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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    Normally, it is customary that the masters have their own websites. Besides, they are too dignified to be here given their secrets away.
  2. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    I believe it is the ability. The Chinese are color blinded when it comes to one's ability. The silky thing is only showing the level of the wealth mastery.
  3. Qing Gong

    At that moment, that is exactly what they meant by 氣沈丹田, sink chi to the dantian. In weight lifting, it is also applying this principle because the body strength collapse instantly as soon the chi(breath) was released.
  4. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    .... and that is not too Wu Wei, is it...???
  5. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    I would say it depends on the depth of practice rather than the teaching one receive. I would say that even the movements weren't precisely done, the effect of the health benefits is still unchanged.
  6. Zazen, Dazuo(打坐), and Meditation

    How does a Chi Kung practitioner regulates the breathing. Someone says breathe softly and normally during meditation. Well, is the meditation breathing any different than an ordinary person.....??? If nothing was different, then one should not expect any noticeable result from it. That being said, something must be done extraordinary in Chi Kung to have a significant result. Indeed, Chi Kung practice does something extraordinary is by regulating the breathing. Regulating the breathing involves two things. One is to regulate the volume of air intake into the lungs; and the other is to regulate the time duration of breathing. This simple breathing method is effectively modulate the metabolism process inside the human body. One may not have any biological or physiological knowledge, just by performing the Chi Kung breathing method will have an enormous health improvement upon the human body. For those who are interested, a thorough explanation can be done more explicitly with modern scientific knowledge. Of course, one must be open minded and willing to explore new ideas without any bias.
  7. Mind Control in the Martial Arts

    CT My answer was per OP in the comparison of subtlety between Karate vs Tai Chi and Aikedo.
  8. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    You are a killjoy, marblehead....!!! PS.... You too, silent thunder.......... PSS.... No one is a master here. It was only a dream. We are just having a little humor as usual, that's all.
  9. Mind Control in the Martial Arts

    Liminal.... You welcome....!!! Karate is an art designed for a person which already has innate physical strength. Its blows are very powerful but blunt and fatal. During practice, it dissipates a tremendous amount of body strength which may cause fatigue and short of breath. It takes a little time for recuperation.
  10. Mind Control in the Martial Arts

    Karate is not an art for improving your aerobic capacity, agility, basic strength, and so forth. Tai Chi will do all that for you.
  11. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    Well...!!! Now, that's not fair. You've just put me in a dilemma of being either an immortal or a master instantly with no alternative.
  12. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    RIGHT.....!!! Chi(氣, breath) will give you mental power and physical strength.
  13. Ok! I think I got it!

    You'll become enlightened when your thoughts came back.
  14. new verses of the DDJ

    Yes, the ancient people thought the heart was the center of the human body; and all the thoughts were generated from the heart. Thus the heart is one's mind. The same people still say things like "I sing the song with my heart" to show one's dedication about the matter. PS.... It was understood that the "heart" is the "mind" in the mind of a Chinese.
  15. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    I think it has already given you a clue: It will guide you to meditation which is the exercise in the preliminary level for Neigong. Hence, meditation is the cultivated part of exercise and the result is Neigong. Neigong is something which effects the internal organs of a human body.
  16. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    Frankly, no but I know what is meditation. BTW I can find out what Neigong is elsewhere. Just google it, I can come up with a pretty decent answer. Of course, it will be in my native language.
  17. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    "Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu is a guide for meditation" Do you what a "guide for meditation" is.....???
  18. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    The claim is, only, the understanding of one individual.
  19. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    Well, it is very self explanatory. You were trying to find some books about Neigong; and you have find nothing but Chi Kung. BTW Let me know when you find a good book on Neigong. There is a big difference between Chi Kung and Neigong. Otherwise, why do you think there are two names given. PM me if you want to hear more from me! I don't want to offend anybody, here, more than I had. Thanks.
  20. new verses of the DDJ

    Very humble! Now FH is LZ himself.
  21. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    You have the correct list of the Qi Gong systems. The last one is Qi Gong also. FYI Anything has to do with breathing is considered to be Qi Gong or Chi Kung. If you want to learn Neigong, then you start with learning Qi Gong first.
  22. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    Please read again carefully! You had started at the wrong footstep. One cannot do Neigong without knowing Chi Kung.
  23. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    I will quit posting, only, when I become a Chi Kung master.
  24. Qing Gong
  25. Qing Gong

    Please notice on the first and second jump he has to bend his knees to release the pressure from the high jump but not on the third jump. Click on the top left video after this to see he climb up the building and the wall.