two do move in front of the naked eyes. They are the Sun and the Moon. The ancients used the Sun to determine the day and the moon for the lunar month. The Fire symbol represents the Sun which rises from the east every morning. Thus the symbol is placed at the left side of the Ba Gua. The Water symbol represents the Moon which rises in the west at the beginning of each Lunar Month. Thus the symbol is placed at the right of the Ba Gua. The Heaven, Earth, Sun, and Moon are the four sources which were used to establish the configuration of the Universe. I think by having some knowledge of how the Ba Gua was drawn, it would make it very interesting to study the Yijing.
  17. Nei Gong Forum?

    Yes, by definition, Neigong is to build up the internal body strength. Indeed, that is what Hard Qigong does. Besides, all methods require breathing and muscle tension in order to generate the internal strength. Neigong is to enhance one's ability to generate the internal body energy by the emphasis on deep breathing and muscle tension. The execution of the Neigoong of the practitioner depends on the amount of Chi Kug(UMB) practice and one's tuition. One should be able to focus on every muscle in the body in order to perform Neigong effectively. Focus means the ability to feel and control every muscle in the body. You might be interested in this: Ref:
  18. Nei Gong Forum?

    A major difference between Chi Kung and Neigong for easy understanding. Chi Kung breathes with the muscles relaxed. Neigong breathes with the muscles not relaxed.
  19. beginning an internal-practice

    To learn Chi Kung, first, you need to ask yourself this silly question. Can I do abdominal breathing....??? If not, then, find out how to get there or just do it by practice. As soon you can do it, you have reached the first milestone.
  20. Nei Gong Forum?

    This is very vague statement to begin with. It is confuse as hell. It can fool the Western public but not the natives. There was no such thing as an internal system of Chi Kung. Chi Kung is stand alone without any subsystem under it. "employing slow, deep breathing and requiring a relaxed physical stance and mental attitude" is Chi Kung rather than Neigong. If people accept this as gospel, then they had started with the wrong foot. Neigong is a complete different system. Neigong is related to Chi Kung because of the breathing requirement. Neigong is requiring more physical stress on the muscles, after Chi Kung has been accomplished, to produce the immense body strength.
  21. Nei Gong Forum?

    If you were told what Neigong is, will you able to recognize it or understand it or accept it as you were told without continuing on a wild goose chase....??? I don't think you know what you are after because you're just don't know even you were told what it is. Period.
  22. Nei Gong Forum?

    If you don't know what Neigong is by now, do you think another forum would help.....???
  23. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    Try to find something to focus on like the dan tian. That will put the money mind at ease. Please don't forget to do the UMB(the Ultimate Method of Breathing).
  24. new verses of the DDJ

    Argument was due to the big difference in conflict with the comprehension of the TTC. Therefore, no one should be dare to rewrite the TTC or add misleading information to it.