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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Intense pressure at forehead

    If you free a little pain or pressure around the temples(ๅคช้™ฝ็ฉด), that is normally the reflexive point of your headache. To get rid of your headache, apply acupressure slightly with your fingers to the temples(ๅคช้™ฝ็ฉด). It will put you into sleep also. You might be interested in this. Ref: Reflexology PS..... The reflexology is not necessary only massaging the foot but other parts of the body as well.
  2. If anybody tells you do not breathe when practicing Chi Kung, then stay away from those individuals; and go to the one that tells you to do abdominal breathing(AB. However, abdominal breathing is not so easy to get there without some practice for sometime. I would start with this fundamental thing first. FYI Regardless what others tell you, they may tell you to do lots of other things. However, you might be wasting lots of effort without doing AB.
  3. about Zhuangzi

    Yeah, the story about ๅœ้ญๆ•‘่ถ™, attack Wei to save Zhao, which is one of the military strategies from the Art Of War.
  4. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    There was only one place, in Chapter 2, with his name ็›ˆ replaced with ๅ‚พ. Actually, it was very difficulty to find a character replace for ็›ˆ as compared to ้‚ฆ/ๅœ‹ and ๆ†/ๅธธ. Besides, ๅŠ‰็›ˆ took over the throne at the age of 17 with no power. His mother, the queen, took over his power. He die at the age of 25 due to his innate health problem. It seems like nobody did pay much attention to him. Anyway, this is still doesn't invalidate the intent of the thread neither.
  5. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    No problem. We had a good discussion for Chapter 79. Please read posts #4 through #7 in the following thread. Ref: MWD-B is correct. It doesn't invalidate this thread at all whatsoever. PS.... Can you respond to post #32 of this thread. Thanks.
  6. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    I don't follow you on this at all on the part of "tally". What make you think that "the common practice in the Warring States period, which valued the right side over the left." In reference to Chapter 31 of the TTC, it is valued the left over the right.
  7. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Dawei.... Can you give me the Chinese characters for "name of Liu Hui, Emperor Huidi... thus, this can be even dated into time of Emperor Huidi or Empress Lu ! " Thanks.
  8. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Dawei.... Thank you for tracking the time period. Now, the Time table have been updated. It was a good study. Yes, carry on! We'll get it right yet...!!!
  9. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    The point I was trying to make is that MWD-B was written in ้šธๆ›ธ(Official Style) which the style that Liu2 Bang1 was adopted to. In addition, his name was ้‚ฆ was replaced with ๅœ‹ in this version. PS.... MWD-A was written in Seal style before Liu Bang become the ruler of the Han Dynasty.
  10. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Another thing to assure that MWD-B was written in the Liu Bang period. It was because the names of the next two emperors(็›ˆ and ๆ’) were not replaced with other characters yet. MWD A and B TTC
  11. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Yes, there was a typo. I mistyped as MDW-B. It has been corrected to MWD-B. The answer to your question is NO. I mean MWD-B as I had originally stated. Please look at the time table carefully. I will look into the Li Shu matter. Thanks! Edited to add: Yes, you are right ้šธๆ›ธ(li shu) was started in the Quin Dynasty. The change from seal style to the official style was during the transition period between the Quin and the Han period. However, the Li Shu style had reached to its peak of perfection in the Han Dynasty. Ref: ้šธๆ›ธ, Li shu
  12. about Zhuangzi

    No, only a HARD head........
  13. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    The change of the character style. During the Warring States, each state has a writing style of characters. Regardless, all their styles were in ็ฏ†ๆ›ธ(Seal style). After the first emperor of Han(ๅŠ‰้‚ฆ Liu2 bang1) defeated the last emperor of Chu(ๆฅš้œธ็Ž‹), Liu2 adopted the ruling principles from the TTC. However, the TTC was written in the Seal style(็ฏ†ๆ›ธ) which was very difficult to read. Hence, Liu2 created the Official style called ้šธๆ›ธ(Li4 Shu1). This can be justified by looking at the Time Table. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, MWD-A copy of the TTC was written in Seal style(็ฏ†ๆ›ธ). Then it was revised to the Official style(้šธๆ›ธ). Furthermore, since the name of the first emperor of the Han Dynasty was ๅŠ‰้‚ฆ(Liu2 bang1), therefore, all the characters of ้‚ฆ(bang1) was changed to ๅœ‹(guo2). In the classic, during the Warring States, the character ้‚ฆ(bang1) means country; and ๅœ‹(guo2) means region. Since the change was made, then ๅœ‹(guo2) means country. In the modern time, ๅœ‹(guo2) becomes a country or a small country and ้‚ฆ(bang1) means a big Nation like the United States. The intention of this post is to prove that the MWD-B version of the TTC was written in the period of the Han Dynasty between the years of ๅŠ‰้‚ฆ(Liu2 bang1) 206 โ€“ 195 BCE. It was because of the changes of the character style and the character ้‚ฆ(bang1) was replaced with ๅœ‹(guo2).
  14. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    If we read the chapters in original classic: Part A has the following contents: 1. The principles to rule a country. 2. Description of Tao. 3. Cultivation of the principles of Tao. Part B Cultivation of the principles of Tao. Part C 1. The principles to rule a country. The author of each group doesn't seem to be the original author who came up with those ideas. These chapters in each group seem to be premeditated to be copied from another source. This observation had been agreed upon by the knowledge native scholars and seconded to a certain extent by both English scholar E. Ryden and American scholar R. Henricks(MH ).
  15. about Zhuangzi

    Let me clarify something here. Li Er(ๆŽ่€ณ) was Lao Zi's real name; ่€ณ means ear Lao Dan(่€่ƒ) was his nickname; ่ƒmeans hang. Please notice his ears are so big and hanged. So, people gave him a nickname by calling him Lao Dan(่€่ƒ). In modern time, ่€(lao) was added in front of the surname to address someone as Lao Li for Lao Zi. For John Chang, it would be Lao Chang but would never call him Lao John.
  16. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    It's interesting to see that the chapters in the Guodian TTC version are not in sequence as the contemporary version. Perhaps, let's investigate why they were grouped as such....!!! Part A Blatt 1 Bundle A1-6: ็ซ  #19, #66, #46, #30, #15, #64,x Blatt 2 Bundle A7-11: ็ซ  #37, #63, #2, #32, #25 Blatt 3 Bundle A12-17: ็ซ  #5, #16, #64,x, #56, #57, #55 Blatt 4 Bundle A18-20: ็ซ  #44, #40, #9 Part B Blatt 5 Bundle B1-5: ็ซ  #59, #48, #20, #13, #41 Blatt 6 Bundle B6-: ็ซ  52, #45, #54, Part C Blatt 7 Bundle C1-3: ็ซ  #17#18, #35, #31, Blatt 8 Bundle C4: ็ซ  #64,x Ref: Guodian TTC Version
  17. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    The tomb was robbed couple times. Fortunately, there was not many items taken. The original TTC in Guodian was unharmed. However, the TTC was found in three parts. Each part was hand copied with three different handwriting. Since the copied were reproduced, it could be in any form. One shouldn't be surprised if the TTC did not have a complete set in the tomb. Edited to add part of the introduction of the Guodian slips: Translation in red: Due to the many robberies of the tomb, there are some missing bamboo slips. Thus there was no exception to the LaoZi version of the TTC. Ref: another source of Guodian TTC
  18. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Let's start with the earliest copy of the Tao Te Ching in the Table: 1. ้ƒญๅบ— Guodian 476 โ€“ 278 BCE; ็ฏ†ๆ›ธ(Seal style); Unearthed:1993; Published: May 1998 Why the Guodian TTC(ๆฅš็ฐก) is the oldest copy? Let's look at its characteristics! The style of the book was the earliest form which ever existed in China. It was made out of bamboo strips; and the characters used were in seal style. The seal style is the most difficult to read besides it was written in the Chinese classic. Furthermore, the book made out of bamboo strips are so difficult to carry from one place to another. Therefore, most people memorized and pass it on by the word of mouth. During the transition in the oral communication, the sound of the character may be altered or misunderstood by the listener. As time changes, the story changes along with it. This is there are so many errors frm copy to copy. As a rule of thumb, one should not and cannot just pick up any copy of the TTC without correcting the existing errors before making interpretations or translations. That is why it is so important to understand the history during the critical period where and when the TTC was most active.
  19. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    adept... This thread is assuming that Lao Zi does exist at time time, in order, to carry on with the discussion. You may start a new thread if you want.
  20. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    This time table is very important for showing the changing phase of the Tao Te Ching by the sequence of events. Besides the time periods, we should pay close attention to the names of the emperors of the Han Dynasty. At the time, it was a taboo to use the name of an emperor in any document. The style of the character that was used in the TTC will dominate which version is prior to another. In addition, some of the characters in the TTC will be changed in according to whomever was in power of the Han Dynasty at the time. Some of the incorrect characters were used which do not make sense is because they were not the actual characters but only phonetics. I will do my best to analyze the Tao Te Ching by going over the special characteristics of each version. Hopefully, we don't have too many interruptions during the course of evaluation. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
  21. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Sorry. This is too late to be discussed here in this thread.
  22. about Zhuangzi

    Goowday...Don't worry about the English. The hell with it. Let me give a sense of confidence just to get your point across. Some of the members speak good English but putting out garbage. Sometimes, one will attack the English rather than pay close attention to the contents. Sorry, people, I just need to spit it out of my system.
  23. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    Of course not, you want others to do all the dirty work for you...... FYI.... This table will help one to determine the changing phase of the Tao Te Ching. The sequence of events by the style of characters, the emperors of the Han Dynasty, and the contents of the TTC will indicate why it was changed to the way it is. In addition, it will indicate who were existed at the same time to see if there was a possibility which they had met each other or not.
  24. There was nothing written to indicate that Zhuang Zi had, actually, read the Tao Te Ching. However, we may find out from comments of the native scholars. Translation: The thinking of Zhuang Zhou(ๅบ„ๅ‘จ) was referred back to Lao Zi(่€ๅญ). The central part of Lao Zi Classic was based on the political philosophy of ่‡ช็„ถ็„ก็‚บ(natural and wu wei). In the Zhuang Zi Classic was to explore and discover oneself within a deep dark society; and how to extricate oneself and self survival in an adverse environment. The author reckon that a primordial chaotic state is an ideal society. All the man made systems and cultural measures are violating the natural instinct of humans. Hence, it was meaningless and valueless. Ref:
  25. about Zhuangzi

    Mark..... Boy, aren't you confused and please don't confuse others.