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Posts posted by ChiDragon

  1. Question!
    Is there any members here had accomplished the ultimate goal of Neidan? Why and how so? What are the changes that took place in the body? What do you think the ultimate goal of Neidan should be? What kind of result that one should be expected from the practice? Just tell us anything that you can think of.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Antares said:

    and BTW the term "nourishing De" is used there, just checked it

     Where is there?
    Are you referring to Chapter 51


    1. Tao engenders it,
    2. Te rears it (nourished by De).

    PS 德: If it stands alone, we can look up its definition in a dictionary. If it was within a philosophy, then, we look into the mind of the philosopher to see what is the meaning defined by the author. For examples,
    1. In Confucianism,
    is the virtue of morality. The virtue of morality was considered to be that someone has the highest quality of human behavior without any regrets.

    2. In Taoism,
    is the virtue of Tao. By the meaning of the virtue of Tao, it is one who study and observe the principles of Tao was considered to be being processed the virtue of Tao.


  3. 2 hours ago, Apech said:

    Is the ultimate goal of neidan the same as the ultimate goal of Daoism?  

    No, they are not the same. Neidan is a practice method in the Taoist religion. Daoism covers all areas in all aspects.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 11 minutes ago, Antares said:

    You can believe what you want, I dont care  to be honest with you

    Well, my friend, I see that you have already made up your mind about things. Certainly, there is no need for further discussion on this complex subject. Isn't it? May peace come into your heart! ❤️

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    • Confused 1

  5. 10 hours ago, Antares said:

    So why you dont see that this is not about morality or ethics? What is your point or argument in re to De understanding? 

    First of all, we do not read into the TTC and mixed with the  idea of Confucianism. The virtue of morality is different from the virtue of Tao. However, the virtue of Tao is higher than the virtue of morality. One must read the whole TTC to understand what it is all about. Rather than just based on one chapter or just few lines.

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  6. 8 hours ago, Antares said:

    ..... But I believe no much native chinese people who know ancient Chinese well enough. For example I wonder how you understand the chapter 8 of DDJ  

     That was not a wise assumption.

    Chapter 8 - Be Virtuous like Water

    Translation in terse English:
    1. High virtue like water.
    2. Water is good at benefiting all things without contend.
    3. Attend places where people disgusted.
    4. Hence, water is similar to Tao.
    5. Dwell in good selected places,
    6. Good deep in the heart with peace and kind to others,
    7. Spoken words with trust,
    8. Rule with benevolence,
    9. Conduct affairs with best ability,
    10.Take action in a timely manner,
    11.Therefore, only by not contending,
    12.Thus no resentment.

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  7. Hello, TDBs.

    I am proud to be here to present what I have learned. My purpose here is not to argue who knows more or what is right. I just want to tell it like as is. I don't need to be sarcastic and I never wanted to. I wish all the members will do the same by keeping this in a Taoist environment. May peace in our hearts.


    Thank you very much, all!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2

  8. 20 minutes ago, Spiritual_Aspirant said:

    Yes there's a system called Tetada Kalimasada.  It's an Indonesian martial arts system that also uses energy.  You can search youtube for demonstrations.

    Question! Is there any system that doesn't use energy?

    Peace! :)

  9. 21 minutes ago, Antares said:

    What do you mean by "native interpretation"? Who did this  interpretation? Who is your teacher? There are loads of "interpretators". Even though they are native it is not absolute understanding just because they are native.  

    Why don't you give me one line or chapter to see if it is a good translation? Let's go from there!

    PS Let's go somewhere else before this thread is contaminated by us!

  10. 3 minutes ago, Antares said:

    Oh, Jesus.. Come here to save us. WHO IS YOUR TEACHER? 

    I am my own teacher. I am stupid enough to be self taught from a well written textbook by a well known native scholar with the highest authority on the subject. Do you read?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2

  11. 21 minutes ago, Antares said:

    What do you mean by "native interpretation"? Who did this  interpretation? Who is your teacher? There are loads of "interpretators". Even though they are native it is not absolute understanding just because they are native.  

    FYI I have my first hand native source to read. Other than reading second hand translation to mislead myself. I am reading a well written text book by a well known native scholar with the highest authority on the subject.

    Did you have a chance to read  老子註譯及評介 written by:  陳鼓應. Peace!:)

    Why don't you give me one line or chapter to see if it is a good translation?

  12. Just now, Antares said:

    As I said teacher is the "key" to understand texts. Have you watched the Matrix movie where Neo had to find right door to get to Architect? There was the key master. Read classics like Dao De Jing in good translations 

    As I've said, I read the native interpretation of the Dao De Jing rather than the mistranslated information by a non-native translator.

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  13. 29 minutes ago, Antares said:

    just forget about it. this is mundane understanding of De

    Dao or Tao? Chose one name for it. You wont be able to understand it if you have no teacher. Texts are good to read but knowledgeable teacher is best solution to understand texts. Translation is not accurate in most cases. As I said Evgeny Torchinov was expert in ancient Chinese but you have no chance to read his works.  

    If one study the 道德經 long enough, then, one would know that 道 as Dao or Tao.  Dao De Jing (DDJ) and Tao Te Ching(TTC) are known as 道德經.

    FYI I have my first hand native source to read. Other than reading second hand translation to mislead myself. I am reading a well written text book by a well known native scholar with the highest authority on the subject.

    Did you have a chance to read  老子註譯及評介 written by:  陳鼓應. Peace!:)

    • Like 1

  14. 14 hours ago, Antares said:

    Yes, if you wish so, Boss, I stop writing here about De.

    But De is not phylosofical term. De is the piece of Dao inside you. If there is no De inside you would not even exist 

    Most people had been reading the misinformation about (De) or 道德.
    In Confucianism
    道德:  a compound character, means morality or virtue.
    Those who follow, observe and practice the principles of Confucius are considered to have the virtue of morality or 道德.

    In Dao De Ching, 道德經: 道 and 德 are two separated characters that is not compounded.
    道 is Tao, the principles of Dao,
    德 is the virtue of Dao.

    Those who follow, observe and practice the principles of Dao are considered to have the virtue of Dao or 道德.

    The cultivation of both 德 or 道德 are for mental health rather than physical heath.

    • Like 1

  15. 21 hours ago, Shadow_self said:

    Here google is translating it as Reiki 霊気


    This is a better translation, as Reiki is the art of working with Ling Qi


    Rei = Spiritual

    KI = Energy

    I would stay away from google for translating esoteric term from a field, philosophy or a religion. Rather I would go to the main source that is more accurate for its definition. Farther more, I would stay away from using the universal definition of chi as energy. It is because it could be very misleading in a field, philosophy or religion.

    When one talks about 靈氣, one must take a stand in a field, philosophy or religion. 
    It seems to me that Reiki 霊気, here, is a Japanese term for medical Qigong.  The Chinese called it 治療氣功( therapeutic Qigong).

    FYI The Japanese use the same Chinese characters with their own definition. In some cases, it has a complete different meaning in Chinese. Thus there is no exception for 靈氣. As far as I am concern, I will stand for what I had said about 靈氣 with the Chinese definition.

    PS @Shadow_selfHave a good laugh! :D

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  16. 3 minutes ago, SpiritualHulk said:


    Hello. Thank you.

    All I know about Qi Gong is that it is a mind-body practice that involves movements that boost mental health. It is a form of standing meditation. It is humans manipulating the flow of their Qi/Chi/Ki in their bodies.


    You welcome!

    Please just don't forget to put some emphasis on breathing. It is very important in Qi Gong and martial arts.

    • Like 1

  17. 3 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:


    I know how to cultivate it :) I was trying to ascertain whether you did

    No, I didn't. I have a different definition in mind. It was not my intention to go into the practice. I didn't know that was what you had in mind in the first place.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Shadow_self said:

     would you care to explain what Ling Qi  靈氣 is,  and how to cultivate it? 



    We are restricted by "to cultivate it" by the question that was asked. If you are running into all kind of definitions, then,  good luck. I think we should address one thing at time. Otherwise, you are confusing yourself.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Shadow_self said:


    @ChiDragon would you care to explain what Ling Qi  靈氣 is,  and how to cultivate it? 

    Ling Qi  靈氣 is a vibrant or radiant force image like of those who are highly cultivated. It only can be observed from a high rank Buddhist monk, Taoist priest, Christian pastor or a Pope. In other words, whatever one practices that have been reached the highest realm will have the appearance of the Ling Qi from the individual.

    • Thanks 1

  20. 15 hours ago, SpiritualHulk said:

    Please make me feel like this is a welcoming community instead of me seeing this as a ghost town.


    I’m about to engage in Qi Gong from a video course and book by renowned Qi Gong expert, bro.

    Welcome, SpiritualHulk.

    Please let us know what have you learnt from your video of Qi Gong.  In addition, what have you discovered about Qi Gong from now and before? Did you learn something new or never have any idea what Qi Gong is all about?


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