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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chi or Qi is the most confusing term to be comprehended. What is Chi and Qigong? Unfortunately, the first thing come into people's mind is Energy. In my mind, chi is always deal with breathing. Therefore, Qigong is the practice of breathing. To others, Qigong is the cultivation of energy. However, I am finally realized that we are only got it half right. So to speak.

    I had looked more closely and investigated what chi is all about. According to the Taoist definition, Chi is one of the treasures in the internal alchemy to acquire neidan. It is clear to me now that there four kinds of Chi in the body. So, we are talking about Qigong is not just the cultivation of breathing nor energy.

    There are four kind of chi existed in the body. They are 元氣, 宗氣, 營氣, 衛氣. All the terms has a character on them. The first to do is to ignore the chi character. It is because they a compound character. In this case, the chi character is only a classifier for a substance.
    (Yuan chi) : is the prenatal micro-unit that makes up the structure of the human body

    宗氣(Zong chi) : is the air breathed from space

    營氣(Ying Chi) : is the nourishment from the food that is flowing in the blood

    衛氣(Wei Chi) : is the immune system to protect the body from pathogens that might attack the body internally.

    The cultivate Chi Qong, it would be involved and include the four kinds of chi. Therefore, the cultivation of 宗氣
    (Zong chi) is by improving the breathing habit to enhance the respiratory system. To cultivate 營氣(Ying Chi) is by eating the right food to nourish the human body.

    The 元氣
    (Yuan chi) and 衛氣(Wei Chi) cannot be cultivated by external means. Hence, by the cultivation of 宗氣(Zong chi) and 營氣(Ying Chi) will take care the 元氣(Yuan chi) and 衛氣(Wei Chi) internally.

    Eating food is the easiest to cultivate for nourishment . However, Qigong is the most difficult to cultivate. Especially, people with breathing problems. It require lots of effort and practice to improve bad breathing habits.  Indeed, Qigong can change and improve any bad breathing habit. Finally, the breathing is still plays the major part in the cultivation of Qigong.


    • Thanks 1

  2. 19 hours ago, Paradoxal said:

    As far as I'm concerned, cell mitochondria and simple muscular force do not give that level of precision, force, and control. They can let you hit something really hard and break it (ala karate), but they do not count for Fajin. Fajin *must* have an energetic component to it to be classified as such. In fact, each time I've been hit with it or have seen it used, the air itself took on a different quality (it was like the air around us was suddenly electrified, or in rare occasions, deafeningly silent), something I've only seen happening when dealing with strong energetics. Likewise, just before the blow hits, you can feel the energy coming, though it's very hard to describe this feeling. When I've been hit by karate strikes, on the other hand, I have never felt that energy nor that change in the air.  

    Thank you for your valuable comments.
    Anyway, the objective of the OP is not how one was trained. It is not how one takes the impact from Fajin. The question was: did the practitioner acquire Jin from the training? Whatever the training was, all practitioner use the same muscles, breathe the same way, use the hips the same way. The main question Is did the practitioner able to Fajin effectively like everyone else. However, everybody do make mistakes in the training, but I wouldn't discredit the ability of the practitioner in Fajin because a mistake was made during training.

    In Taiji, the movements are most difficult to follow. However, regardless of the mistakes, the exercise still exercise the body joints and muscles. As I think of it, based on my experience, Taiji is not really a dependent on the precision of the movements. Rather, did the muscle exercised daily. Regardless of precision, the body will have the same  effect by going though the movements even with mistakes. Mistakes may be corrected some place along the line. Before the correction of the mistakes was make, no health benefit was lost.


    • Sad 1

  3. 42 minutes ago, Rheor said:

    First, thank you for your reply on this thread and your helping hand.

    I am not sure there is much to do about headaches / fog / confusion / disorientation when something as significant as heart chakra opening is on the way (I still make room to be proven otherwise though).

    Otherwise, I don't know. Since I watched this video from master Nan Huai-Chin, I am reluctant to focus on the dantian. I might be misunderstanding something, in which case it's my loss.

    You welcome! Your headaches, most of the time is caused by hypoxia(lack of oxygen). How is your breathing? I wouldn't worry about what has been said in the video. He seems very convincing and very serious about it. However, it seems to me it was baseless of what he is telling everybody. I am breathing all day long by focusing on my dantian. I am staying healthy everyday. Anyway, it's up to you. If your don't feel comfortable with it, just don't try it. Good luck to you.

  4. 3 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

    精氣神( chi jing and shen) are the esoteric terms used by the ancient Chinese Taoists specialized in alchemy. If people talking about neidan(內丹) without mentioning these three terms, then, they knew nothing about neidan.

    @Thrice Daily
    These three treasures are the major ingredients are used in internal alchemy. The final product become a neidan.
    The ancient Chinese Taoist alchemy, originally, started externally by baking the elements in a cauldron. However, it was done ridiculously included some poisonous ingredients such as mercury and lead. Thus the elixir instead of prolong life but shorten life. Therefore, the Taoist came up with another idea with the thought of internal alchemy. They had thought of using three intangible ingredients inside the body. They are 精氣神( chi jing and shen).

    In internal alchemy, it was assumed that the body is the caldron as in external alchemy. The three major ingredients inside the body are as follows:
    is a unit substance that makes up the structure of the human body.
    氣(chi) is the vital life source that keep the human body alive
    (shen) is the soul of the body like the vital sign of the body.

    The external uses fire to bake the ingredients in a caldron. In internal alchemy, Taoist perform meditation by breathing the chi(oxygen) into the dantian to bake the three major ingredients. The idea was to have 練精化氣,

    Here is the Taoist terminology for 練精化氣, refine jing to chi:
    English translation:
    Refining the jing to transform in to chi, is the Taoist terminology. It is first stage of qigong in the fundamental internal alchemy process. Then, the whole process is refining the jing to transform in to chi, refining the chi to transform in to shen, refining shen in to the void. Refine the void integrated with Tao. In internal alchemy, using jing, chi, shen as the basic fundamental, the prenatal jing and the prenatal chi should be refined together, transform them to a light and pure no-form compound substance. Refine it to a "dan body" which means after  the body was returned back to the prenatal form.

    BTW Qigong means the practice of breathing here. Void is return back to the innocent stage of oneself.

    The esoteric explanation was hard to interpret and comprehend. That's why I say it sounds fictional to me.

    • Like 1

  5. 3 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    Health/Structural, Martial, Sexual, Religeous, 


    Maybe ChiDragon just wants Martial. 

    With the practice of any kind, all the of above come with the package.
    I am not just want all martial. I am in the 性命雙修, dual cultivation of mind and body.

    3 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    ChiDragon, what’s your take on the three treasures? in this case I mean


    chi jing and shen

    精氣神( chi jing and shen) are the esoteric terms used by the ancient Chinese Taoists specialized in alchemy. If people talking about neidan(內丹) without mentioning these three terms, then, they knew nothing about neidan.

    These three treasures are the major ingredients are used in the alchemy. The final product become a neidan.

    I had posted the explanation of the three treasures. I need to look for it again. I wish Cobie is here to help me. She is good at that.

  6. 4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    If I fight I already failed and betrayed my intention not to fight. Luckily I learned some wing chun first so it fits well with this ethic, I don't like to fight

    If fighting was the first thing comes to the mind is to learn martial arts, then, it was the wrong step to begin with. An intent to learn the art is for health and good character other than fighting. It was considered to be the virtue of martial arts(武德).  However, whether you like it or not, the fighting skill comes with the package. You have the virtue of martial arts, my friend.

    4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    Do you ever use this for visualization / working with universal energies?

    I believe visualization is a western idea which I am not familiar with. I don't know what is the true meaning of universal energies or how to work with it.

    4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    Do you do any meditation for generating living kindness / metta?

    I do meditation in a zazen manner by sitting in my garden with the ultimate breathing method(UBM).


    4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    You sound laser focused do you have any tips on staying mindful about breathing throughout the day while not doing formal training?

    Ever since I have accomplished the ability to sink chi to my dantian, it had become my normal daily breathing habit with no hesitation. My tip is not to kick the breathing habit. The ample of oxygen supply, the universal source of energy, with keep me alert and focus at all times.

  7. Just now, Thrice Daily said:

    Thankyou, but for me martial arts start with intent, and much of that is cultivated with the heart. Can you dig it?

    physically speaking though I totally get what you're saying and appreciate the comment. I should keep the reverse breathing in mind more than I currently do. 

    You welcome and thank you! I am not sure what it means by intent and cultivated with the heart. Perhaps, I need to have more clarification from you in to near future.

    I am glad that you have considered to pay more attention to the significance of reverse breathing.

    8 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    ChiDragon do you focus at all on middle and upper, What do they mean to you? If anything? in

    Yes, both mean a lot to me.

    First of all let's relate the TCM terminology with the physiological terms.
    The upper dantian(UDT) is the mind that control all the body activities. The middle dantian(MDT) is the chest where the lung is located. The lower datian(LDT) is the abdomen. The MDT is where it begins to sustain life. It provides oxygen or chi as fuel to generate energy to keep the body function. As we breathe oxygen(chi) into the lung, the lung is the first organ that uses oxygen to produce the ATP energy to carry out its function. Then, the blood brings in oxygen into the heart from the lung. The cells in the heart will use oxygen to produce the energy for contraction. The contraction of the heart will squeeze the oxygenated blood out to arteries throughout the body. The rest of the body cells will fight for the oxygen.

    The cells of the heart and brain do not reproduce if they die. Hence, the constant supply of oxygen is required for these two organs in order to keep their cells alive. 

    Under the condition of "sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" is very important to a martial artist and a Taoist.  To a martial artist, 氣沉丹田,  is at the condition which the body can generate the maximum internal power. To a Taoist, it is the ultimate alchemy condition for Neidan.

    However, the ancient people did not understand the physiologically functions of the body. So, they assumed that at "sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" is the ultimate condition to accomplish the goal of whatever the practice was. Therefore, they only focus on the LDT rather than the other two.


    10 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    ..... More intensity and strength is my best measure stick to good progress really.


    what do you consider progress? 

    Progress to me is same as what you have stated. I want keep my ability to breathe deep to sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" at will and to increase my internal strength by increasing the mitochondria density in my body. As I understand, it could be done by slow body movements and slow deep breathing. I believe that I have accomplished by the diligent practice of Taiji.

    Thank you very much for your response and interested in the thread!

    • Like 1

  8. 13 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

    I'm surprised to read that from ChiDragon. 


    Are you allowing an element of doubt to remain to possibly account for the power of imagination in your practices?

    Not at all in my imagination. It is only the traditional explanation is fictional to me. However, I consulted with a more reliable source such as modern science to satisfy my thoughts.


    The master said that chi is flowing in the body. My understanding that is to replace chi with oxygen. It is because oxygen was carried by the red blood cells and delivering to all the cells throughout the body.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Thrice Daily said:

    What are your experiences with middle Dan tien and upper Dan tien. 


    By definition: the upper dantian is the head and middle dantian is the chest. There is not much one can do with martial arts. However, lower dantian are most adaptable for martial applications. All material arts practitioners perform reverse abdominal breathing. That is what they meant by "sink chi into the LDT."

    Abdominal breathing is most vulnerable in martial arts. It is because if the LDT was opened to the opponent,one strike to the LDT will release all the chi. Thus that would make one most vulnerable to be the weakest at that point in time.

  10. 1 hour ago, Taoist Texts said:

    here the old master is good at jumping but still hits the student muscularly, putting his foot behind the student's who of course is not resisting. nice trick but not FJ

    You are very amusing, I'm glad that you are here. You are very observant. Let me tell you something about Fajin. Fajin is not just using muscles but brain power too. The idea of FJ is to place yourself in the most defensive position. When you strike, you want to have the opponent in an indefendable  position. That is to keep the opponent in an off balance position. It is by putting the foot behind the student who, of course,  cannot resist.

    • Like 2

  11. 27 minutes ago, Paradoxal said:

    Why is western science valid, but eastern science invalid?

    Western science is explained to the microscopic level,  that's why it is valid. Chinese so-call science is only macroscopic and fictional. 


    I can use cellular respiration to explain how the body energy is generated. It is by muscle contraction. From the Chinese point of view, energy only known as chi. I cannot find any justification, but only by the word of mouth.


    PS I am only borrowing western science  to fill in the Chinese missing part. That's all, folks!

    • Haha 1

  12. 1 hour ago, forestofclarity said:

    Taiyi Jinhua Zongzhi,


    "The Goal of Taiyi Jinhua" The main thrust of "The Goal of Taiyi Jinhua" is to refine qi. The book follows the inherent Taoism of "closing the essence" and uses it to advocate that "essence" or "blood" must first become "qi" and circulate in the body to make the immortal pill of the flesh.The "Taiyi" in the title of the book refers to the original fresh and perfect state of the universe.



    英文版现有两个版本: 一个是早期由卡利·贝恩斯依据卫礼贤的德文版翻译的,另一个是1991年由托馬斯·克利里(Thomas Cleary)翻译出版。 这两个版本之间存在很大的差异。卫礼贤依据的是他中国老师劳乃宣 (Lau Nai Suan)所教授的内容,而湯姆斯·克里爾立是作为一个成就卓著的学者依据他自己的理解翻译的
    English translation
    There are two versions of the English version: one was translated by Cali Bains in the early days based on Wei Lixian's German version, and the other was translated and published by Thomas Cleary in 1991. There are big differences between the two versions.Wei Lixian is based on the content taught by his Chinese teacher Lau Nai Suan, and Thomas Creel translated it as an accomplished scholar based on his own understanding.


    220px-Stage1.gif 〈光明初聚〉-- 第1階段的冥想圖示

    卫礼贤的翻译来自于他在中国老师劳乃宣 (Lau Nai Suan)的传授,在那里学到了经典的中国哲学。基于他从他的老师那里学到的东西,卫礼贤更注重描述《金花的秘密》中的阴性思想。而克里爾立的翻译更注重学院派的阳性思想。荣格为卫礼贤的两本主要中国哲学书籍《金花的秘密》和《易经》作的序中都提到了中国哲学的这种性质。但是克里爾立几次批评卫礼贤的翻译版本的真实性
    Wei Lixian's translation came from the teaching of his Chinese teacher Lau Nai Suan, where he learned classic Chinese philosophy. Based on what he learned from his teacher, Wei Lixian paid more attention to describing the negative thoughts in "The Secret of the Golden Flower".Creel's translation pays more attention to the positive ideas of the academic school.Jung mentioned this nature of Chinese philosophy in the preface to Wei Lixian's two major Chinese philosophy books, "The Secret of the Golden Flower" and "The Book of Changes".However, Creel criticized the authenticity of Wei Lixian's translated version several times.


  13. 14 minutes ago, forestofclarity said:

    From Liu Yiming's Commentary on Wang Mu's Awakening to Reality:

    This is where everybody is getting the information from? From one's opinion and one book. Even though, the original alchemy method works. However, the concept of alchemy is still fictional. It was just a way for the Taoists to convince themselves by showing how the method works. We had discussed some place along the line here in TDB, but the subject just keep coming back with a new comer.

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