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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 2:30 PM, tommyprotramp said:

    In India the general term for Alchemy, both external and internal, is Rasavada. In Rasavada, Rasayana is about external alchemical work, with potions and elixirs, with the goal of creating Amrita - the elixir of immortality. Rasashastra is about working with internal juices of the body, so we can say that equivalent of Neidan in Indian terminology is Rasashastra.

    The internal Taoist Alchemy is separated from external. It is because the external method causes death by using poisonous elements. Since the external alchemy had failed, the Taoist went to the internal alchemy which is called Neidan. The Neidan uses the three intangible ingredients called jing chi shen(精氣神) to form the elixir. Indeed, Neidan works out much better and gives good result for longevity than external alchemy.

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  2. On 6/5/2024 at 2:30 PM, tommyprotramp said:

    The ultimate purpose of Neidan is to unite with the Dao. Dao is the other name for God.

    In Taoism, I don't think the purpose of Neidan is to unite whth the Dao. It is because Tao is not another name for God. According to the Tao Te Ching, Dao is existed before any god.


    Chapter 4 The Fathomless Tao.


    1. Tao is a vessel and its function seems inexhaustible. 
    2. Abyss, aha! It seems like the ancestry of all things.
    3/7. Fathomless, aha! Unconscious or conscious.
    4/8. I don't know whose son he is,
    5/9. It seems like before the heavenly god.

    ***** lines 3 through 6 seem to be out of context. They were reappeared in Chapter 56*****


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  3. Speaking of Qi cultivation, I think that there is a difference between western and eastern thinking. In western thinking, qi cultivation is the cultivation of energy. As oppose to eastern, it is the cultivation of breathing. The cultivation of breathing results the increase of energy in the body. That is what leads to the western thinking of qi cultivation is the cultivation of energy. Eventually, we are talking about the same thing but just one step ahead in the western thinking.

    It says all in the biochemical formula:
    Oxygen + glucose => CO 2 + H2O + heat + energy.

    Please read about cell respiration for clarity. This is something has to be discovered on your own!

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  4. 7 hours ago, Sanity Check said:

    Is it fair to say personality traits & emotional conditions like curiosity, envy, optimism, depression, compassion & hatred would naturally be boosted by qi cultivation?

    No, it does the opposite. It enhance the personal quality in real life to become a better person. However, it could make a person look younger.

    • Like 4

  5. Welcome! Everyone is talented for cultivation. Cultivation is to make someone to become a better person and put some spices in life. That is why we cultivate! Finding out about cultivation is your first step to cultivation.

    Please enjoy your presence on the site. Have fun!

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  6. 16 minutes ago, Maddie said:

    My original interest at the beginning of my journey was Qigong which led to an interest in Taoism. Although I found Taoism confusing and I had a hard time getting explanations to my questions so I eventually turned to Buddhism. As most people know Buddhism emphasizes the mind. It cultivates the mind through the mind primarily. 

     If I understand correct there is an aspect of Taoism that accesses the mind through the body? Lately I find this concept interesting and would like to know more about this and how it works.

    The modern definition of Chi Kung is adjusting the body, cultivating the mind and regulating the breathing. These are the three significant factors of Chi Kung must be considered. Hence, Chi Kung cannot be accomplished just by adjusting the body and cultivating the mind without regulating the breathing.

    Adjusting the body and cultivating the mind are not too difficult but regulating the breathing is the hardest part.


    The movements of the body are controlled by the mind. The practice of movements will be registered in the brain and the mind will be more flexible to react spontaneously. Also, breathing is affecting the mind. The practice of good breathing habit will help to send more oxygen to the brain. That will keep the brain cells healthy to have a strong mind. Thus both of these two factors has a great influence affecting the health of the mind.


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  7. On 4/21/2024 at 9:51 PM, Chang dao ling said:

    Hi, i am practicing visualization meditation i am getting headache and I want to daydream. Yesterday i started to do mental violence in daydreaming why Is this happening?

    Some violence happened to you at young age that might causing you to have some flash back, perhaps?

    • Like 2

  8. 1 hour ago, Taiji Rebel said:

    The practices are important, the names less so.  Focusing on the labels can lead us astray.  It is the content of the jar which nourishes and sustains, not the exterior design.  Breathing in and out, we are centered and rooted.  Stick to the principles and all will be well.  Walk your own path and seek your truth along the way.  As the old magician told me, The art is in the doing!

    Of course,  practice is important. However, It is better to know what is being practiced. Understanding the method to know what and how is also important too. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time or have not accomplish the goal as intended. For example, to practice Qigong is to practice how to breathe in a special way as defined by Tu Na. Otherwise, it is not Qigong as one would think as what that was. You might say practicing Qigong all your life without really know the basic principles and accomplished nothing or as intended.

  9. 20 hours ago, Iskote said:

    In my understanding, the modern day term 'qigong' is a term adopted in Communist China when the Chinese government began to strongly control what would and would not be allowed in regards to traditional Chinese beliefs and practices, and in regards to how the Chinese communist government wanted to control how Chinese people think about those practices. That's not to say that the term 'qigong' was necessarily not ever used prior to that time period, but I believe the term was at least not in common usage prior to communism taking hold in China.

    I don't why people would bring politics into martial arts. It is very misleading. FYI Qigong(氣功) has existed for a long time but it was called 吐納(Tu Na). It is an esoteric term for the special Taoist breathing method and is different from regular breathing. It was practiced to acquire alchemy.

    The modern term Qigong means breathing method that is easier for people to understand. Some natives and westerners having difficulty to grasp the whole meaning of Qigong by creating their own definitions.  Hence, it created a vast confusion in the world of martial arts.

  10. 4 hours ago, qin00b said:

    The formless form!


    Do you find that when you are moving in such an "unscripted" manner, it's your body working out whichever of the meridians need to be cleared, or need some extra invigorating, or is it more like, "I'm in this position and this next one seems to flow best?"

    Thank you for interested in my demo!
    "I'm in this position and this next one seems to flow best" However, I must think ahead before my next move.

    • Like 1

  11. 33 minutes ago, EFreethought said:

    Is anyone on this forum working on a translation of The Golden Flower?

    It very difficult to translate without having a complete understanding of what the author's intend.  Is there any particular segment that you would like to have it translated? I could give it a try for you if you like?

    • Like 1

  12. 28 minutes ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    The way I understand it is that neigong is creating, refining or transmuting qi, while qigong is moving qi around the body through breath, intention and movement.

    As long breathing is involved, you are there! That is the only criteria is important. Describe it anyway you would like nothing could go wrong. Good show!

    • Like 1

  13. On 2/29/2024 at 6:17 PM, ChiDragon said:


    This Zhan Zhuang position is at amateur level. It is because the knees are passing the toes. This will put lots of stress on the knee joints.

    • Haha 1

  14. On 2/29/2024 at 6:00 PM, ChiDragon said:

    This is the original Zhan Zhuang


    Please notice that the upper leg of the white statue is at 45 degree.

    Please notice that the practitioner has the angle formed between the upper leg and the lower leg is ninety(90) degrees. In addition, the lower leg is straight and the knees did not pass the toes. That is the highest realm that one wants to be accomplished. It can be said that he has a high level of Neigong.

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  15. I have noticed that many people are throwing the terms of Qigong and Neigong in and out from left to right. However, what is the difference between these two terms? Here is the way that I understand them. Qigong is a method of breathing that we practice. Neigong is the internal strength that has to be acquired from Qigong or martial arts. BTW Neigong can be acquired from any kind of martial arts. The purpose to acquire the internal strength  is to build up the body strength for self defense. Neigong cannot be acquired by just practicing martial arts without Qigong breathing. For that said, to practice any method of martial arts cannot neglect to incorporate the Qigong breathing. By following the guideline, the practice has included the combination of martial arts, Qigong and Neigong simultaneously.  Thus the practitioner actually is killing three birds with one stone. So to speak!

    • Like 1

  16. 4 hours ago, qin00b said:

    I'm 100% sure the instructor knew I could flatten him and could have taught a more helpful class, but I gave him the respect due an instructor doing their best. I was a student and he was a teacher….

    I'll say that you have the virtue of martial arts, 武德.

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  17. 13 hours ago, idiot_stimpy said:

    What advice or tips would you give in order to help someone spot a fake master?


    Someone saying they're enlightened when they really are not?


    Is there anyway to actually tell?

    If your master tells you that breathing has nothing to do with Chi Kung, then stay away from IT.

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  18. 1 hour ago, qin00b said:

    Towards the end of Steve Gray's Tien Shan exercises, they have a seated meditation session which includes what he refers to as seated ZZ. He also writes about this in his ZZ book. Spoiler alert:  the most important part is hand positioning and not visualizing. He claims that you can do ZZ lying down as well, tho' it won't be as powerful as doing it standing as you won't be generating enough energy from the stance (then again, you can likely hold the position longer, so you'll ultimately generate a decent amount of energy. I think he says it's six of one….But I have no idea how you measure such qi generation, so who knows?). 

    Based on the fact that, not long ago before he passed away, Steve did asked me to translate the definition of Zhan Zhuang for him, I assume that he didn't know what it means to begin with. The definition of 站樁 is standing on poles. Please understand that I am not trying to condemn the person that is no longer here to defend himself.

    I know what I am talking about. Peace. If you have any question, I am glad to clarify for you. Please don't insult my intelligence!

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