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Everything posted by tragblack

  1. Yeah, today I noticed that I don't pay as much attention to my fingers as I ought to-- they do such cool, nimble things, and I never even look at them or fully participate in the feeling of what they do. I also tend to still sit, contort, and fidget like a child. I find myself suddenly embarrassed in restaurants when I realize I have kicked off my shoes under the table and am sitting on my feet! Not sitting like the "pretty ladies" in their "pretty dresses and shoes."
  2. Interesting! I shake my legs all the time, and sometimes I really feel messed up and anxious if I resist the movement. I know it's not "Restless Leg Syndrome" because the symptoms are in no way similar. Having practiced a lot of "stillness" I'm trying to "let my body play," as Otis said. So, when the urge comes, I go with it, and you're right, it is a very pleasant and grounding vibration, that I used to associate with nerves.
  3. What are you listening to?

    I love me Johnny
  4. Haiku Chain

    Be thine own mirror And polish daily to keep Your perspective bright!
  5. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Personally, I have a very weird feeling about the current Dalai Lama.
  6. 'No self' my experience so far...

    When I posted, "Act on the fact," I was thinking of Krishnamurti...
  7. Haiku Chain

    Heart an open book... I think I want potatoes... I think I'll make 'em...
  8. Good YouTube blurb...
  9. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Act on the fact
  10. I love my Kindle.
  11. Lifestyle of a Sage

    Be like water?
  12. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Or some kind of event in the world that would call for a restructuring of major world beliefs. My favorite fantasy is the "intelligent aliens visit and share" scenario. I know there are groups of people out there who believe this to be the only solution, and is indeed on the way, and I have to admit, it would all just be so convenient... I like this and hope I remember it.
  13. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    I like your post, Seth Ananda. I am perched on strange fence... I am mostly in the Buddhist camp right now, but also very into going with the Dao. I also find that whenever I pray, I get my questions answered in an often direct way.
  14. Sexuality & the Sage

    I don't know about the "most Taoist way," but my way is to just go with the flow and try not to hurt myself or anyone else. Perhaps let it be, then let it go? Masturbate?
  15. Still the sickest music, in any decade

    I've been listening to a lot of Kate Bush lately... a lot of 80s.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Purring in the sun, My car's engine needs cleaning-- Need to fix the brakes...
  17. hello tao bums

    It sounded like a "real" answer to me...
  18. WU WEI the guodian way

    Good post, Steve. Is my complimenting you against Wu Wei? I am doing it out of spontaneity and enjoyment of your post.
  19. Heartmind

    I've only recently realized what the lyrics mean... not sure why.
  20. Curse Removal

    I try to be my own psychic...
  21. Heartmind

    Sure thing. I'll go along with this. --- "Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily-- Life is but a dream."
  22. What is Wu Wei...?

    I love this, thanks for sharing.
  23. Heartmind

    About a fourth of the times I meditate, my body doesn't feel like it's there anymore, like I have no boundaries, but that's about as far as it goes. I have experienced the feeling, but that doesn't mean it doesn't originate within the body... though I would like that to be the case... I just can't say I know things like this for certain.
  24. Haiku Chain

    Blueberry chiffon. Don't even know what that is. I could look it up...
  25. Compassion

    I've seen many people with this feeling. Personally, however, I don't find it hard to have compassion for people guilty of crimes-- most any crimes. The people I have the hardest time drumming up this compassion for is bankers... Ben Bernake had me especially on edge this morning.