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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The Ultimate Test

    Wow, that is quite an accomplishment in your cultivation there.....
  2. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    趺坐調氣 Obviously, this monk is at the Dazuo position, is he meditating or regulating his breathing....???
  3. Dangers of acupunture?

    There are some dangerous points around the eyes that can cause blindness. There are some points on the body can be life threatening also.
  4. Cha'n, Zen and Taoism?

    Sorry, never hear of it that way. Zen is strictly Buddhism.
  5. Cha'n, Zen and Taoism?

    Chan = Zen = 禪
  6. Cha'n, Zen and Taoism?

    禪修可以讓我們挖掘出我的智慧. Cultivation of Zen may let us find our own wisdom
  7. Cha'n, Zen and Taoism?

    Yes, Chan and Zen are just different phonetics(pinyin). This is an esoteric term used in Buddhism rather than Taoism. The Enlightenment of the Truth
  8. Are we at the peak now.....??? After all these years, are we out of things to say....???
  9. I want a diploma.

    With your present state of Nirvana, it seems it will take awhile for you to get a diploma for this "game". Unfortunately, I guess you didn't catch the real meaning of the definition for Nirvana yet.
  10. I want a diploma.

    If you have reached the state of Nirvana, then why do you still need a diploma.....??? Your diploma is within your heart, isn't that what Buddhism is all about....??? Ref: Nirvana
  11. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    You sounded like that you had been taken a trip to China.
  12. The Ultimate Test

    Yes, you do. You do magic with words.
  13. I want a diploma.

    Yes, I said Taylor made. Didn't I....??? PS.... Of course, you have to provide the seal.
  14. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    mizpulyn.... Welcome to the club. You wanted the truth for questions A and B. This is the closet that you can get to because there aren't any truth in the quotes that you are puzzling about in Chi Kung and Neigong. If you want some backed-up or referenced answer, then you have to wait until these people printed their books and make a fortune to mislead you all the way. In the mean time, use your own wisdom and sort things out yourself. And I wish you good luck. PS.... If there are answers to all that, you probably would have found them by now.
  15. I want a diploma.

    No, you have to earn the $10 first.....
  16. I want a diploma.

    You can have one Taylor made very professionally for $10 online.
  17. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    Tai Ji is the combination of Chi Kung and Neigong. At the beginning, by going through the basic Tai Ji movements, the breathing kicks in, first, to a point when "chi sink to the dantian". Then months after months, the body strength builds up gradually from the slow movements. The breathing part is considered as Chi Kung and the strength part is Neigong which also known as Jin(勁) in Tai Ji. Please note, if you have been following my posts, all my definitions about Chi Kung and Neigong are very consistent throughout the site with no variation.
  18. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    Now, I know why I only pay half of what the American customer pays and without tax in a LA Chinatown book store.
  19. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    Please, I do respect your other opinions but don't start this about Nei Kung is just feeling good. You are really confusing the issue here with no merit.
  20. Mind Control in the Martial Arts this what the OP was all about.....??? I'll be darn. At first, I thought mind control was about self discipline and muscle control by focusing on certain part of the body.
  21. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    FYI There was no such thing as masculine or feminine energy. Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. This definition is very clean cut and there is no ambiguity about it. Neigong is an internal method that one practice to develop the physical strength which is beyond one's own capability. Another words, it is some special abilities that a practitioner may be acquired from the Neigong practice. For examples, while a practitioner is holding his breath and cannot be harmed even the sharp edge of the blade of a knife; somebody can break a stick on your back without hurting you; or someone punch you on the belly and you didn't feel a thing. In return, you can exert an internal force to repel his fist. This is what Neigong is all about. Nei(內) means internal. Neigong(內功) means internal strength besides it means internal method or practice. When one ask "how is your Neigong?" which means "how is your internal strength?" These definitions are very straight forward and as clean cut as they can be. If one can stay with them, then many confusions and ambiguities can be avoided.
  22. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

  23. Mind Control in the Martial Arts

    What does it mean by mind control....??? How should the mind be controlled in martial arts....???
  24. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    Yeah, but those aren't masters.