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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. What about Hsiang Sheng (mutual arising in Chinese?)

    Hsiang Sheng(相生): It implies that one must be the dependent of the other in order to survive(生). For example, Yang must be existed to have Yin and vice versa. If there was no sunlight(Yang), then, there is no shadow(Yin). Another example, male and female or man and wife are said to be mutual dependent of each other.

  2. Baoman...

    What you are doing was really meditation. Your focus on different parts of the body was called 意守(yi4 shou3) by the ancient Taoists. This is like a healing process for a damaged tissue in the body. The ancient Taoist knew how to heal themselves by focusing on the damaged area and using Chi Kung. If you can do abdominal breathing, then you would be actually doing sitting meditation or zazen and you'll feel much better. Indeed, your focus on different parts of the body will help you to control your muscle movements and increases your reflexes.

    • Like 1

  3. Hello - this seems like a great forum with some pretty solid characters and knowledge.


    Quick question - I'm looking for a seated meditation technique - is there some place on this site that provides instruction or techniques?


    Been meditating for approximately 12 years now - first with a zazen style then with an offshoot of TM. The similar-to-tm method was initially good and seemed to free up some stress - however it started making me spacey,depressed and anxious - very much the opposite of my normal personality.


    Thanks - and any assistance would be appreciated.




    If you had done sazen for 12 years and did not accomplish what you had intended, I see something is not right there.


    1. May I ask what is the purpose of meditation...???

    2. What is your purpose of meditation...???


    The reason that I ask those questions is because one need to understand what is the final goal of meditation, physically and mentally. It seems to me that you want to release some stress. Let me tell you this, it is not by just doing the zazen will help you to release all the stress. It's a lot more than that in meditation that one need to understand. I wouldn't recommend that you should be looking into a method at random. Instead, you should know more about what is the purpose of meditation and why you want to do it. Therefore, you must do it within your heart because not knowing the purpose and your purpose of meditation will lead you nowhere.


    Remember, sitting alone will not help you. You must learn how to breathe while doing meditation.


    Why don't you read this to get a rough idea.

    Taoist Meditation

  4. 1. What if he wants to be an engineer on a whim because his gf told him this is a good way, after studying 2 years to be a doctor?


    2. Do you have children? Have you ever worked through 20 years of raising someone else?


    1. It's OK as long as his gf told him this is a good way; but she did not force him to change his major. If he wants to make a switch, that's his choice. Thus nobody violates the concept of Wu Wei.


    2. No.

  5. Acting in according with the principle of Tao was considered to be natural.

    What it was being suggesting is that:

    Let's say your son wants to be an engineer, so let him be. Please don't force him to be a doctor because of that's what you want him to be. This was considered not Wu Wei due to the interference of one's will. Thus this is one of the natural aspect of Wu Wei.

  6. Possibly the most pertinent one that you missed is 養生 yǎngshēng -- nourishing life -- which is the original term for what has become modernised as "qigong".




    Besides 養生 yǎngshēng , there are also

    養精 yǎng jing1

    養氣 yǎng qi4: here is where the qigong comes from

    養神 yǎng shen2: here is where meditation comes from


    養魚 yǎng yu2

    養牛 yǎng niu2

  7. Chi, thanks much for the above. It is fascinating to think how much interpretation, personal projection, political correctness must go into the translations. AND my guess is that much of the translation currently available is based on previous translations--perhaps many--since the original writing.


    Sorry to say it, that's EXACTLY. :)

  8. your the one correcting people's translations and calling your own the "proper translation" over and over again. Where is the open mind, may I ask? Too funny double standard. I guess we are all here for you? Thanks for the games on the high horse.


    BTW: You don't have to try and translate every single text offered. You should know something about the text instead of changing your thought every day and pronouncing it as final... again and again and again. An open mind means you are open to another's translation instead of forcing your own to everyone's acceptance. You have already shown you are not open to another's; you prefer to always correct another. Don't you get it?

    I believe that I had been given my justification for all my reasoning. However, the main issue had been ignored every time. In return, there was no rebuttal on the issue rather the messenger was being attacked. All this time, our efforts had been wasted on personal issues other than concentrating on the subject was being discussed. Therefore, I have no further interest in the subject and I rest my case.


    Peace... :D

  9. Translation:


    Great One engenders water




    Great One evolved into water.


    Its hard for me to communicate to you if you do not really know the language thoroughly. You need to an open mind to see what I saying without any preconceived idea. If you do not wish to discuss with an open mind, then I just stay out.

  10. The character 生(sheng1), by itself, with its basic meanings can be translated into English including all these words:

    Give birth to; begot, born, produce; generate, engender, mothered; fathered; to live; to grow; alive; life; living;


    However, these meanings, alone, cannot be used to translate or interpret the Tao Te Ching. This character has many different meanings when compound with a different character. When interpreting the classic text, the interpreter must understand the context before an interpretation can be made.


    Here are some of the compound characters may be helpful for interpreting the Tao Te Ching.

    1. 生 存 shēng cún : to exist; to survive

    2. 生 成 shēng chéng : fully developed; ripen; matured

    3. 生 育 shēng yù : to bear; to give birth

    4. 生 產 shēng chǎn : to produce; manufacture

    5. 產 生 chǎn shēng : to come into being; to produce; to cause; to bring about; to generate; to yield; to engender

    6. 出 生 chū shēng : to be born;

    7. 一 生 yì shēng : all one's life; throughout one's life

    8. 化 生 hua4 sheng1: evolved into being


    For example: 太一生水


    Great One evolved into water.

  11. I started with a seated meditation,using the breath,eyes open sitting seiza. Then I started doing an offshoot of tm that uses a mantra to 'transcend'.

    Eyes open sitting seiza, this is something new to me in meditation....!!!

    How were you taught in doing your breathing....???

  12. In the context of Chinese God's, then I think it's obvious in that mythological pantheon, then Tao would've existed before, but in the context of say, Vedanta or other Eastern religions and their concept of what God is, which is different, then I don't think Tao would've existed before "God". Of course it doesn't matter, as Mythmaker said earlier, it's all opinion, ego stroking, and here say.



    LaoTze was an atheist; and so am I. He mentioned god(small g) is because a non believer still may use the term for an illustration.


    This is not my opinion. I'm just translating the TTC as close as possible, impartially, to reveal the actual saying.

    • Like 1

  13. Special attention need be given to this last line.


    Actually, the only thing (non-thing) that could have existed when Tao was in the condition of oneness (Singularity) would have been Tzujan. (Tao follows Tzujan, its own naturalness.)

    Last line of Chapter 25


    dao4 fa3 zi4 ran2.

    Tao follows zi4 ran2.

  14. But then, even if one has the need to include the concept of god, god would be an aspect of Tao, not the other way around.


    But I do agree with you, even though many have done so I believe that interchanging God with Tao is invalid.


    Chapter 4 - The obscure Tao

    1. Tao is vacuous,

    2. And its function is inexhaustible.

    3. Abyssal,

    4. It's the origin of all things.

    9. Invisible,

    10.Yet obscure.

    11.I don't know who he is the son of.

    12.It seems to be existed before the heavenly god.

  15. One to demonstrate the ultimate skill is the ultimate goal.


    This is the theme song from the movie of Jet Li:





    逆來順受  空虛見豐盛

    狂暴化升平 無路處 自有天命


    動對靜 除對乘

    隨緣入世因風出世  無情亦有情

    隨緣順性 不争不勝 無情是有情




    滙陽合陰 心安覺天靜

    柔弱覺風平 無路處 自有天命


    動對靜 除對乘

    隨緣入世因風出世  無情亦有情

    隨緣順性 不争不勝 無情是有情



    The Tai Chi Spirit

    I am confidently don't see my arms are strong and powerful.

    I have, within my heart, all of peace and harmony.

    Facing adversity with docile acceptance.

    With emptiness sees fullness.

    With violence turns into risen harmony.

    If reached to the end of the road, there will be kismet.


    Motion versus stillness, division versus multiplication.

    Came into this world because of serendipity;

    Got out of this world because of the wind.

    No feeling but having feeling.

    Follow what was meant to be by the yielding instinct.

    Not competing, thus no winning.

    No feeling is having feeling.


    But felt that my lips are not saying a lyric or a command.

    But I see that my hands are touching the affairs of this mortal life.

    Let's meet the Yang and unite with the Yin.

    Peace in the heart sensed the heavenly tranquility.

    Gentleness sensed the calming wind.

    If reached to the end of the road, there will be kismet.

    • Like 2

  16. Yes, thanks. I was more interested in the concept than its classification.


    The legend why it was called Wing Chun. The woman who invented this style is because her name was called Wing Chun. Women are known to be weaker than men. So she invented the method was to fight someone in a close contact distance. The main goal is to get the opponent off balance by moving the striking body part of the opponent slightly away from the defender's vulnerable area. The Wing Chun practitioner use the hands to strike by making a swift move before the opponent was even aware of it.


    This falls into the concept of the Yin overcomes the Yang. The woman was being the Yin and man was being the Yang.

  17. I was reluctant to post this because I am not quite sure if Happeh is a genius or a madman. I think he raises an interesting point though. What happens when you urinate? Kidneys tense slightly, muscles in the kua tense slightly, and your body expels toxins outward/downward. I suspect the crane stance is tensing the same muscles, sealing the jing and redirecting it upwards.


    There is a fallacy in the video. The reason was that when the man stands with his knees bent, the legs of the triangle should stop at the knees from the toes because the legs are not straight. This stance will keeping the man in balance from pushing and pulling, so he won't fall. Why he won't fall...??? If you have some lessons in kinetics, you will know that each bending leg has two pivot points. The points are at the ankles and the knees. You have two force on the legs. At all times, you have a resultant force going toward to front of the body on the lower legs; and an opposite resultant force on the upper legs going toward the back of the body. The two resultant forces are counteracting to keep the body in balance. However, the woman in the urinated position, most of her body weight is in the backside. If somebody comes along and give a push, then she will drop and sit on the toilet.

  18. Videos say a million words. :closedeyes:


    I have yet to see any Chinese master display such prowress in the energetic arts yet these students of Indonesian Qigong are displaying acts of power in the Internal arts which will put most Chinese qigong "masters" to shame.


    I fear that soon in the future, China will lost the title of Qigong Capital of the World to Indonesia.




    Why don't you take a look of these...???