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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Like what for example? To me impeccable is impeccable. No member of Christianity, Islam, or Judeaism is impeccable with their words,...not a single one. In America,...not a single member of Congress puts their oath to the Constitution before their faith-based agenda,...that is not being impeccable. Have you ever observed an atheist witness a calamity, or have an orgasm...and under their breath say, "oh my god!"
  2. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    I certainly agree that most want everyone to believe in their religion (or set of beliefs). As I advocate no religion, nor any beliefs that step between people and their direct experience, I see a world without religion (that is, sets of belief) to be the most non-boring world ever.
  3. IMO,..real compassion, that is, the compassion of bodhisattvas,...are only accessed through a clearing-out process,...not only jealousy, but faith-based goodwill,...not only fear, but hope,...not only pride, but humility. Both Buddhism and Daoism point to a non-dual reality. Heart Mind or consciousness,...what has been described as our 7th consciousness,...is unaccessable by sentient or the 6 sensory consciousness'. Sakyamuni Buddha’s greatest teaching, according to Sakyamuni, is that only through the perfect wisdom of the Heart sutra comes the perfect compassion of a bodhisattva. If compassion arises from form alone (the skandhas), it is false compassion, no matter how well intended. The term "perfect wisdom" above, is about prajna,...not the accumulation of knowledge as defined by Westerners.
  4. For me, an important synonym of compassion is Welcome,...as in, Love waits only on Welcome. In the 70's I heard or read,...that the dharma, or highest quality of a human is to welcome. For about 39 years,...I've felt that the goal of life is to bring more love and light into this reality,...not that love and light are lacking in any way,...but merely obscured by the focus on sensory limited human life. Both the prajnaparamita interpretation of Buddhism, and Daoism, suggest to me, that compassion is unavailable without welcoming things as they are. This part is rather tricky for most,...because, according to prajnaparamita and Daoism,...the 6 senses, not only cannot observe things as they are, but cannot welcome things as they are. Buddhism is quite explicit about the nature of compassion,..."The whole of the Bodhicharyvatara is geared toward prajna, the direct realization of emptiness, absolute bodhichitta, without which the true practice of compassion is impossible." The Way of the Bodhisattva The 6 senses can NEVER recognize Presence,...they only observe the past,...and such is the nature of the 6 senses or consciousness'. Both prajnaparamita and Daoism point to higher consciousness'...that which is aware beyond the 6 senses. Kenchen Thrangu Rinpoche: said, "...everbody thinks that compassion is important, and everyone has compassion. True enough, but the Buddha gave uncommon quintessential instructions when he taught the methods for cultivating compassion, and the differences are extraordinarily important." "Buddhist teachings on compassion are grounded in the direct realization of Emptiness; without which, compassion is impossible." Robert Thurman commentary on the Dalai Lama's The Four Noble Truth's. Considering various Buddhist and Daoist viewpoints,...one may ponder if Western ideas about compassion are even relevant. What is compassion? My favorite definition of compassion: Chögyam Trungpa said, "Compassion is not so much feeling sorry for somebody, feeling that you are in a better place and somebody is in a worse place. Compassion is not having any hesitation to reflect your light on things. As light has no hesitation, no inhibition about reflecting on things, it does not discriminate whether to reflect on a pile of shit or on a pile of rock or on a pile of diamonds. It reflects on everything it faces."
  5. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    My body died in 1974, and recall it being a beautiful experience,...although not in the sense of sensory experience. I was somewhat torn on coming back,...on one hand, there was a tranquility, as if being naked and fully unashamed,...while on the other hand, I closed my eyes, wanting to return to the non-dual Light. A few years later, I laughed when I read: "The ego [sciential consciousness of the 6th sense of thought] uses the body to conspire against your mind [sapiential conscious beyond the 6 senses], and because the ego realizes that its “enemy” [the sapiential mind] can end them both [ego and body] merely by recognizing that they are not part of you [the sapiential mind, your Unborn Awareness]; they join in the attack together. This is perhaps the strangest perception of all, if you consider what it really involves. The ego, which is not real, attempts to persuade the mind, which is real, that the mind is ego’s learning device, and further, that the body is more real than the mind is. No one in [his or her] right mind could possibly believe this, and no one in [his or her] right mind does believe it." A Course In Miracles 6 IV 5.
  6. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Imagine....a world without religion,...where no beliefs step between anyone and their direct experience with heart consciousness,...a world where there is nothing real about the confusion of theists and atheists. Imagine a world without indoctrinations. Where as a Buddhist said, “We condemn the real and we enforce the unreal, because the unreal is going to be helpful in an unreal society and the unreal is going to be convenient…A child is born in a society, and a society is already there with its fixed rules, regulations, behaviors and moralities which the child has to learn. When he will grow he will become false. Then children will be born to him, and he will help make them false, and this goes on and on." Imagine a world where honesty is treasured,...and everyone desire to be impeccable with their words. Surely, the idea of being impeccable with our word is one of the principles of the Mexican nagual (similar in ways to the pre-Buddhist naga). This quite misunderstood principle of power and creativity has not only been embraced in many new age marketing seminars, but also among religions selling their particular brand of faith. However, that is not impeccableness. In fact, if one would step aside of their ego for a moment, they’d clearly recognize that it is impossible for a religious or belief-centered person to be impeccable with their word, because religion is nothing more than a set of beliefs. Impeccable suggests being faultless, flawless, and irreproachable with one’s word. This impeccability is not only being careful in speech while communicating to the outside world, but while dialoguing with the inside as well. If someone tells you, "Be impeccable with your word, for it is a gift from god", is not that being dishonest, being not impeccable? Impeccable means being fully honest and truthful. They are using the idea of impeccability to mislead and deceive. All faith-based words mislead and deceive. Imagine a world where you can have this conversation with anyone.
  7. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Prajnaparamita suggests that, from a relative point of view, there are two minds,...the cerebral mind, where knowledge is born, and which perishes at death,...and the heart mind, which although associated with the thymus gland, is not physical, and from which, gnowledge is uncovered. For gnowledge, there is no confusion.
  8. What a great day,...what beautiful news! GLORIA OLIVAE or Glory of the Olive, better known as Papa Ratzi is stepping down as the 111th Pope of the St. Malachi Prophecy. The prophecy of the twelfth-century Irish Bishop Malachi (St. Malachi Prophecy) said there would be 112 Popes between that time and the end of the Catholic Church or Christendom. Of course, silly Christians believe the prophesy, which has been quite accurate, suggests that it implies "the Second Coming of Jesus." But the prophesy makes no mention of that,...it is the END of ROME as having authority of, or stepping between sentient beings and their direct experience, thus the End of Christianity. "the only way to understand [the Tao] is to directly experience it." Lao Tzu With the End of the Christian meme,...Islam, which is a forced by-product of Christianity, will fall to,...and Shambhala will be on the horizon. I've been looking forward to this since 1968, when I first heard about the Prophesy of the Popes. In the St Malachi prophesy, the current Pope was seen as "Gloria Olivae" -- the Glory of the Olive -- and thus was easy to predict, as he would have an association with the Benedict or the Benedictine Order. Interestingly, Gloria Olivae is also the one known in John's Revelations as "the great deceiver". The one who prepares the way for the Antichrist, the final destroyer of the Church of Christianity. It's amazing,...the end of the Abrahamic memes will be in my lifetime,...soon, their god will be removed from my money,...their crosses of suffering removed from my vision,...the hideous vibrations of Christianity unwound, to let fresh air permeate the world. What great day to know that this day is at hand.
  9. http://thetaobums.com/topic/27510-liberation-theology/
  10. Liberation Theology

    Here comes Peter the Roman,...Pope Francis I,...(St Francis was a major figure in Liberation Theology), a Jesuit (Jesuit's are the largest distractors of Catholicism, within Catholicism), son of Italian immigrants,...first Francis, first Jesuit, first American. Jesuit's have said that Jesus never said the Lord's Prayer. Liberation Theology would like to see the decentalization of the Vatican. Does he fit the Malachy Prophesy?
  11. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Attempting to discredit authorship is folly. Living a sentient life is delusion,...which is of course, fine for the deluded, who have no desire to realize the way things are. "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara (Shurangama Sutra) It is impossible to understand the Tao through the senses,...just as it is impossible to realize bodhi through the 6 senses. Terms like deluded, ignorant, etc., are not meant as negatives or being derogatory,...obviously, not everyone,...in fact,...only very few, have a thirst for truth. As Johann Goethe, exclaimed, "Truth lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it." Most just want to have sentient fun,...ignorance can often be bliss. All knowledge arises from the senses,...through the senses sentient beings think they're conscious. Sentient beings are ever so certain of their senses. They believe their senses is what makes consciousness,...but gnowledge understands that the body cannot be conscious. Lao Tzu said, "Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire..[as thus] however large and impressive, [your knowledge] will expire as well"
  12. Jed Mckenna - Truth at any Cost

    MCKenna's basic proposition is quite simple,...reduce something, anything, down to its original essense,...its truth. The crux is,...as Jed McKenna said, "One millionth of 1% false is completely false" Some may ask,...is Jed McKenna enlightened? Not by a Buddhist or Daoist definition,...but he is somewhat Truth Realized,...a HUGE step towards enlightenment. For McKenna, his failure to uncover Buddhist/Daoist enlightenment seems to be that he ceased going Further. Nevertheless, well worth the listen for those desireous for Truth Realization.
  13. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once." René Descartes To uncover the Tao.... "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Lao-tzu
  14. Because they have faith. (faith, n. An unquestioning acceptence of something in the absense of reason, proof, and honesty)
  15. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Can you define enlightened? I define it as the Prajnaparamita does,...an awareness of how things are. To paraphrase Sakyamuni upon his enlightenment,...Dukkha is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are,...the 6 senses can only perceive things other than they are.
  16. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    "maybe I could tell you to cut of one ounce of your body everyday until you can answer the question 'What is True.' Any ounce, as long as it's an ounce. That should bring you quickly into focus. Light a fire under you. If you had to do this, cut off an ounce of your body every day, how much time do you think you would waste on meditation, on attending Satsung, or reading the latest spititual best seller? Not bloody much. You would soon become an enlightenment machine,...sleep and food would be reduced to barest minimums. Relationships and activities once deemed eccential, would be forgotten. You would enter into a burning mania of single-pointedness. Soon, anything other than the question, 'What is True,' would seem comically irrelevant. " Jed McKenna
  17. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Westerners love practices, such as meditation,...there must be an indoctrinated reason for it, although I haven't given it much attention. An enlightened has no practice,...they are aware of the way things are. Practice, will not uncover the way things are,...but merely,...possibly,...prepare one to let go of the ideas that practices afflict one with. Although I wasn't there,...I'm quite certain that meditation did not uncover enlightenment for Buddha,...it was Appreciation, that uncovered enlightenment. Pay attention to this quote,...there is a gem of prajna in it,...Esther Hicks said, "We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you uncover Source."
  18. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Yes,...and from my perception, all my posts have that theme,...how can we recognize the false (things learned) as the false. A Buddha said, "A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real." Surely correct,...however, will just as surely isolate such "wise man" from society at large. We engage within a world that perceives things arising, and thus speak in a dumb-downed language of things arising,...when in honesty, nothing arises. Nothing that is perceived to arise is real,...in fact, nothing perceived to arise has any connection whatsoever with what is real. Both Prajnaparamita and Daoism point to a consciousness beyond the 6 senses - seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and thinking,...however, to uncover that consciousness, the 6 senses must agree that they are false,...that is, unreal. If one believes that the 6 senses, which arise from the 6 sense organs, are real,...then how is one ever going to uncover what Prajnaparamita and Daoism point to?
  19. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    On that level,...of course,...ultimately nothing arises,...however, I was once again involved with child speak,...that is, attempting to dumb things down for the intelligence level here. If you flowed with the above sentence, instead of degrading into an attack, we could have been onto a meaningful dialogue. The flaw of the 6 senses,...as every Buddhist should understand, is that if left to their device, which is to say, are clung to for one's ultimate identity,...dukkha will never be understood. How did Buddha do it? Or Avalokitesvara? "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara Why did Lao Tzu say, , "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Why have Buddha's said, "A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real." "But if they reject arising and ceasing and uphold the eternal truth, an enduring light will appear, and with that, the sense-organs and defiling objects will disappear." Shurangama sutra Where are my posts different from the texts of Prajnaparamita and Daoism?
  20. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Meaningful....considered as having value or purpose. A Buddhist said, “We condemn the real, and we enforce the unreal because the unreal is going to be helpful in an unreal society, and the unreal is going to be convenient. . . . A child is born in a society, and a society is already there with its fixed rules, regulations, behaviors, and moralities, which the child has to learn. When he will grow up, he will become false. Then children will be born to him. He will help make them false. This goes on and on."
  21. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Meaningful/meaningless in my context should not be viewed as either subjective, nor objective,...but from the point of view of honesty. Honesty implying,...can anything honest arise from the 6 senses? This is predominately a Daoist forum after all. Of course, nearly everyone wants their life to have meaning, and reach for things to make their life appear meaningful,...however, for those serious enough,...honest enough,...to really pursue the question, "Who Am I"...meaninglessness rises quickly, like a snowball to an avalanche. For those who do go deeply into the question, "Who am I"...there will be an understanding, that it is impossible to uncover "Who I am"...without a realization of "When I am." "When I am" is the last stepping stone before bodhicitta,..."when" obliterates the 6 senses,...rendering them meaningless. When goes beyond concepts. Concepts are all conditions of time. There is no Present/Now/Instant/Tao in time.
  22. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Nice to meet someone who was there,...Prajnaparamita must be incorrect,...likewise the Vajrayana story of Sujata,...and your belief must be the correct view. But of course,....Buddha's meditation, to the point of being (as sometimes described) more bones than flesh, had nothing to do with meditation. Of course not. He should have meditated without the asceticism. On the other hand,...if you believe meditation leads to enlightenment,...go for it. If you take it as far as you can, you will realize that meditation will not uncover enlightenment,...it is impossible. Thus, your comments only show to me that you have no interest in enlightenment,...just meditation. Buddha did not have an interest in enlightenment either,...his interest was in the reason for dukkha. When he uncovered the reason,...by consequence,...he uncovered enlightenment. However,...one cannot uncover enlightenment seeking meditation. Sorry about that,...guess everything you cherish as meaningful, is simply meaningless.
  23. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    If you spent 1% of the time to respond to my posts, as you do to researching spew, that is, attacking my use of C&P original, genuine information (from me), perhaps I'd see some sort of integrity underlying your 40 years of meditation. My response to your posts using genuine VMarco statements, although offensive to you, were quite appropriate,...and once more, you've shown your confused monkey mind to be uninterested in anything genuine. As I began my first response to a post by you,... And here we are,...instead of any semblance of a discussion on going FURTHER (the name of Ken Kesey's bus, whom I first met in '75) ,...you persist with rummaging through the past, to claim how you caught me saying the same thing,...and thus such statement could not possibly be genuine, if found repeated in some previous dialogue,...even for a mediocre fellow like yourself. So,...what have you proved? That repeating a statement is disengenuine? That the one week lecture you attended was genuine because the lecturer never uttered those words before? I can assure you that you are not, by your definition of "a moment"...a moment away from enlightenment. You are too entrained into the past, which doesn't even exist, to be anywhere near an ability to recognize enlightenment,...that is, an awareness of the way things are. You can deny the fact that you're currently not even close to being a moment away from enlightenment,...but that does not make the fact unfactual. A Buddhist said, "Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. "Is there a God?" and you say, "Yes, God is." Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, "I don’t know.". . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge." And yet, that is where you are,...spewing things you don't understand, and pretending you do. Your every post reflects dishonesty. When a child (a sophomore in your case) is being instructed on the alphabet, the alphabet is repeated until the child grasps it. For you,...you believe,...as per your posts,...that if someone would dare repeat the alphabet to one who is unaware of recognizing the alphabet, that person is a ungenuine robot. My suggestion,...stick with meditation,...and pray you can be reborn into a better existence,...because it is quite doubtful you'll wake up in your current delusion.
  24. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    No,...I'm addressing what you write in your posts,...whereas you are addressing your opinions about what you believe some teacher had in mind regarding quotes I used in context of my posts. For example,...Wei Wu Wei said, "The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys, who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world. The practice of non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speaker while eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life." Perhaps Wei Wi Wei meant something quite contrary to the context of my post,...so what. Although I've enjoyed the writings of Wei Wu Wei, the post was about what I actually had to say. Yet to you,...as per your posts, reject that my posts are about what I have to say,...believing the quotes I use, somehow detract from what I'm offering. I'm not a teacher, or a guru,...don't want a following, nor to follow,... yet am always interested in honest communion,...which is likely the most difficult treasure to be had on the planet. In fact, nearly all the well known teachers today, are dishonest. Arthur Blessitt, Eric Yoffie, Damon Denson, David Barton, Jesse Duplantis, Ali al-Sistani, Thich Nhat Hanh, Leila Ahmed, Neale Donald Walsch, Joseph Ratzinger, Gibril Haddad,...just to name a few of the highly thought of as Top People by society,...are disgustingly dishonest. As Jed McKenna correctly said, "99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it." .
  25. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Again,...your predisposition that the only worthy person to interact with, is one who believes that they are separate from everything else,...thus, you are unable to hear VMarco,...not because VMarco hasn't tried,...but because you're not interested in truth. Experience born of belief, can only be experienced through the condition of that belief. That is to say,...your beliefs are preventing you from hearing VMarco. And that is fine,...as, according to your posts above, you already did the spirituality thing,...you have years devoted to knowing and seeing,...thus, to realize all you knowing and seeing is somehow meaningless, is not very palatable. But, "Soon we all will die; our hopes and fears will be irrelevant...." The Great Liberation