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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. FYI Grounding in martial arts means how stable one can stand on the ground to keep balance. It is nothing like in an electrical circuit ground with a short that might cause to drain some electrical power. It seems someone had mixed up with a capacitor.

    PS If you are talking about touching the other kind of "grass", then, yes bye-bye chi. :D

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  2. On 1/12/2024 at 3:30 PM, Gerard said:

    He Jinghan is a specialist of this type of work. His channel hosts hundreds of highly useful videos.

    FYI The videos shown here are not for beginners. In the way, come to think of it, it is not even for intermediate level neither. It take time to achieve to the higher level. One cannot jump the gun and skip the progressive practice.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Cobie said:

    Yeah. For once we agree. Yes, this quote is from the zhong1 yong1 :

    喜 怒 哀 樂 之  xǐ nù āi lè zhī - Concerning all human emotions - 

    未 發 谓 之 中  wèi fā wèi zhī zhōng - to not have feelings yet, call it neutrality; 

    It then goes on to say:

    发 而 皆 中 節 谓 之 和   fā ér jiē zhòng jié wèi zhī hé - to have feelings and always hit the mark of moral integrity, call it kindness. 


    It should be read this way.

    喜 怒 哀 樂 之未 發 ,   Happiness(), anger(), sorrow(), and joyfulness() have not being emerged.

    谓 之 中 : it was considered to be nothing have had happened.

  4. 16 hours ago, exorcist_1699 said:

    Anyway, a famous poem, written by the Daoist cum Confucian scholar , Sao Yong ('邵雍') , who lived in the Song Dynasty , tells us the relation between no-mind and the Cosmic Mind:

    Here is the interpretation of the poem. It is the internal practice of the Taoist religion.

    Quote: "道教说的静是怎样的一种状态呢?可能有人误会静是无事的闲静,或者是死静(这些观念被炼养者批判很久了)。其实,静是蕴含极大活力的。邵雍有诗云:“天心复处是无心,心至无时无处寻。若谓无心便无事,水中何故却生金。”意谓无心后而得静境,但并非就了事了,而是能出水中生金——即丹家所说的静极而动,阳气发生




  5. 16 hours ago, exorcist_1699 said:

    " 喜怒哀樂之未發謂之中 "

    Happiness, angry, sorrow, and joyfulness have not being emerged, it was considered to be nothing have had happened. "中" means in the middle being neutral nothing was happening. This the classical interpretation.

  6. On 1/8/2024 at 4:48 PM, You Dare?! said:

    This junior greets the esteemed Elders. I am but a humble neophyte practitioner and have just found this heavenly forum where the Seniors share their cultivation secrets and enlightenments.

    All I have been doing is the 8 brocades cultivation technique. But this humble junior feels like I hit a bottleneck and is requesting guidance on which holy scriptures to be directed to, regarding building up jing in body cultivation.


    Welcome, my humble one.
    Do not believe everything you read nor heard.
    Do not practice everything that you were introduced.
    Do not start something in the middle because you were told that is best for you.

    Do not practice as many styles as you like. It is not the more the merrier. Just stay with one style and master it.
    Building up jing in body cultivation is by practicing Qigong. Qigong is learning how to breathe properly to have the body function at full capacity.


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  7. 29 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    Not really the definition of enlightenment according to the Buddha, but it was a break thought for me on one level :-)

    I was talking about these kind of enlightenment
    7 stages are typically described as:
    • Mindfulness and awareness.
    • Tranquility and concentration.
    • Insight and understanding.
    • Spiritual awakening.
    • Non-attachment.
    • The path to liberation.
    • The state of nirvana or enlightenment.

      @Maddie This is your definition in Indian Buddhism.
      "bodhi": knowledge, wisdom, wakeful intellect, or awakened divinity of a Buddha. In Buddhism, enlightenment (called bodhi in Indian Buddhism, or satori in Zen Buddhism) is when a Buddhist finds the truth about life and stops being reborn because they have reached Nirvana.

      My definition is in Zen Buddhism. Zen Buddhism is not just about finds the truth about life and stops being reborn.




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  8. 17 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    When I first began to meditate I was in a really bad relationship and this is precisely why I started meditating. The notion of leaving the toxic relationship didn't enter my mind at first. I wanted to somehow feel ok in the toxic relationship. Happily though once I began to shift to mindfulness I began to realize important things about this mindset.  

    I would considered that is an enlightenment for you acquired from the meditation.

  9. 6 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    Actually one of the worst reasons to practice Samatha is to calm and ignore what's coming to the surface during everyday life.


    If there are family problems one should work on the relationship, or if that doesn't solve things, leave the relationship.

    Otherwise people will do Samatha to ignore it and because of dealing with it by doing Samatha, they ( and perhaps their children too ) will be stuck in dysfunctional family patterns for decades.

    A person who stepped into a Buddhist temple to become a Buddhist, that person will be out of this world and leave the problems behind regardless of the consequences. I am only speaking within the Chinese society who has this kind of problems.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    My first meditation practices were usually Qigong or Daoist. Specifically in this case I did a lot of five element/organ meditations at the beginning. Typically after working on a specific organ/element for a while a lot of repressed stuff would come up to the surface and I would become aware of it and observe it and learn things about myself. The observation part I wasn't taught it just sort of happened spontaneously but this was basically mindfulness. 

    Taoists believed that meditation by focusing on particular organ would be beneficial or healing an illness of the organ. IMHO That was only an imaginary concept. In reality, the body is actually a self-healing machine. Regardless of one is focusing on the organ or not.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Maddie said:

    meditation of focusing on the breath and "making the mind quiet"

    This is more like Taoist type of meditation!


    10 minutes ago, Maddie said:

     Later I learned about mindfulness meditation where the goal was to observe what was in the mind. I have made much better progress with this type of meditation and it is the one that I specialize in now. 

    This is more like Buddhist meditation!

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  12. 17 hours ago, Cobie said:

    I’m having a small insignificant pain (in the pink of my right hand). So that’s my ‘pain’ spot. I wanted to use it to practice

    I am glad to help you to give it a try. Behind your right wrist, have your palm facing upward. Press all over the lower right arm and see if you feel any soreness. After you find the sore spot, just press down in place and rub it with circular motion.

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  13. 11 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    Easy 🙂 he does acupressure, not acupuncture, he's also not doing TCM acupressure.

    Do you think that there is a difference between acupressure and TCM acupressure? FYI There is no difference. Anyone can apply pressure to any spot on the body.

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  14. 1 hour ago, snowymountains said:

    ..... my physiotherapist is doing some form of accupressure btw, though the one he does is not TCM 

    Come to think of it, most or all Chinese martial artists hurt themselves doing practice. Most of them do have some knowledge on massage and acupressure to cure their pain. It doesn't need special skill to perform acupressure. Besides, if it does no good, then, it does no harm either. The basic treatment to not the treat the area in pain but the reflexopoint. The reflxopoint is a sore spot that is related to the pain spot. One massage the sore spot with a little pressure until the soreness is gone. Then, the pain should have gone away. It works for me every time. I have cured my neck pain that had have been bothering me for two years. IMO By applying acupressure to the reflexopoint, it covers more area than with an acupuncture needle does.

    In another case, I was working on an experiment in my workshop that involves with lots of screwing and unscrewing. It caused lots of pain on the muscle below the thumb. There is sore spot on wrist where the radial nerve is located. I applied acupressure on it the pain had gone instantly. As a matter of fact, I had just done it in the last moment as I type.

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