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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Actually, to me, it was not a good idea just dedicate to one site or two. It is because each site is locked in with preconceived ideas which may not be suitable to my own need. Besides, it may not be wise to just stick to the concept of the first encounter. It is better to compare the thoughts of others to have a better conceptual comprehension. Each time, when I run into problems, I go to a google search. What I do is go to and select the most knowledgeable sites and the most logical. Then, I combine them together and come to a general conclusion and let things open for corrections and future improvement. This way I will always leave room for welcoming new ideas and update.
  2. Taojia Search Taojia
  3. new verses of the DDJ

    ๆ–‡่จ€ๆ–‡ = Classical Chinese
  4. new verses of the DDJ

    What did you have for breakfast this morning....???
  5. Let Nature take its course...!!!
  6. new verses of the DDJ

    Okay, Marblehead. If it wasn't written in contemporary Chinese, then it has to be in Classic. I see that you don't read metaphors neither.
  7. The "Like This" button!

    I think that the "Like This" button feature serves a multifunction purpose. It has lots of different meanings depends who uses and what one likes about what had been said in one's post. 1. What triggers that you want to use the "Like This" button....??? OR 2. What was in your mind before you click the "Like This" button....???
  8. TTBs meetup! :)

    It would be a good idea if each member can demonstrate what had accomplished from one's own cultivation.
  9. new verses of the DDJ

    Well, you ought to know. The old Tao Te Ching was not written in contemporary Chinese, you know!
  10. new verses of the DDJ

    No, not us with a limited mentality about these kind of highly written literature. I'll leave that up to the Chinese college professors who are familiar with ๆ–‡่จ€ๆ–‡.
  11. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    There is a big difference in the description about the breathing method between Meditation and Dazuo. Meditation says breathe softly and natural while Dazuo says to regulate the breathing. It seems that Meditation did not take breathing too serious as the Taoists did in Dazuo. Regulating the breathing is the key to any practice of Wugong(ๆญฆๅŠŸ). Wugong is a general term which includes every practice there is to enhance the ability of the body to perform some extraordinary tasks, e.g., from Kung Fu to Neigong practices. An intense Chi Kung practitioner will know what regulating the breathing is all about. Anyone can be snowed easily by someone telling you that Chi Kung is all about "energy works". People love to hear the word "energy", therefore, they will be paying someone to say the word for them to hear. Sometimes, I even have someone in the forum tells me Chi Kung has nothing to do with breathing. Well, of course, excuse me. It has nothing to do with just normal breathing but it has alot to do with regulating the breathing.
  12. Why are you given me this link....???
  13. new verses of the DDJ

    I hope Lao Zi will be telling me the same thing as he tells you. I go see him in the near future too.
  14. No, all meditations are focused. Ding meditation(็ฆชๅฎš) is a method which is dedicated by a Buddhist to sit tight in an isolation place with no external disturbance. He sits completely still and locks himself in an non-moving state. It is not something that an ordinary person can be applied in daily life.
  15. Learning Disabilities and Qigong

    Only those who practice Chi Kung, all the healing will take place in a natural way.
  16. Is the TTB exhausted yet....?

    Yes, it's the process of yin-yang.
  17. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    Just to save time, let me just point out how Dazuo is different from other meditation styles. It has been known that Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ) is universal and standard in the Chinese Taoist practice. It is also my standard to go by in my practice. In addition, it is the style that I am using to compare with so-called meditation styles for effectiveness. IMO Dazuo has a much more clearer description than other styles. Its definition has been narrowed down to more explicit which very straight forward and easy to follow. It is the most effective way to invigorate and vitalize a human body. IMO anyway! The description for Dazuo is down pad in my heart. Dazuo is a form of internal practice, in three folds, regulates the breathing, enhance the body and inspire the mind. I had bee doing this to save me from kundalini. Indeed, regulates the breathing is integral part of me. My body and mind have been changed quite drastically since I have become enlightened with the understanding about Dazuo. From the constant practice, I can breathe easier, think clearer and my physical strength has increased immensely. No longer have prolong fatigue from strenuous yard work. I can pull a big weed with its roots right out of the ground without breaking it. I can cut up a cooked chicken with bones and all in 5 minutes. Each cut is only one blow if I do it right the first time. There is one thing one should know about "regulating the breathing". It doesn't mean breathe soft and natural. It is because it was only normal breathing and no regulation was taken place. Regulating the breathing is much more aggressive; it is breathing like a baby with the abdomen. As far as I know, Zazen is equivalent to Dazuo. Zazen is a Hindu Buddhist term which was borrowed by the Chinese as a translation for Dazuo. PS...... I shouldn't be shy about mentioning the come back of the libido.
  18. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    Ki-Aikido..... Okay! You are not giving me the story straight. Ki-Aikido is the Japanese style Chi Kung which is called ๆฐฃ-ๅˆๆฐฃ้“. It is different from the western style Meditation. Anyway, Ki-Aikido do perform Dazuo in their breathing practice.
  19. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    First of all, I don't expect everything to be perfect at the beginning. It takes time for the body to adjust for a certain position which the body was not accustomed to. Of cause the comfortable position(CP) was not the ideal one, it is because the CP is not your own CP for you to be comfortable with. Throughout the early years of one's life, one had been picking up some bad habits of gestures and trained the muscle to be out of shape. Besides, the method of "meditation" is very unclear what exactly it was trying to accomplish with the kind of instructions given. From the readable literature, it says is better for the mind. However, the instructions in meditation and Zazen about breathing has not been emphasized enough as in Dazuo. I will point them out in the next post. Secondly, if one wasn't taught to breathe properly while sitting in a kind of lotus position, the body will become fatigue and sleepy regardless how perfect the sitting posture was.
  20. That was what I am trying to say earlier; and you took the words right out of my mouth.
  21. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    May I ask, did your meditation teacher mention any kind of breathing at all....???
  22. I was trying to follow your logic from pinyin of a character to the letters of an English word which has no direct relationship. I am trying to figure out how did you arrive to that conclusion.
  23. Do you think any English word that has TE is relevant to character Te(ๅพท).
  24. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    I wouldn't click the "Like" button for the above post so soon, if I were you, without finding the flaws in it. The reason I clicked was because it helps me to use as a good example for my next post. Before I give my secret away, I would like to hear the thoughts from some of the Taoist cultivators here. This will reveal your ้“่กŒ(level of Taoist cultivation).
  25. Zazen, Dazuo(ๆ‰“ๅ), and Meditation

    That is a very good advice. Everyone should take precaution with one's own discretion.