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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Master Waysun Liao

    Through my untraining, I can recognize the difference between that which is true, and that which is not true. The only benifit of doing so, is that one is then able to relate with what will never leave them, and from which they can never leave. "Man is to be known in three ways: As inferior, mediocre and excellent. He who by any means whatsoever Provides for the pleasures of Saᚃsāra For himself alone, Is called an inferior man. He who turns his back to the pleasures of the world And abstains from evil deeds, But provides only for his own peace, Is called a mediocre man. He who seriously wants to dispel All the misery of others, Because in the stream of his own being he has understood the nature of misery, Is an excellent man. Standing in the boat of the human body, You should cross the great flood of misery. Since later this boat is difficult to get, Do not sleep now, you fool." Jewel Ornament of Liberation
  2. Castaneda/ finding your pace

    IMO very few people are aware of their own pace of breath. From the moment of birth we gasp,...and begin a life breathing out of "pace" with our natural selves. Some suggest that harrmoneous breathing is the same for everyone,...a sort of Connected Breathing. If you tell most people that they don't know how to breath, they will look at you in a "who the f are you" way,...and once upon a time I would have said the same,...until I happened upon the "Pace of Breath" at a 3 week Leonard Orr workshop in '94. As a hike organizer, I'm quite familiar with peoples happy pace,...and how those with incompatible paces find hiking together very irritating. I'm not suggesting that peoples happy pace is their natural pace,..like breathing, I don't feel people really uncover their natural pace until they uncover it. My guess would be that few every uncover it.
  3. Master Waysun Liao

    Master Liao says that the Tao is simple, but goes on discussing it from the same complicated traditional, theist viewpoints of others. You'll know when you come upon a "real deal" teacher not by their theistic views or worship of the phenomena called energy,...but by their contradiction of everything you believe, including your beliefs about gods and energy. Although energy arises from the Tao,...The Tao has no energy. Anyone who says Chi is energy, is fully asleep to the essence of Chi.
  4. Master Waysun Liao

    No,...the supposed connecting (or in Master Liao's case, reconnecting) someone with a god is 100% dishonest,...because there is no god to connect to. Anyone who promotes the false, is false,...even if they believe the false is true. Falsity will never awaken,...how it works is this,...you let go of falsity, which includes theism,...and the truth is there. People who talk about god,...write books about god,...fully imagining they know god,...are dishonest. When honest people don't know, they sau I don't know. “Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. “Is there a God?” and you say, “Yes, God is.” Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, “I don’t know.”. . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge.”
  5. Master Waysun Liao

    This is a good link showing Master Liao's incompetency. He begins,...What is Chi,...and announces it is a "force." Chi is NOT a "force." All force arises from Chi. Chi is not energy. All energy arises from Chi. If someone insinutes that Chi is anything other than a still fulcrum, upon which energy effects its motion,....that person is NOT Truth Realized.
  6. Master Waysun Liao

    Hmmm...how is someome who teaches how to connect with god, "the real deal?" No doubt Master Liao can regurgitate all he learned of Tai Chi,...amd although there are tidbits of truths in his works,...they seem happenstance. For those who wish to learn Tai Chi as an exercize, without the underlying spiritual significance of Tai Chi,...then Master Liao is as good as others. Personally, I prefer the Tai Chi Chih method from Justin Stone to connect with Earth energy. I saw no indication that Master Liao is even aware of the 3 balance points,...let alone the still Wu Chi beyond all energy. The bottom line is this,...no one,...ever,...never,...will realize truth through a belief in a god. Lao Tzu said, "To attain pure Tao you must understand and integrate within yourself the three main energies of the universe: The first is the Earth energy. Centered in the belly, it expresses itself as sexuality. Those who cultivate and master the physical energy attain partial purity; Second is the Heaven energy. Centered in the mind, it expresses itself as knowledge and wisdom. Those whose minds merge with the Universal Mind also attain partial purity. Third is the Harmonized energy. Centered in the heart, it expresses itself as spiritual insight. Those who develop spiritual insight also attain partial purity. Only when you attain all three - mastery of physical energy, universal mindedness, and spiritual insight - and express them in a virturous integral life, can you attain pure Tao." As Osho said,...Anyone who gives you a belief system is your enemy.
  7. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Hurt Songwriters: PERRY/AGUILERA/RONSON I hurt myself today, To see if I'd still feel. I focus on the pain, The only thing that's real. The needle tears a hole, The old familiar sting; Try to kill it all away, But I remember everything. What have I become, My sweetest friend? Everyone I know, Goes away in the end. You could have it all, My empire of dirt. I will let you down, I will make you hurt... I wear this crown of shit, Upon my liar's chair, Full of broken thoughts, I cannot repair. Beneath the stains of time, The feelings disappear. You are someone else, I am still right here.
  8. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    That's a tricky subject for most,...because the "heart" they think they receive from, is in the thinking that they are intouch with the Heart. right where it belongs See the animal in his cage that you built Are you sure what side you're on? Better not look him too closely in the eye Are you sure what side of the glass you are on? See the safety of the life you have built Everything where it belongs Feel the hollowness inside of your heart And it's all right where it belongs What if everything around you Isn't quite as it seems What if all the world you think know Is an elaborate dream? And if you look at your reflection Is that all you want it to be? What if you could look right through the cracks would you find yourself - find yourself afraid to see? What if all the world's inside of your head Just creations of your own? Your devils and your gods all the living and the dead And you're really all alone? You can live in this illusion You can choose to believe You keep looking but you can't find the woods While you're hiding in the trees What if everything around you Isn't quite as it seems What if all the world you used to know Is an elaborate dream? And if you look at your reflection Is that all you want to be? What if you could look right through the cracks Would you find yourself - find yourself afraid to see? Trent Reznor I'd love having lunch with Trent Reznor. How does he come up with such lyrics? “Inside your heart, it is black, and it’s hollow, and it’s cold. . . . What if this whole crusade is a charade in the name of the holy and the divine. . . Are you brave enough to see . . . or so naive you keep holding on to what you want to believe?” from Trent Reznor 'The Hand that Feeds You.' Those are surely some upsetting lyrics for those in denial and without the courage to stand consciously in the presence of reality. The author Jim Hightower suggested, “The opposite of courage is not cowardice; it is conformity.” That is where most get "heart" from,...conformity. The conformity of perception that they have nothing,...thus they must get it from those they perceive have it.
  9. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    IMO that is an incorrect view of cancer. Cancer cells are those cells that strive towards individualism, separation, and the veiling of coherent light. Cancer cells are rogue cells, that leave or separate from the company of the Harmonic Balanced Interchange of healthy cells. Cancer cells are as "Tea Party" cells,...fully into themselves, not the harmony of the Whole. Cancer is not the body's last resort in protecting itself,...cancer is let loose when the Whole ceases to protect itself. Cancer cells believe they are "individuals",...and join with other "individuals"...attacking the Whole, and everything the Whole stands for. Jolie attempted to remove a potential breeding ground for "individuality" by having her breast glands removed,....instead of testing for early detection. Of course, early detection can be problematic,...for example, the cancer that is the Tea Party has already gone rogue,...but the majority do not yet know of the horrificness of this cancer,...similiar to the status of the Christian meme. http://www.christianitymeme.org/
  10. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    Of course, most women in Austin are Christian,..a cancer which is really horrific for individuals and humanity. Who really knows why Jolie did what she did? I was around a woman who died of breast cancer,...and although I haven't experienced this cancer myself,...from my observations, when the dis-ease takes over the bones, it is worse than the imaginings of hell. Jolie saw her mother go through that. If I was in Jolie's shoes, I would not have had this elective surgery,...but instead, do regular checkups. Her surgery only lowered her risk by 85%,...whereas, if detected early, it has a 95% cure rate. As she is now, cancer could mutate in a lesser early detectable area, and increase her fatality potential. "Soon we all will die; our hopes and fears will be irrelevant....on the luminous continuity of existence which has no origin and which has never died, we project all the images of life and death, terror and joy, demons and gods. These images become our complete reality, and we submit without thinking to their dance. In all the movements of this dance we project our greatest fears on death, and we make every effort to ignore it." Padmasambhava
  11. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    No,...that's surely not what I said. If you believe you have nothing,...and this perceived nothing is driving your life,....then pursue,...with burning passion,...that which makes your objective reality happier. To quote my suggestion in #73 Speaking of nothing,...I've seen nothing in your posts indicating a desire to awaken. You appear to want material things that society sees as somethings,...you want an intimate relationship,...you want respect and recognition. Those who seriously desire to awaken, want one thing,...the truth. Not relative truth,...for all relative truth is a lie. "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva
  12. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    "If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of your self." Lao Tzu
  13. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    You viewed the Youtube below, and responded as above? Then I'd suggest you focus on the last part of post #73
  14. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    What a fortunate place to be,...those with "something" seldom if ever become self actualized, let alone transcend. Of course,...for someone with nothing, your questions appear to about getting deeper into the dream,...not waking up from it. Questions like: These are not the questions of someone wishing to awake in anyway. What are you seeking exactly? If your desire is for phenomenal success, why hang out on a Taoist forum? If you want to realize truth,...you need diffrent questions,...wouldn't you say?. The above youtube should give you an idea as to whether you are a serious seeker, or not. If not, why spend even another minutes on this forum? Learn how to be a day trader, be a landlord, get out and sell something,...watch CNBC throughout the day,...go dumpster diving, especially after estate sales, and sell the stuff as unique items on craigslist,...steal out-of-state front licence plates and sell them them on e-bay,...collect urine from pregnant women and sell it as a hair growth tonic,...go out into the woods and be an exotic mushroom supplier,...collect herbs and make herbal cigarettes,.... trap squirrels, dye them purple, and get a government grant to study them. The key is to burn with passion, 24/7.
  15. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    No,...I was suggesting that not all knowledge manifests as worldly power. Nikola Tesla, the fellow who invented the electric motor, fluorescent lighting, devices for x-rays, ionized gases, and charged particle beams, etc, etc. called Walter Russell the Leonardo DaVinci of the 20th century. Even Tesla was blown away by Russell's works, although he added that it may be a thousand years before people will understand them. So much genuis obscured, hidden, threatened, and disgraced. Genuises like, Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Edward Leedskalnin, Thomas Moray, Jerry Woodall, etc., marginalized and suppressed. Even Einstein was ridiculed until Max Planck said something, whereas the groupthink looked Einstein's theories. Many a person have wasted their lives seeking knowledge,...desiring knowledge,...wanting the power that they were told knowledge would manifest. Even the phrase "know thyself" is BS. The term comes from Gnothi Seauton,...to Gnow Thyself,...which cannot occur through knowledge,...only gnowledge.
  16. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Is "knowledge" really power? Suppose you had perfect knowledge of the diaboloical meme of Christianity or Islam,...such knowledge would surely have you killed if used. Suppose you had knowledge how water with aluminum-gallium produces instant hydrogen,...will that give you any power in Oil Company controlled Washington? Knowledge among the worldly powerful may facilitate their power games,...but ultimately, does knowledge enable any real power? The greatest genius of the 20th century, a fellow with a photographic memory, could speak 8 languages, and had over 300 relevant patents,... invented the radio, xray machines, AC electrics, induction motors, Utilization of Radiant Energy, bladeless turbine, VTOL aircraft, experimented with wireless electricity, radio controlled boats, electric railway system, robotics, and hundreds of other things we use every day,...died pennyless and powerless,...not even winning the Nobel Prize,
  17. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Ah,...so true,...however, samsara is only one side of the coin of perceived life,...the other is nirvana. What would the human realm of nirvana look like? Then work your way back from there.
  18. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    The following is likely a fictional story,...however, the premise is rather profound. In the 1980s, Dru was living in rural British Columbia, where he was frequently visited by two spirit guides. One day, these two guides appeared and asked whether he would like to take a ride in a spaceship, which was to be cruising by the following day. Dru excitedly agreed, and the next day, right on schedule, a spaceship appeared. A hatchway opened, and once he was aboard, it zoomed off beyond our atmosphere. During the day, Dru was shown around and instructed about how to pilot the technologically advanced craft. He described the cockpit as having a seamless panel of various-sized nodules. By touching them, he could maneuver the craft. In the evening, he was brought home, where his spirit guides were waiting to hear of his adventures. In an invigorated voice, Dru told them of his wonderful day and how powerfully cool the spacecraft had been, yet he noticed the guides did not respond to his elation, so he paused, a bit confused. Then, one of the Guides, pointing to an electric heater stored on the porch, said, “Do you see that? Every time you turn it on, you are giving your power away.” Dru understood instantly what they meant. The extraterrestrials’ technology was more a barrier to spirituality and enlightenment than a path towards any real power. Who's in Control? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-lwPCQFw1o
  19. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Yes,...perhaps Star Trek wasn't the best analogy,...but there are not many analogies to draw from that bring attention to the unspiritualness of the monetary system. I relalled Kirk and Spock having pizza and a beer, and saying they don't have money anymore. Few are aware of Resource Based Economics,...and many are against it, not because it wouldn't work better,...but because of fear of change. For those seriously interested in the subject, I'd suggest the following youtube, from minutes 11:00 - 17:43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWNgSa7GvA&feature=related "The biggest crux to the evolution of humanity is breaking through your own indoctrination. It is very, very difficult to overcome emotional elements that have become so engrained in you, that you have an immediate reaction, an immediate suffering and pain, if something interfers with [your idea of the status quo]. It's a very, very complex problem. We have to learn how to identify and break our own indoctrination if we expect to move forward at all as a civilization" PJ Merola
  20. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    Some suggest that money goes hand in hand with religion. Ever notice that the Star Trek paradigm proselytized neither religion or money,..they were part of a resource based economy. http://hermetic.com/bey/millennium/religion.html If you ponder the End of Religion seriously and deeply enough, such occurrance, by consequence, would simultaneously manifest an economy other than capitalism and need for money. Remember,...the End of Religion would not spawn atheism,...atheism is merely another religion,...a set of beliefs that no god exists. The End of Religion will manifest the birthing of Human Beingness,...and a focus on Human Beingness is incompatable with capitalism and money. Compassion, gnowledge, truth, honesty, impeccableness, will be the characteristics favored in a non-religious,...that is, a beliefless society. Because religious beliefs will cease having any influence,...relating with what will never leave us, and from which we can never leave, will be the accepted prime directive. Money is unnecessary in a resource based economy.
  21. Pure Dzogchen and Mahamudra involve Short Path literature that is fully unaccessible to Long Path inquirries. Ultimately, there are only two Paths,...and only one that uncovers the nature of spirituality. No one realizes nirvana from the Long Paths,...thus, all Long Paths lead to the Short Path. Until one realizes the Short Path, discussing pure Dzogchen and Mahamudra is futile. A Canadian said: "Waking up is not necessarily pleasant; you get to see why all this time, you chose to sleep. When you wake up the first thing you will see is Reality does not exist for you, you exist for it. Shocking as it is when you let it in, there is rest. You do not have to labor anymore to hold together a reality that does not exist; forcing something to be real that is not real. You and this life you have been living are not real ...In letting it in, even through the shock... pain... shattering, there is rest. Reality is when all you want to know is what is true ...just so that you can let it in and be true. Reality is not a safe place for you - the you that you have created. It is the only place where you would die; where there is no room for your hopes, your dreams. Once you have let it in, once you begin to re-awaken; to let Reality wake you up, nothing can get it out. That is the beginning of your end. Waking up can be much more painful than the agony of your dream, but waking up is real." What the Canadian is discussing is fully unavailable to one on the Long Path. One on the Long Path will not realize Truth Realization in this lifetime. I've found some quotes of Paul Brunton helpful regarding the differences between the Long Path and the Short Path,...nevertheless, unless one has a predisposition towards truth realization, those quotes will not be very clear. http://wisdomsgoldenrod.org/notebooks/23/5
  22. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Bodhisattva's only see 6 approaches to spirituality,...one of which would be the dissolution of knowledge. "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara "everything else is just shrouded furniture, quotidian anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui of totalitarian regimes, banal censorship & useless pain." Hakim Bey
  23. Nice response. "Soon we all will die; our hopes and fears will be irrelevant....on the luminous continuity of existence which has no origin and which has never died, we project all the images of life and death, terror and joy, demons and gods. These images become our complete reality, and we submit without thinking to their dance. In all the movements of this dance we project our greatest fears on death, and we make every effort to ignore it." Padmasambhava According to Tibetan tradition, the TBOTD was composed in the 8th century by Padmasambhava.
  24. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Yes,...using age as a cop-out often appears to be standard practice here.