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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. 55 minutes ago, Neirong said:

    A person with a rattling mind and low energy won't have the same ability to cultivate as someone who attained a permanent state of samadhi, a dozen siddhis, and cultivated a massive energy field.
    When people do not have level required to cultivate properly, they start playing "Batman" "Goku" and imagining themselves cultivating, playing a role. An ego wishes to bend the world to its own limited understanding.

    How can a person obtain the level required to cultivate properly? Isn't the idea was to practice from the beginning to get to the point where one wants to be, progressively?

  2. 17 hours ago, Needhelp said:

    Does anyone know if this is permanent? From reading the forum I see the first step is to stop the practice entirely which I have but where do I go from here? If anyone jas any advice or can atleast tell me this isn't a life sentence it would be very much appreciated and thank you.

    Don't worry ! If there is a disease, then, there is a cure for it. The book you had followed should have bad been banned from the market. It is because it is not a legitimate practice. That method was from a fiction story. A legitimate practice doesn't need a teach if the instructions are clear and easy to follow.

    To cure your problem is to return your body health back to normalcy. The best cure is to practice Qigong or Taiji. You don't need to buy expensive books to learn it. Don't just learn it from anyone that might rip you off. To put you at rest assured, I was at your present condition once before. However, I had cured myself and return to a health condition even better than before.

    To get a general idea what Qigong/Chi Kung is all about, you might want to check it out in my Personal Practice Discussion(PPD).

    Hope you return to good health!

    • Like 1

  3. 30 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    This is interesting, what is the textual reference?


    This sounds rather similar to the standard stages in several meditation traditions, in text above each stage is linked to a daoist alchemy concept.

    That is what we will get from all the Taoist texts. They are just copies of the basic concept.

    • Like 2

  4. 29 minutes ago, Mark Foote said:

    Using Google translate, which may or may not be accurate, I find the following points salient:


    If the mind is not relaxed, the nature will be fixed. If the form is not labored, it will be perfect. If the gods do not disturb you, the elixir will be knotted. ... It can be said that you never leave the house.


    Please do not use google translation for classic text. It was not make for that. I tried that at first too. It turns out to be not making any sense at all.

    • Like 2

  5. 24......师答曰夫道以无心为体。忘言为用。以柔弱为本。以清静为基。若施于人。必节饮食。绝思虑。静坐以调息。安寝以养炁。心不驰则性定。形不劳则精全。神不扰则丹结。然后灭情于虚。宁神于极

    The teacher said:
    No intention is the fundamental basis. Forgetting the words(silence) is the function. Based on the softness and tranquility, if passed onto others, one must go on diet and forget all the worries. Zazen to regulate the breathing and laid down to preserve chi(养炁).

    If the heart is not disturbed, then, it is at rest. If the body is not busy, then the jing is full. If the soul has no worries, then the dan() has formed. Hereinafter, enter the emptiness by getting rid of all the desires. Hence, Ning Shen(宁神) is at the highest state.

    • Like 2

  6. 8 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    You don’t force it down, just keep your mind focus on lower dantien, and keep your breath as low as possible in your lower abdomen. Stick your belly out when you inhale, pull it in when you exhale and keep your chest completely still when you are breathing. 

    Whatever his name is. He is the one that knows what he is talking about!
    Those who want to know what Qigong is all about? Sink chi to the dantian(LDT). This is how it was done. It doesn't matter what kind of Qigong one is practicing, this is the fundamental breathing routine that everyone must go through. Without this breathing routine, nothing could be accomplished in any method.

    • Like 2

  7. I see lots of martial arts mistakes in these pictures. Apparently, the artiest who drew the pictures has no kung fu experience. 
    In the first picture.
    His right foot should be at an angle of 45 degree. He just locked himself up in a very vulnerable position.

    In the third picture.

    It is very poor stance for a Kung Fu fighter. He would never be able to lift himself up in that position. Perhaps someone would like to point it out why!

    In the fifth picture, an experience fighter would not put a sharp object behind the back. Again, the legs are locked in a 雙重(double weight) position.

    In the sixth picture and the seventh, there is something doesn't look like in each. What would that be?

    It would be very interesting to hear your comments.

    Note: A locked position is a posture that puts one in an awkward position to free oneself from going to the next move.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Cobie said:

    DDJ Ch 11 
    1. Thirty spokes unite in one hub; 
    2. It is precisely where there is nothing, that we find the usefulness of the wheel. 
    3. We fire clay and make vessels; 
    4. It is precisely where there's no substance, that we find the usefulness of clay pots. 
    5. We chisel out doors and windows; 
    6. It is precisely in these empty spaces, that we find the usefulness of the room. 
    7. Therefore, we regard having something as beneficial; 
    8. But having nothing as useful. (Henricks)



    I think you had missed the whole point of this chapter.
    It is not the usefulness of all things. Rather, it is the usefulness of the space in the things.