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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Why don't you give me one line or chapter to see if it is a good translation? Let's go from there! PS Let's go somewhere else before this thread is contaminated by us!
  2. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    I am my own teacher. I am stupid enough to be self taught from a well written textbook by a well known native scholar with the highest authority on the subject. Do you read?
  3. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    FYI I have my first hand native source to read. Other than reading second hand translation to mislead myself. I am reading a well written text book by a well known native scholar with the highest authority on the subject. Did you have a chance to read 老子註譯及評介 written by: 陳鼓應. Peace! Why don't you give me one line or chapter to see if it is a good translation?
  4. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    This is also known as Wu Wei(無為, no do's) in Buddhism.
  5. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    As I've said, I read the native interpretation of the Dao De Jing rather than the mistranslated information by a non-native translator.
  6. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    If one study the 道德經 long enough, then, one would know that 道 as Dao or Tao. Dao De Jing (DDJ) and Tao Te Ching(TTC) are known as 道德經. FYI I have my first hand native source to read. Other than reading second hand translation to mislead myself. I am reading a well written text book by a well known native scholar with the highest authority on the subject. Did you have a chance to read 老子註譯及評介 written by: 陳鼓應. Peace!
  7. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Most people had been reading the misinformation about 德(De) or 道德. In Confucianism, 道德: a compound character, means morality or virtue. Those who follow, observe and practice the principles of Confucius are considered to have the virtue of morality or 道德. In Dao De Ching, 道德經: 道 and 德 are two separated characters that is not compounded. 道 is Tao, the principles of Dao, 德 is the virtue of Dao. Those who follow, observe and practice the principles of Dao are considered to have the virtue of Dao or 道德. The cultivation of both 德 or 道德 are for mental health rather than physical heath.
  8. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    I would stay away from google for translating esoteric term from a field, philosophy or a religion. Rather I would go to the main source that is more accurate for its definition. Farther more, I would stay away from using the universal definition of chi as energy. It is because it could be very misleading in a field, philosophy or religion. When one talks about 靈氣, one must take a stand in a field, philosophy or religion. It seems to me that Reiki 霊気, here, is a Japanese term for medical Qigong. The Chinese called it 治療氣功( therapeutic Qigong). FYI The Japanese use the same Chinese characters with their own definition. In some cases, it has a complete different meaning in Chinese. Thus there is no exception for 靈氣. As far as I am concern, I will stand for what I had said about 靈氣 with the Chinese definition. PS @Shadow_selfHave a good laugh!
  9. You welcome! Please just don't forget to put some emphasis on breathing. It is very important in Qi Gong and martial arts.
  10. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    No, I didn't. I have a different definition in mind. It was not my intention to go into the practice. I didn't know that was what you had in mind in the first place.
  11. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    We are restricted by "to cultivate it" by the question that was asked. If you are running into all kind of definitions, then, good luck. I think we should address one thing at time. Otherwise, you are confusing yourself.
  12. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    @ Shadow_self Another thing that can be said about the Ling Qi of Nature. A Taoist priest stays up in the high mountain to cultivate by doing Qigong to capture the Ling Qi of Nature into the body for good health and longevity.
  13. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yes, something like this or no images at all but one still can feel it is there.
  14. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Certainly! Ling Qi 靈氣 is a vibrant or radiant force image like of those who are highly cultivated. It only can be observed from a high rank Buddhist monk, Taoist priest, Christian pastor or a Pope. In other words, whatever one practices that have been reached the highest realm will have the appearance of the Ling Qi from the individual.
  15. Welcome, SpiritualHulk. Please let us know what have you learnt from your video of Qi Gong. In addition, what have you discovered about Qi Gong from now and before? Did you learn something new or never have any idea what Qi Gong is all about?
  16. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yuan jing(元精, original jing) is the prenatal jing originated from the parents. It stays in the body to be maintained by the postnatal jing. It is not part of a medicine. De(德) is a philosophical term. It is not a substance in the body as one might think it would be. De(德) shouldn't even be considered in the discussion. Peace! )
  17. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yes, 养生功 Yangsheng gong is to maintain life by nurturing the body with foods and air(mainly oxygen). To obtain more oxygen than normal, then, one must practice to improve the respiratory system. That was why Qigong(氣功) practice is the major role. The purpose of Qigong is to learn to sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田). Most people, mistakenly, interpreted that sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田) is to sink energy to the lower dantian. Actually, chi in Qigong means air, breath or breathing. If it was misinterpreted, then, one will not be able to reach the goal of Qigong. That is sink the breath deep down to the dantian. At this point, the lung is in its full capacity to hold oxygen to nourish the body cells. The mitochondria in the cells will produce the maximum power energy possible for the body to perform its function.
  18. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Any form of Qigong is for good health. Yangshen gong, 陽神功(Yangshen gong) is just another fancy name invented by some individual for Qigong. Somebody else can come along to call it something else to make it sound like something new for marketing.
  19. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    FYI There isn't a good translation in other languages for Qigong(氣功). The modern Chinese explained Qigong completely different than the English version. That is why there are so much confusion in the western part of the world. Qigong is not the product of the CCP. Qigong is just a new modern name for the ancient term of Tu Na(吐納). Tu Na(吐納) simple means exhale and inhale with the abdomen fully contracted and expanded, respectively. Tu na or Qigong has existed two thousand years ago. There is a big language barrier between the Chinese and English. There are so many esoteric Taoist terms in Chinese that are not translatable into other languages. Unfortunately, people just have to work with what is available to them and took it for granted with a half understanding. Sorry to say, even, the native Chinese gets confuse with the terms. Those who think they knew can only explained with ambiguity, but still something gets lost in the translation.
  20. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    The herbs are normally combined in dried form. PPL take them home and boiled in three bowls of water or more. Served when it went down to one bowl.
  21. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    Yes, sometimes, the Chinese eat them raw or dry or make tea or put in herbal soup.
  22. Hello Willtao What exactly you were doing in your practice?
  23. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    FYI Here is how I understand it from a native point of view. Neidan is a practice originated from Chinese Taoists to have good health for longevity. Neigong is a kind of practice to develop internal strength for martial arts. Qigong is a breathing method to accomplish both of the above.
  24. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Neidan is a practice of meditation in breathing. Neigong is the internal effect resulted from the practice of neidan.
  25. Help needed

    Hi Nikeir. Welcome to TDB Counting breath is not a meditation method. It is how do you breathe is the right way. Perhaps you would like to read this.