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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    It is a learning curve that we all have to go through. Initially it was hard, but don't put yourself in a stagnant state. Eventually, you will learn and improve by the failure encounters and successful experiences. It is only a matter of common sense and an open mind.
  2. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    Okay! That is where they practice Zazen. The question, here, is what is Zazen rather where does one practice it. I do take semantics very serious for the refinement of understanding. Thank you!
  3. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    May I ask? Is this too hard to follow? Does anyone has to pay a high price instructor to tell what is there already available? Btw There is still something missing here but it can be found elsewhere to put the pieces together. Is this effective? One will know the result from intuition and experience after a diligent practice in a certain time frame.
  4. Difference between Qigong and Neigong?

    Which comes first between Chi Kung(æ°ŁćŠŸ) and Neigong(慧抟)......???
  5. How does one practicing Ding Meditation?

    No Buddhist want to response to this....???
  6. How does one practicing Ding Meditation?

    Ding meditation is çŠȘ漚(Zen Ding), a Buddhist term same as Da Zuo(æ‰“ć).
  7. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    Perhaps martial arts is not a good English term to sum up everything to include kung fu, Chi Kung, Negong, Weigong and Da Zuo. I just don't have a general term for it. In Chinese, I think æ­ŠćŠŸ(Wugong) can be summed up with everything. Anyway, it is very difficult to communicate with the terms from one language to another without any misunderstanding. I think we both had some arguments back and forth, sometime ago, about finding and learning from a good teacher. With all respect, your points are well taken, I think this is a good time to end our endless arguments here as well. Thanks. Best regards.
  8. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    I will agree that a teacher can only shows something to a certain extent, but the positive changes will be coming from my own diligent practice. I think why that you are insisting to go to a teacher. However, if a person has no martial art ground at all, one can go to any teach to get a good start. After a while, one will realize is the teach any good or not. Fortunately, I hope he went to right one. Otherwise, he will be learning somebody's bad habits and never know what the real stuff. I have notice the posts by the members of TTB. It seems to me lots of the things that they were saying are just took it for granted from their teacher. It was like that they only knew half of what they suppose to know. I don't know it was the way they had been taught or didn't catch the rest from their teachers.
  9. How do you "live in the moment"

    Yes, as long you have a good Chi Kung(CK) background, CK will help you to rejuvenate alot quicker after a workout. The intake of oxygen and blood pumping were paying back the oxygen debt in the body after a strenuous exercise. Actually, you still feel energized is because it was the heat that was generated by the rapid blood circulation. Your body was trying to recuperate and restore the energy that was used up during workout. Eventually, your fatigue will go away when your heart returns to the rest state(normal heartbeat).
  10. How do you "live in the moment"

    Rara..... 1. Workouts are considered to be external practice. Therefore, you are loosing Chi because of the fast movements will cause fatigue due to exhaustion. 2. Sitting Chi Kung is good for healing and calming your mind. Moving Chi Kung is more effective in exercising the muscles and joints. The movements and breathing must be very slow, in order, to be in the internal practice mode. 3. Yes, it can be done while watching TV on the sofa as long your abdomen can be moved in and out freely while breathing.
  11. The "Like This" button!

    So, let Nature take its course. Yeah! Wu Wei away.
  12. How do you "live in the moment"

    I am still breathing slowly and deep down to the dan tian.
  13. The "Like This" button!

    Yeah! That was what Lao Zi accused Confucius of being performing hypocritical rituals. ooops..... Second thought, it was not meant to be in the related posts but just turned out that way.
  14. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    Hello, NotVoid Please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to divide the east and the west. I am looking at things from a view of a spectator. I am actually looking from left to right but it was just happened to be the east and west. Somehow, in your mind you had sensed a dividing line there because it was dictated by your subconscious. Anyway,I have been noticed every time when the words like "east and west" were mentioned, I do get some kind of reactionary response. Ok, let's get back to the main point. If we are looking into a certain profession, we'll notice that there are many familiar words that we may have seen before. However, an outsider without knowing their esoteric meanings within the profession will have communication problems. Each term in a profession has its own special meaning. For example, in our case, Da Zou is not just simply a name for those who has more meaning attached to it. In the Taoist religion practice, it has a set of definitive conditions was assigned to it. It was not just breathing soft and let it be natural. This notion probably was inherited from some kind of fundamental philosophy in the past. If one reads carefully in the above post about Da Zuo, it won't be just a name to a true Taoist. A true Taoist knows, as soon, he sits down he will emphasize in his breathing. He will expand his abdomen outward and inward while breathing in and out. That is the secret behind Da Zuo besides just sitting. Most people just do not realize that is what was going on in Da Zuo. BTW Did anyone of your teachers ever tell you that besides it is just a name.....???
  15. The "Like This" button!

    Here is the way I'm looking at it. If the content of a post is true and people liked, then it is fine. However, if the information in the post is false and everybody liked, then it means everyone agrees. Don't you think that some kind of ignorance on their part has been shown....???
  16. The "Like This" button!

    You know what that does? It turns the "Like" button into a "Dislike" one....!!!
  17. The "Like This" button!

    Well, I have seen people made remarks against me and somebody clicked the "Like" button.
  18. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    Yes, without the basic knowledge obtained from the books, then how can I evaluate who is a good teacher or not. Otherwise, how would I know that the teacher is not giving me a snow job.....???
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    What's not seen but it was understood by an intensive Chi Kung practitioner. For examples, the stance was obvious it is in the Zhan Zhuang position; and the breathing method is only one way by "sunken chi to the lower dan tian", æ°ŁæȈäžč田.
  20. The Falun Gong group are very busy with their political activities, with the Chinese government, in their own society. This is a very strong group and have their own website to deal with.
  21. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    Well, after all, this is a Taoist environment. The people will say: "this is Ziren". @Rara... Please go back to Post #4, if you like, and read the translation in blue about the lotus sitting positions.
  22. How do you surrender yourself to whatever your doing?

    Yes, please don't forget one thing. Do you want to be Wu Wei....??? If your answer is yes, then that would be your only desire which you cannot escape without yielding the concept of Wu Wei. Another words, you have a desire to be Wu Wei prior for you to become Wu Wei in the first place.
  23. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    From some reliable sources, half or full lotus has no impact on one's health. There are few positions in the method of lotus sitting. The reason that some people can only do half lotus is because of their limited physical ability. The thing which have impact on one's health is really depends on the method of breathing. Please pay close attention to this thread, you will be hearing a lot about breathing. Yes, sitting on a chair causes less discomfort which has the same health effect as long as one breathes. Btw The breathing method is known to the Chinese as Chi Kung(æ°ŁćŠŸ). You will be hearing that soon as well.
  24. How do you surrender yourself to whatever your doing?

    Yes, Tao is unity as a whole which is all in ONE but the "ALL" is not only one.
  25. Zazen, Dazuo(æ‰“ć), and Meditation

    I see, thanks for your thoughtfulness. I always do need a good English teacher to be by my side to help me though. Now, that is something hard for me to be self-taught without a good teacher. Thanks.