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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. One "issue" I have with this site.

    The frog in a well can only view the sky through the narrow mouth of the well and see nothing else. However, this site is like an ocean which gives one a much broader vision than the well. One just need to keep the eyes open to see what one doesn't want to see.
  2. The eight forces of nature speak

    Wen you look up, you'll see Heaven. When you look down, you'll see Earth. When you look toward the east in the morning, you'll see the Sun(Fire). When you look toward the west in the evening, you'll see the Moon(Water). These four observable sources, Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon are hang in the Universe for us to behold. The ones in red have the Yang(陽) attribute, and the ones in blue have the Yin(陰) attribute. They complement each other rather than speaking to each other.
  3. TBH, this site is quite useless in taoist forms.

    Perhaps, that is why you are unsure of yourself. Sigh!
  4. The eight forces of nature speak

    The eight observable sources of the Universe: 1. 乾: Heaven 2. 坤: Earth 3. 離: Fire 4. 坎: Water 5. 艮: Mountain 6. 澤: Marsh 7. 風: Wind 8. 雷: Thunder
  5. chi kung insight watned

    Perhaps, this might be something that the OP didn't mention.
  6. The eight forces of nature speak

    Go read the Yi Jing(易經). Water is water. The "lake" should be stated as "marsh" which is where the mud and water combined. The water in on top of the soil. The lake is the water inside the soil. These eight trigrams are the sources of the Universe which are most observable with the naked eyes by human. If one look the Pre-heaven Ba Gua, one will see the opposite pairs are complementary to each other.
  7. out of curiosity...(sleep related)

    The Taoists and Buddhists do Dazuo or Zazen performing Chi Kung which may be equivalent to some of the rest time at night. It's effect is even more refreshing than taken more hours sleeping at night. Western doctors said, taken a 15 minutes nap during the day is equivalent to 2 hours sleep at night.
  8. Practicing the Microcosmic Orbit

    Your description is very nebulous....!!!
  9. The eight forces of nature speak

    What happen to Water....???
  10. chi kung insight watned

    Question! 1. What do you mean by high-level Chi Kung? 2. What is your understanding about this "Chi can eventually transform a living environment"?
  11. simplify

    namo ami tuofo
  12. Who is this guy? He sure hates TTB

    Yeah...he got it from BKA.......
  13. Who is this guy? He sure hates TTB

    Remember there are legitimate and illegitimate Taoists. The illegitimate ones always have to defend that they are legitimate.
  14. Zazen, Dazuo(打坐), and Meditation

    People talk about meditation but do they really speaking about Chi Kung? It depends what they had in mind. If they were only have the cultivation of the mind in mind, just talk about sitting straight and align with the spine, and not too seriously about putting the emphasis on breathing, then, it cannot be considered that to be Chi Kung. They can even tolerate the practitioner in falling into sleep due to the lack of breathing or not breathing was acceptable. Thus, that is not what Chi Kung is all about. Chi King cultivate three things, regulating breathing, enhance the body and inspire the mind. However, the last two criteria will have no effect if the first one was not performed. If someone teaches me Chi Kung but taught me meditation instead, then I would reconsider going to somebody else for that matter. Btw That is a way to tell is the teacher any good or not by this dead give away.
  15. The Ultimate Test

    For those who have cultivated at least five years, can you describe what have you accomplished....??? It would be something like you couldn't do it before but now you could. If you were asked to demonstrate your special skill, can you do it instantly....???
  16. The Ultimate Test

    The reason I didn't response because I didn't see Chi Kung was involved in your practice.
  17. Zazen, Dazuo(打坐), and Meditation

    A little summary for Chi Kung(氣功) Chi Kung may be considered to be preliminary for Nei Kung. Even though the UMB is the primary part of Chi Kung, but it was only exercising the lung while massaging the internal organs. The extra amount of oxygen from breathing through the lung will provide energy for the heartbeat. Each time the heart will beat stronger and circulate food and oxygen to the internal organs to enhance their functions or repair any bad tissues. As the result, Chi Kung was really helping the body to do all the internal maintenance work. In a way, it may be considered to be preliminary for Nei Kung because no physical work has been done yet.
  18. Zen gardens (and how they make me feel)

    All depends who said that. There may be peace at home for self comfort but was taken from somebody else's misery.
  19. One "issue" I have with this site.

    If you didn't click it like I did, then you have just clicked the "Don't Like" button.
  20. How to get spiritual without really trying

    Let Nature take its course.
  21. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    I knew somebody will come out to say that which is fine because that is the final result of Chi Kung. It is easy to say it but difficult to understand.
  22. Zen gardens (and how they make me feel)

    Zen is an esoteric term for Buddhism. The purpose of the Zen garden, Japanese style, is to manifest tranquility, serenity and harmony.
  23. Zazen, Dazuo(打坐), and Meditation

    So far, Dazuo(打坐) is practicing Chi Kung(氣功), the UMB. There was no physical exercise involve yet. Thus Nei Kung(內功), internal practice, has not come into the picture yet. Actually, during the static Chi Kung practice, a scanning process was going through the body for illnesses or bad tissues. As soon any problems were found, the healing process with begin to repair the bad tissues and fine tune all the internal organs simultaneously. Chi Kung is getting the body ready, in tip top shape, for the next stage which is Nei Kung. Nei Kung requires Chi Kung to assist the body to build up the physical strength. When the body parts are moving while performing the UMB, that is where Nei Kung begins . It is because the muscles are working together with the respiratory system in the biophysical loop. The biophysical loop will provide energy for muscle tone. After a prolong practice, the muscles will be firm and increase in strength. Hence, that was where all the energy of the body came from.
  24. One "issue" I have with this site.

    IMO The semantics are in a big mess now, especially, from translation to translation. If we don't straight them out now before it is too late, then they will get worse and more ambiguous. I had read the original classic of the TTC. Of course, it doesn't mean anything to anybody. Chuang Tzu was written in parables and lengthy classic is boring like hell. Anyway, thank you for pouring some cold water over our heads to wake us up.
  25. The Ultimate Test

    Blonde arm wrestle