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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. FYI In the first video.
    According to the Taij system, bending the knees beyond the front of the toes is not a good posture. It will damage the knee joints is because the excessive stress was putted on them.. There were many people who want to speed up the practice of Taiji without realizing this would be a problem. As result, they hurt their knees permanently. 

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  2. People all thought that chi is energy, energy, and energy. It is because they were told by many masters. It always comes out very vague and ambiguous. Some say chi was absorbed from heaven by raising the hands and reach for the energy from heaven. Some said chi is absorbed from the earth. How valid was that? There was one thing that they never mention the significance of breathing. Is it because that just they didn't know at the time. Nowadays, we have many updated information to help to explain lots of thing that we couldn't explain in the past. Let's be wise by not ignoring but take advantage of modern science what is providing for us.

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  3. On 1/26/2024 at 5:20 AM, Master Logray said:

    The Chi cultivation was thousands of years old.  In those days, the farmers and labourers would have whatever oxygen required

    The farmers and laborers, in those days, had the practice to develop their bodies for working all day. Without noticed, they had improved their breathing ability better than the scholars just by sitting and reading books all day long. In the human body requires lots of energy to do labors. In order to keep the generation of energy, the respiratory system will kick in to suck more air in a natural way. If one don't understand this oxygen theory, then one should study the cell respiration process to see how it works. Please don't just stick to one side of the story. Peace!

    Thousands years ago, they do not call it chi kung but tu na(吐納).

  4. 26 minutes ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    Learn how to use the iPhone, not discuss hammers.

     People do change subject and derailed the thread. It does waste energy and cyber space. IMO A new subject should start with a new thread. It was just too much rubbish in one simple thread. Sorry, I have to say that. :wacko:

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  5. His problem is a very serious one. He can only help himself by self discipline in practicing Qigong diligently.  IMO western medicine might be given him multiple side effects or might not even cure the problem. TCM medicines might work but the effectiveness is very slow.

    Most of the discussions on the site and this forum were done macroscopically and superficial. Not much discussion were done microscopically. Is there any possibility to look into the matter microscopically. Such as looking into the human body cell level like cell respiration. How the mitochondria, inside the cells, generate and provide the energy for the organs to function properly. If one want to get to the bottom of this, the study of how the mitochondria work will be the answer for this thread. The cell respiration has four phases. Each phase should be study thoroughly to have a clear understand why abdominal breathing is so important. Hence, the issue of how it works will be resolved.

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  6. On 2/1/2024 at 3:10 PM, snowymountains said:


    Thank you. How does alchemy differentiate to Qigong for health then in terms of outcomes?

    Method may be different but if promised outcome is the same, the two would be fishing in the same pond.


    You tell me if I tell you this. It is Qigong that helps to accomplish Alchemy. Alchemy has to be performed through Qigong to get the final result. The goal of Qigong is the practice of breathing until the breath reaches down to the abdomen. When it does, you will have a healthy body. You can go to the next stage of practice. Whatever you want to call it. It is your accomplishment. You can call it Alchemy, Qigong or neigong. You still end up with a very strong healthy body. What I'm saying is. To start practice anything,you must start with Qigong to retore and fine tune your body to the ultimate homeostasis.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Maddie said:

    They did studies in a lab where they would measure peoples digestive enzymes before and after needling it and it was definitively shown that digestive enzyme levels increased to a significant degree

    When there is lack of digestive enzyme, the system did not recognize it. It was said it is in stagnation in TCM. In order to activate the system to produce more enzyme, acupuncture will stimulate the nervous system to by pass the stagnation with a signal to produce more enzyme. This is my understanding.


    10 minutes ago, Maddie said:

    They did studies in a lab where they would measure peoples digestive enzymes before and after needling it and it was definitively shown that digestive enzyme levels increased to a significant degree! This is objective evidence.

    15 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

    Just go study the function of the human and try to relate them.

    Yes, that is what they are doing now.

  9. FYI The TCM and claims of different methods and practices are just imaginary concepts. There are no scientific proves but beliefs and the results are the only proves. How does work? Just go study the function of the human and try to relate them.

  10. 1 hour ago, Needhelp said:

    I most certainly will start practicing this. If you say this will help I will do it. again thank you, your responses have put my mind at ease and givin me hope.

    I forgot to ask you. Do you have any pain on the left side of your abdomen?

  11. 39 minutes ago, Needhelp said:

    I'm not sure it's a chemical or biological issue more then it's a physical issue. I do workout atleast 5 times a week and eat a very nutrient dense diet. As well as being active on other health forums following very smart people focusing on hormonal health and other bodily systems. My issue seems to be my pelvic floor no longer pulsates, it's more like a linear stream even when trying to have a normal orgasm.

    Your reproductive system is at stake. It is a biological issue. Doing strenuous excise won't help to improve your internal health. It only consume more of your internal energy. Practice something moderate without making you sweat like Taiji will help the body to build energy. Thus you want to do something to increase your energy level but not consuming energy at the same time. Your energy is in a negative level from your past experience. Your body needs to recuperate internally to bring you back to the positive level. In order to speed up your energy level you needed the help of oxygen. To bring up the oxygen level in your body is by practice the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB) as I have posted in my PPD.

    You should concentrate on you breathing practice instead of spending more time searching for help!

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  12. 56 minutes ago, Needhelp said:

    Thank you so much, do you have a recommended qigong or taiji form for this specific issue? I really appreciate your response.

    The most effective and simplest style is the Yang 24 form style. Taiji is categorized as a form of Qigong. You just learn the style and practice at least twice a day or as often as you can(recommended). Be sure you follow my breathing method regardless what others tell you. The key to Taiji is the coordination between the breathing and movements. If you practice it with determination to do it diligently, then, you should see some results in a few months. However, you must stop the illegitimate practice from that book.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

    For Alchemy what is the goal? Is it only immortality? ( I say "only" because I believe this to be impossible and hence not a goal ).

    Are there spiritual goals too ? If so how do the spiritual goals differ eg to stream entry 

    The goal for alchemy is to have good health. It was only a hope for immortality. One might say it was a wishful thinking at the time due the lack of scientific knowledge.

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