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Everything posted by WhiteTiger

  1. Gratz Darin! Daily none stop? How long have you done that for? That's pretty impressive if you are a laymen. Peace, WT
  2. Woman and LAW OF ATTRACTION

    I guess I should take the extra mile. It will my new goal. Although consciously I'm really not trying to attract women.
  3. Woman and LAW OF ATTRACTION

    hm... Pietro the smart one. (its your new name, according to me)
  4. I wouldn't know... But it sounds like a neglection of the physical body while at the same time you don't neglect qigong and/or neigong... Supposedly if you do this right over time your supposed get less bad side effects I.E. no more purple legs... The issue is when your physical body doesn't have any time to adjust. I think this is a prime example of Zen sickness... I mean in the similarity that your neglecting the physical body in an energetic form.
  5. Please feel free to post and add comments about your practice and so forth. I'm very interested in what everyone has to share on the matter no matter how enlightening or unenlightening what you have to say is. (By me saying this I'm not attempting to egg on any sort of flaming... nor advocating for it. I would like to keep this post as respectful as humanly possible)
  6. Can't say really... not so sure i really know the answer Kate.
  7. Where does Immortality lie into all of this? To me it seems as if Immortality is just something further out of reach then Enlightenment and Nirvana. But in no way am i claiming to know much of these things.
  8. many more hours ....

    Well, I didn't state weather this article even though its preservative one, isn't based on fact. Which I believe is completely true. It only says one side to the story although my personal thoughts on the matter is that this article is completely and utterly correct. When people realize there are no bounds (at least that the human being can understand) to how fast one can get at anything.
  9. many more hours ....

    I can not personally claim that the family your born into... and the ability to learn how to work hard to access these abilities easier rather then harder for the talented or geniuses, isn't true. I'm not sure that the article is also pointed at that. It is however seem to be a preservative article.
  10. Such thing as Hard Neigong?

    A teacher (of a more wushu like generic spring legs system) once told me that there was such thing as Soft Neigong and hard Neigong? Is there such thing as hard neigong and whats exactly the difference?
  11. Such thing as Hard Neigong?

    While, mjjbecker your whole post was very nice to read and thankfully people posted a bunch on the subject which is greatly helpful. Zhuo Ming-Dao, the part of mjjbecker's post that you qouted is smart and holds its true wisdom indeed. (because you have so nicely pointed it out I will not comment on it) I would also agree with you mjjbecker. I'm uninterested in power (at least using it for fighting) I am however interested in achieving peace of mind. Yet I still want to learn internal martial arts. To think the idea to learn Internal martial arts isn't solely based on idea of just fighting.
  12. Such thing as Hard Neigong?

    Bump *Again*
  13. Is that a new one or just a good oldie one. me thinks i'm gunna try it.
  14. Well this is pretty detailed... (not to say your incorrect about some, or even lots of Taoists following this diet plan) Although would be helpful if you would be able to reference were you get this information... from a specific book, from your own practices with Taoists... or if your a Taoist saying your a Taoist following this. I only ask because my mere understanding is slightly different. Of course I was not formally taught by Taoists, nor have I been personally enriched in the living culture of Taoist practices in the mountains living the life.
  15. Whats a Healthy looking person supposed to look like and weather or not the person actually practices what he knows. As long as one time in his life he practiced what he knew then I personally see really little to no difference.
  16. Thanks for your contribution 松永道. (no I don't mean that sarcastically)
  17. I don't know why anyone is giving 11:33 heat for asking these questions... Its an interesting topic something I'm sure many viewers can benefit from.
  18. Fire Chakra/Attention Deficit Disorder

    Its true that the fifth Chackra (one about fire) if cultivated (After the 7th and 6th of course) will totally stop imbalances and issues with add as well as many other issues. Although learning to use it properly and get proper teachings to cultivate it seems like another story I know little about. Peace, Virtue, wTiger
  19. Water style boxing

    I saw that Wushuishness in her form and god damn sometimes i just get really frustrated when I see a female with EXTREMELY opened hips (not being sexual here) I don't know enough have Liuhe Bafa to say much on the deeper parts of the form... but I just didn't really like what I saw in her. I also enjoyed the video with Grandmaster Wai Lun Choi.

    Ok guys get ready for me to attempt to display my ego. Its funny you mention you work every part that didn't hurt. You see contrary to what the common understanding to the people whom have been practicing Taijiquan and believe they were using there knees wrong and thats the account of them having pain in the knee is slightly a misleading understanding of how the body really works. You see, you get pain in your knee because A. the joint at the bottum or the top (or multiple joints) are not working in proper alignment and/or B. because the bone alignment at the top or bottum (or multiple ones) are not in proper alignment. This causes your weak parts of your body to have pain first. The more you do this after years you will get multiple issues with multiple joints. If you want to fix your knee problem, and its bothering you in everyday walking (or in your every day walking or other physical activities you may first want to go to the doctor for the pain although they will just keep you on drugs "they call it medicine" to cover up the problem) Although physical therapist will directly start to help you in the issue. If the problem doesn't bother you in other physical activity and only in Tai Chi. Go get an instructor it really wouldn't hurt you. (It may cost you more money but its much more worth it) They can address these issues by correcting your alignment problems in the way you use your body through softly training your body. Just as you would with weights... which is how you can fix problems your having. I've personally in my kung fu when i was practicing Cat stance or empty stance, used to do it wrong. I was told a good way to supplement or fix this problem was to do leg presses on the weight machine... (or other exercises that strengthen my quads) the problem immediately got fixed. Although sometimes came back when my quards would get weak again from there I could easily just adjust the way i would do the stance and the pain would go away as long as i as long as i changed to proper stances. The moment I would deviate It would hurt obviously. I'm really not surprised that sheng zhen used weight trainning to fix his issues over time. When you learn how to do weight trainning with proper alignment its very healthy for you. Can definately rehab and fix improper dominating improper use of your body. Peace, virtue, WT
  21. retention makes you gay

    You know, its probably mostly my fault like 90+%... first thing I allowed it to bother me... second thing I said something about it (not even close to using rightful speech). So I forgive... and I wouldn't worry about it.
  22. I don't think this has been discussed to death. Although a similar subject about wanting to go to a monestary and become a monk for the rest of there life or do monastic practices definately are a subject thats been talked to death by many including me. Its not that I now want to get away from life any longer. Its just rather I believe practicing 2-4 times a day like anywhere from 1-4 hours a session would just achieve the fastest results to be honest. In my opinion there should be many wonderful marvels as it would integrate you into becoming more in tuned with the real Microcosmic orbit.
  23. Enhancing physical energy

    It may help for other viewers, including me what kind of protein are you talking about? I assume Healthy fats means fats found in nuts and seeds.
  24. retention makes you gay

    Oh yeah what field were you interested in practicing your psych degree?