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Everything posted by Wells

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    ~Seduced by the Dark Side~
  2. What are you listening to?

    Well, thanks!
  3. LOL! That's the answer to the feminist in one of the videos above who claims that men are now expendable because science now can create sperm synthetically! Well, following her own line of reasoning, what do those news suggest concerning women then...?
  4. Is this a sexist and patronizing assumption? I love women....
  6. I am just waiting until transgendered guys will be able to bear children, lol, then males (sorry, transgender women) will probably statistically prove that they even can be better mothers than "born" women!
  7. Feminism and it's child justicewarriorism will reveal themselves as the BS they were right from the start and in the end will be eliminated by mobs of angry and betrayed feeling women, lol...
  8. I mean, aren't women not just equal but even superior to males according to feminist propaganda? In other words: It can only be the women's fault that they lose to transgenders. Ladies and gentlemen, I predict: the upcoming first female president of the united states...will have been born a male! LOL!
  9. The feminists & SJW's sowed the wind and now shall reap the whirlwind! That's the payback for "feminizing" today's male population into "gender-fluid" snowflakes with all that gender BS and attacks at masculinity, and the backlash is just getting started!
  10. Time Machine Dinner

    Sure, in case that you are some alternate version of myself from the future who went back in time solely for the reason to witness the illuminating presence of his past self on thedaobums...
  11. Time Machine Dinner

    I obviously have to find a way to get to wellsverse, where everyone and everything is Well(s)!
  12. Time Machine Dinner

    ...plus my mother, when still pregnant with me.
  13. Time Machine Dinner

    I would invite me, me and...me.
  14. unbelievable , Hitler was a vegetarian

    Additionally, Hitler was big into martial arts and meditation as well!
  15. unbelievable , Hitler was a vegetarian

    On the contrary, this explains it all!!!
  16. The Tao of disappointment

    For the japanese purists and in 1080p...
  17. The Tao of disappointment

    Actually, I just love the characters, the designs and the stories of the Street Fighter and of the Bioshock (Infinite) games... I watch high quality walkthroughs of the related games on youtube though...and street fighter II the animated movie was pretty good too.
  18. The Tao of disappointment

    Ha, now I know how to get John Chang powers the easy way!!!
  19. The Tao of disappointment

    The BS is piling up in this thread.