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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. There's a question. If I verbalize the N-word among a group of White Sheets, is that offense? Or Paul deen spewing it out a Georgia social limited to the grandchilden of former slave owners dreaming of better times. Or, even better yet,...you go out in the woods by yourself, screaming about those (pick you hate word) are the cause of your woes. Personally, I feel all of the above are unconscious of the hate inside them. And all of the above pollute the world with disharmomy,...thus maintaining a vibration that breeds more ugliness, as can be seen growing in recent years. Lao Tzu said, "Who can enjoy enlightenment and remain indifferent to suffering in the world? This is not keeping with the Way?"
  2. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "The biggest crux to the evolution of humanity is breaking through your own indoctrination. It is very, very difficult to overcome emotional elements that have become so engrained in you, that you have an immediate reaction, an immediate suffering and pain, if something interfers with [your idea of the status quo]. It's a very, very complex problem. We have to learn how to identify and break our own indoctrination if we expect to move forward at all as a civilization" PJ Merola
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    “We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.” Buckminister Fuller
  4. How to develop unconditional love?

    I like those thangkas with the little buddhas above the main physical pupit body, as if pulling the strings from the 5th dimension.
  5. How to develop unconditional love?

    You are an encyclipedia of stuff,...or a bit older than I imagined.
  6. How to develop unconditional love?

    Ah, kundalini. Recall my first activity, back in '74,...Gopi Krishna and I were buds. There are several main types of dakini, and a myriad of secondary ones. Your elementary dakini is quite adequate for your level, but be careful of clinging to her,...a key to recognizing higher dakini, is to use them as a tool, not be devotional to them. Until you let go of the World Dakini, the Prajna Dakini will not enter you view. A large problem with those at your level of spiritual awakening, is this belief of an inside versus an outside,...that going "within" will solve all your problems. Actually, going within (ego's realm) is even more problematic. There is nothing you want that is of the inside of you. You are the projection,...you are not projecting. Ego believes that it does the projecting,..that it is the Center,...that there is a One. There is no One. To have a One, there must be a Many,...to have a Center, there must be a Boundary. These are all delusory. World dakini like yours, can help in the shreading of these beliefs of being "inside,"by showing you the non-reality of the inside,...except for those who see it as real. Those who see it as real are called New Agers.
  7. How to develop unconditional love?

    Pregnant dog urine is said to be good for reversing balding hair. Fresh is said to be best. When you see a pregnant dog piss, quickly put your head into the stream. Would have been easier if they were male dogs, since they lift their leg.
  8. Questionnaire

    Ah yes,....belief in a soul can be a dilemna. A Tibetan once said, Blessed is he who has a soul; blessed is he who has no soul; but woe to him who has one in embryo.
  9. How to develop unconditional love?

    I disagree. Many here were indoctrinated into the Abrahamic Theist beliefs, and attempt to "bring" them along into their study of Daoism and Buddhism. I've personally seen more people than I would venture to number, who get quite upset that Abrahamic theism isn't an aspect of Daoist/Buddhist practice. And on top of that,...many Buddhists proselytize the same delusion,...for example: Thích Nhất Hạnh and his books Living Buddha, Living Christ, or Jesus and Buddha as Brothers, which earns him $millions in support from Christians who want to fuse their theism with Buddhism. IMO,...neither Lao Tzu or Buddha would have had no tolerance for Jesus, or his god. "Do not go about worshipping deities and religious institutions as the source of the subtle truth. To do so is to place intermediaries between yourself and source, and to make yourself a beggar who looks outside for a treasure that is hidden inside his own breast ...the world's religions serve only to strengthen attachments to false concepts such as self and other, life and death, heaven and earth, and so on. Those who become entangled in these false ideas are prevented from perceiving the Integral Oneness." Lao Tzu
  10. Thinking out loud

    Yes,...many don't observe that the stars exist in daylight. We can prove that the stars still exist in the daytime. Simply enter a deep hole that blocks out the surrounding light, and we can see one star at a time. Not surprisingly, I have seen evidence that the classic Maya of Mesoamerica did just that. They weren’t easily fooled by eveyday perception.
  11. How to develop unconditional love?

    No,...Jesus never spoke of a god of love,...in fact,...in the whole of their Holy Book, the Bible, it only suggests the idea that their God is love at the very end, in the late 2nd Century apology 1John. In fact, when viewing the full length and breadth of the Bible, their Patriarch is clearly a murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional God. And amazingly, a God who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed, feared and prayed to.
  12. How to develop unconditional love?

    No,...I'd agree however that every statement you make is based on your belief system,...my life ceased doing that 14 years ago,...which was 24 years after I first met a dakini. When one consciously pivots from the Present, beliefs are seen as beliefs. No consciousness attached to time, for example, the 6 lower senses that you cling to for your identity, can be conscious of the Present. There is no Present in time. The present cannot be accessed through the skandhas. So...your "looking at yourself and finding anything you see in yourself that could be applied to others...everything about your own shortcomings" is a delusional belief arises from your skandha mind. The skandha mind is always in the past,...and does not, and cannot pivot from the Present. Belief is a condition,...and conditions can never fuse with the Unconditional. I did enjoy your game of "I am Kali"...if you look at it long enough, perhaps you will see past the past, and realize a flash of the Present. Again,...you can never, and will never, bring your conditions into the Unconditional. What you are doing now, is building upon conditions, so that you're "looking at yourself and finding anything you see in yourself that could be applied to others...everything about your own shortcomings" The difficulty that most sophomores make, is the belief that the Unconditional can be found through conditions. The Unconditional can only be realized by letting go of conditions. A real Dakini is an assassin of your beliefs,...of your conditions. Anyone who promotes, or tolerates beliefs is your enemy.
  13. How to develop unconditional love?

    Interesting. So you would say the same thing to Lao Tzu if he happened by.
  14. How to develop unconditional love?

    That was a long read,...and offer my apologies for your interpreting me in that way. Just a few points,...I have no interest in wisdom,...wisdom is, by definition, knowledge accumulated through philosophic or scientific learning. As some come to understand,...I'm on this forum,...certainly not to be special, nor to teach,...but for observing how people here respond to dialogue, and adjusting, to see if a point can be articulated in a way that effects a shift in their consciousness. As Charles F. Haanel said, “The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it.” You could say I'm a writer that is continually measuring the cognizance of the TTB groupthink, so to devise better ways to help people heal from the most cancerous of all human diseases,...beliefs. Thus,...I'm primarily listening very attentively to posters and their views. Actually,..I do see the Unborn Awareness of all I engage with,...and as such, am quite intolerant of the beliefs that step between them and their own direct experiences. People like yourself, whose experiences are born of belief, and thus can only experience based on the condition of that belief,...get very upset with the fact just stated. They want to think that their experience is real and valuable. And that's ok. One thing everyone on TTB can be assured of,...is that I will never offer them a belief system,..."anyone who gives you a belief system, is your enemy."
  15. How to develop unconditional love?

    Conscious Love is imposible to realize through the filters of belief. As the 1st Century Gnostic text says,..."when you can disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments (beliefs) and place them under your feet like little child and tread on them, then you will no longer be afraid".
  16. How to develop unconditional love?

    What! god and Jesus are 2 of the most unforgiving fabrications ever devised. The Christian god is a god to be feared,...for he forgives nothing (just read the Bible). And Jesus,...his love at best can be compared to a pre-American Civil war slave owner with a fishing problem. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Jesus….Matthew 5:17
  17. Thinking out loud

    "So to the sun and stars rise up each day and set down each night [as other, visible stars arise till daybreak] in a continual, eternal[-like] circulation."
  18. How to develop unconditional love?

    If such an opportunity came my way,...may I follow spirit without hesitation, into such a vajrayogini's presence. "I am not suited to polite society To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions. I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt. I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life." ~Vajrayogini
  19. How to develop unconditional love?

    That sounds like a Dakini method for realization.
  20. How to develop unconditional love?

    That is easy....seek and find all the barriers you have built against it. You can't develop unconditional love,...only uncover it. The Heart sutra would be helpful. And the Heart Attack Sutra would be helpful to realize the Heart Sutra.
  21. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    I say you should not believe a single word of it, or anything. I'd also refer you to post #22. Astrology isn't about the mind, but physiology. Although this was debated on TTB before,...I'll repost it: The influence that celestial bodies have upon the disposition and character of our bio-electrodynamic form within the invisible energy field of physical life, from my observations, is real, not imaginary. Therefore, throughout the first five years after I realized the existence of this influence, I computed, before the touch-a-button personal computer age, as many birth charts as I could. For many, especially skeptics, I would often bet them, with no strings attached, my services as their slave for one year if they could do one thing that was not in their natal astrology chart or cosmograph. It was a sort of neti-neti approach to astrology. By identifying what they cannot do, show that astrology has yet to be proven false. I would tell them what wasn’t in their natal graph or chart that they could not do. For example, one woman, eager to win my services to liberate herself from cleaning house and preparing food for a year, had a particularly aspected Saturn positioned in her eighth house. Essentially, the eighth house signifies sex, and with Saturn being the planet of limitations, her sexual activities were restricted, which is to say, she could not satisfy a partner sexually, no matter how much technique she attempted to develop. Her task, then, was to sexually satisfy a partner. However, the moment I articulated this, she had a light-bulb moment that my challenge accurately described her, and she immediately conceded the bet. At the same time, I showed her the strengths in her natal graph or chart, and since then, she has become quite successful and joyous, aware of how to flow with the nature of her own unique vibrational current. Again,...I have yet to observe a single example of someone being able to do something not within their chart to do. Synastry is another great way to understand the nature of astrology. Doing astrological comparisons between relatives and friends, even as a parlor novelty, using easy-to-use books, such as Martin Schulman’s Karmic Relationships, engenders profound fun. For example, you may look at the interesting aspects between a person’s south lunar node and any planet of another person. This comparison indicates a beneath-the-surface feeling of debt to the south-node person. For instance, a person’s Venus conjunct another’s south node suggests that the Venus will be a sex slave to the node, an aspect sought out by pimps. The Venus would not know why he or she felt compelled to service the node person’s every sexual whim in a way that compliments the house characteristics that Venus rules in the indebted person’s chart. Another example would be a sun, which rules the fourth house, conjunct a partner’s south node. In this case, the sun person would feel that he or she was vitally indebted to supply and maintain fourth-house characteristics, such as a house and home for the node person. Take for example males attracted to females whose sun conjuncted there Venus. This connotes a feminized aspect or seeking to be a feminized male. No amount of “Iron John” or “Men are from Mars” seminars will help this person be the masculine, dominant partner in the relationship. This Sun–Venus conjunction manifests an underlying vibrational block to being the masculine partner. Relationships express aspects, such as the above Sun–Venus synastry, in different ways. We must look at the whole chart. In Florida, I met a couple with a female Sun conjunct male Venus configuration. They adjusted to its vibration in a clever, albeit bizarre way. The woman worked as a dance-club performer. From the position of her sun being opposite Saturn, I knew even before meeting her that she was, as she said in a Southern accent, “born white, and . . . going to stay white” in reference to having a shady seat at the restaurant where we met. People who have the sun in an adverse aspect to Saturn generally do not care for sunshine, like many goths. The agreement to meet was set up to discuss favorable times to gamble, but before the conversation got focused, I got an earful of other stuff: for instance, how she liked men, but not men with too much testosterone. Concerning her partner’s Venus conjunct her sun, she was proud to say that her husband had a full orchidectomy—that is, he was a male with a pseudo-vagina, which had been purchased during a Cancun vacation. When she mentioned this, my first thought was Matthew 19:12: “Blessed is the man who has been castrated.” Maybe the fellow now thinks he has a foolproof Get into Heaven Card as the passage indicates. Anyway, she finished with a comment perfect for her particular astrology chart,...meant to either shock me or solicit me,...she said, regarding her partner, that true love is sucking a _ together,...meaning her and her partner without a penis. And it was in her chart.
  22. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Some call it (the Planet of Oriental Appearance) the Practical Director,...I came upon it in Humanistic Astrology,..and later in Frances Sakoian books. Equal House is great for an overview,...but I came to wonder why certain Planets seemed ineffective,...many turned out to be posited within an intercept,...as if hidden,...thus there activation within one's everyday reality did not seem readily available. .
  23. I've met a few New Zealanders, but have yet to visit there. They do seem like a considerate sort. But the generations are changing,...possibly not for the better. For example,...I used to lead mountain hikes and take many photos,...then I would review them, sift out the best ones, crop them, and pass them along,....that is typical of my generation. Younger generations appear to either hoard and copyright all photos, or send out all the photos unedited, uncroped, whether in focus or not, etc. That is likely not a great example,...but things change,...and IMO, consideration of others has descended, not ascended. Gurdjieff said, "...consider externally always, internally never." This is obviously Relative Considering; although when fully understood, is likely to uncover Absolute Considering. To consider externally means to consider from the point of view of that which is perceived to be external. Take the subject of Transgender for example. Is Transgender a non-conformimg choice that can be corrected with reparative therapy? Are boys with a propensity to see themselves as females are homosexual? No,...that's the Internal Considering of Transgender by those who are either unaware of what Gender Identity and Sexual Expression are, or at some level of transphobia - be it fear, disgust, narrow-mindedness, or hatred. Gurdjieff had a term he called the Chief Feature; a persons largest barrier obscuring their spiritualized/actualized self. He said the Chief Feature is usually what one likes best about oneself. He also purportedly said that the Chief Feature for most people is Internal Considering. External Considering would seek to understand Transgender before judging it,...for example, that the medical profession says a non-transgender male introduced to female hormones, experiences negative emotional changes and cannot stay comfortably on them for more than 3 or 4 days,…whereas a transgender person has a positive emotional response. Another way to look at that is,…before starting hormones, a transgender person is imprisioned within a field of negative emotional experiences. Would an External Considering person wish to imprison an Other in negative emotion just because they are different?
  24. Probably cast them into a furnace of fire: where there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 13:41-42). JESUS' FAMILY VALUES? --"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26). "I am come to set man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household" (Matt. 10:35-36). When one of his disciples requested time off for his father's funeral, Jesus rebuked him by saying "Let the dead bury their dead" (Matt. 8:22). Jesus never used the word "family" and he never married or fathered children. To his own mother, he said, "Woman, what have I to do with thee?" (John 2:4). WHAT WERE HIS VIEWS ON EQUALITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE?--Jesus encouraged the beating of slaves: "And that servantt(read: slave), which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes" (Luke 12:47). He never denounced servitude, but quite the contrary, incorporated the master-slave relationship into many of his parables. He did nothing to alleviate poverty. Rather than sell some expensive ointment to help the poor, Jesus wasted it on himself, saying, "Ye have the poor with you always" (Mark 14:3-7). No women were chosen as disciples (or apostles-Ed.) or invited to the Last Supper. WHAT MORAL ADVICE DID JESUS GIVE? --"There be eunuchs (Webster defines a eunuch as 'a castrated man in charge of an Oriental harem or...any man or boy lacking normal function of the testes, as through castration or disease'--Ed.), which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." (Matt. 19:12). Some believers, including church father Origen, took this verse literally and castrated themselves. Even metaphorically, this advice is in poor taste. The "Golden Rule" was said many times by earlier religious leaders. [Confucius said, "Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you"]. "Turn the other cheek" encourages victims to invite further violence. "Love they neighbor" applied only to fellow believers. (Neither the Jews nor Jesus showed much love to foreign religions). A few of the Beatitudes ("Blessed are the peacemakers") are acceptable, but they are all conditioned on future rewards, not based on respect for human life or values. (As I have said so often, you should do the right because it is the right thing to do, not because you expect rewards or kickbacks someday-Ed.) On the whole, Jesus said little that was worthwhile. He introduced nothing new to ethics (except hell). He instituted no social programs. Being "omniscient," he could have shared some useful science or medicine, but he appeared ignorant of such things (as if his character were merely the invention of writers stuck in the first century). WAS JESUS PEACEABLE AND COMPASSIONATE? --The birth of Jesus was heralded with "Peace on Earth," yet Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword" (Matt. 10:34), "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one" (Luke 22:36), "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me" (Luke 19:27). In a parable, but spoken of favorably. the burning of unbelievers during the Inquisition was based on the words of Jesus: "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth..., and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned." Jesus looked at his disciples "with anger" (Mark 3:5) and attacked merchants with a whip (John 2:15). He showed his respect for life by drowning innocent animals (Matt. 8:32) and refused to heal a sick child until pressured by the mother (Matt. 15:22-28). The most revealing aspect of his character was his promotion of eternal torment. "The Son of man (Jesus himself) shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 13:41-42). "And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched" (Mark 9:43). Is this nice? Is it exemplary to make your point with threats of violence? Is hell a kind and peaceful idea?
  25. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Also,...what House, if any, does Scorpio rule. As I have an intercept, thus Scorpio rules 2 Houses (12th and 1st). So is Mercury your Planet of Oriental Appearance?