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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Everything I quote was in context with the context of my post. I don't give a squat about the messengers. For example, I often quote TS Eliot,...."Human kind cannot bear very much reality". As for TS Eliot the person,....I found him devoid of any meaningful contribution to the elevation of human beingness. As many are already aware of on TTB,...I also use quotes to identify the non-serious,...using their "knowledge" to determine if the quotes used were context with their predispositions about the author,...those who respond to quotes the way you have. As for "knowing"....only ignorant people know. What I actually gnow is beyond your comprehension,...thus quotes serve as a bridge or device for those who may be serious enough to venture into the liminal zone between duality’s sciential sentience and the sapiential consciousness of nonduality, in which direct relationships with authentic teachers are often unavailable. Absolute truth is only realized through gnowledge,...however, to uncover gnowledge, one must first let go of the attachment to knowledge for one's identity. As one recognizes the 6 senses in their daily activities (what gnowledge is not), one allows space so-to-say, for gnowledge to enter. Gnowledge is NOT a result of the past or a perceived now, as is knowledge. There is NEVER thought or thinking in the Now,...all thought, thinking, and knowing are in the past. When you realize that, that you cannot think in the Now, your life view will dramatically be altered,...and gnowledge will be Welcomed. 'Gnothi Seauton', as inscribed over the portico of the Temple at Delphi, means Gnow Thyself, not Know Thyself. In other words, those who say they know, most likely do not Gnow. Some cultures like the Egyptian and Maya of Mesoamerica, thought so lowly of the brain, or sciential mind, that before burials it was sucked out and discarded, whereas the heart was treasured. Today’s scientially minded may think such a philosophy as primitive, but keep in mind that the Egyptians for example were quite aware of the brain. Evidence clearly shows that the Egyptians had an intimate knowledge of brain functions, for instance that the left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body. As was the case with the Tantrika and Vajrayana in Asia, and the Maya of Mesoamerica, Egyptians seemed to have been aware that the brain is the vessel for the lowest consciousness, whereas from the heart arose the highest consciousness. Ancient cultures appear to have discarded the brain because they had a higher awareness of self, a non-ego self, that has been quite veiled in the contemporary cultures of the last few millennium. Knowledge proceeds through what Buddha called the five skandhas or Aggregates, which includes sensual perceptions and conditioned experience by way of the psyche or personal consciousness. To know is to comprehend noologically, through intellect-based thought. Gnowledge is to understand through metasensory awareness and unconditioned experience through the thymos or impersonal consciousness. To gnow is to understand by way of gnosis or Right Discernment, the gnowledge that Siddhartha Gautama, the "Sage of the Shakyas," implied when he said, be a Lamp unto Thyself. Gnowledge, Prajna, Bodhi, and Tao are feminine nouns. Wisdom is said to be a feminine (Yin) noun, but the word, as defined, only points to the masculine (Yang),..wisdom literally means knowledge accumulated through philosophic or scientific learning. Knowledge is fully masculine (Yang). Knowledge is of, and fully dedicated to, the skandhas (form, senses, perception, thinking, and the knowledge of that thinking). Thinking is always (irrefutably) in the past.
  2. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    I suppose that many folks imagine that the "spiritual path" is similiar to what you described,...even Siddhartha fell for the same dead-end course,...although he eventually went further. Meditation belongs to of the world of hope and fear,...meditation is a diversion one uses until they realize that it will not lead to enlightenment. Lao Tzu said, "Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear." Non-meditation is a topic that will surely upset millions who have vested meaning, money, and measure, sitting on a cushion. Millions believe that meditation is the path to happiness, compassion, god realization, and enlightenment. Surely, meditation has provided solace to many, but solace is a temporary thing. Hui Neng reportedly scolded his monks for spending too much time sitting in meditation....He said that meditation is unnecessary, and warned that such practice can easily become a narcotic. Many Western meditators are so intoxicated by their practice that they see themselves as superior to those who don't formally meditate, like drug addicts see themselves as better than non-users. Few people seem to realize that Buddha did not uncover enlightenment through meditation,...he realized enlightenment when he ceased meditating. Meditation nearly killed him. Historically, Sakyamuni was near dead from meditation, more bone than skin, when a young girl named Sujata (likely a dakini) offered him some food (perhaps rice cooked in milk). Some say an appreciation filled him from this meal, and as he recovered his physical strength, through the state of appreciation, he realized the Dependent Origination from which suffering arises. The American Esther Hicks said, "We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you are a vibrational match to Source." The State of Appreciation; that is threshold to enlightenment, not meditation. Wei Wu Wei said, "The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys, who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world. The practice of non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speaker while eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life." Jigme Lingpa said, "The state of non-meditation is born in the heart...." All Heart-centered people are non-meditators. If some "teacher" is a pusher of meditation, as some sort of practice to enlightenment,...they are false teachers of enlightenment. There are many, many distorted views of enlightenment,...and ways to uncover it. The path to enlightenment is simply honesty,...and what enlightenment actually points to is the awareness of the way things are. None of the 6 sense sensations arising from a cleansed body, yoga, or meditation, can uncover the reality of enlightenment. A cleansed body, yoga, or meditation are like Zen Koans,...the answer to a koan is in its dissolution. Kagyu, the fourth stream of mastery, says, In a state of non-meditation, you attain [the vividness beyond concept, imagination, and projection]. As Beate Stolte said, "to place yourself in unfabricated present awareness." Of course it is difficult for someone blissed out on the opium of a cleansed body, yoga, or meditation to realize the futility of such distractions.
  3. Vinegar for Long Life

    My Gastroenterologist, an Indian by birth, and IMO a remarkable physician, swears by Apple Cider Vinegar,...he even claims it will extinguish acid refux, lower blood pressure, and has anti-aging properties, known to cleanse the body of free radicals and toxins..
  4. No,...the Tao is not in any phenomena or delusion,...the Tao is not delusion. Everything effects its perceived motion from the Tao,....like a seesaw moves upon a fulcrum,....but the lever of a seesaw is not the fulcum. Yin/Yang arise from One, which arises from the Tao,...but neither Yin/Yang nor the One is the Tao. However,...if you were to be honest enough,...and truly seek the Tao within mud,...than that would be a good thing,...for you would eventually find no Tao in the illusion of mud, and perhaps uncover the Tao.
  5. It can be said that Buddha did not write the Heart Sutra.
  6. From my understanding, ƛraddhā has little similiarity with Western faith. For example, 2 billion Christians believe that faith is something hoped for,...Hebrews 11:1. Prajnaparamita says the enlightenment is impossible to all who cling to hope. "the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear." Tilopa Sraddhā is not faith,...but more akin to trusting in love,...the love realized when all hope is surrendered.
  7. Are there many ways of realizing the Tao,...perhaps,...but it is realized the same for all. Can the Tao be realized through the 6 senses? No,...that is impossible.
  8. No,...I disagree,...welcoming Daoist or Buddhist ideals, is absent of all faith. Perhaps many,...maybe even most,...depend on faith as a precursor,...but until faith is fully let go of,...there is no connection with Heart-mind. Faith is a barrier to Heart Consciousness. Although most "Believers" feel faith connects them to the Heart,...it doesn't,...it is impossible. One cannot have a direct experience through the conditions of faith. A truly spiritual life has no room for faith,...and a life of faith is devoid of any recognition of spirituality.
  9. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Are you missing alot?,...no,...but I did observe enormous barriers that you appear to be unaware of, and which must be transcended. First,...any serious practitioner of understanding the Nature of Reality must realize that we do not observe the world that surrounds us, but merely the world that surrounded us. That is the point where one realizes that science cannot determine the truth of (absolute) reality. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Charles Townes was correct when he said, "Many people don’t realize that science basically involves assumptions and faith." The best of scientists have pointed to something other than what science deals with,...for example, "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such." Max Planck, Nobel laureate Or,... "True reality lies beyond immediate sensation and the objects we see every day." Georg Hegel I can understand Marblehead's feelings about the senses,...but both enlightened and open-minded folks gave different responses to that,...for example, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go.....the only way to understand [the Tao] is to directly experience it." Lao Tzu Or the Father of the Scientific Method, RenĂ© Descartes, articulated, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once." In other words, and I'll be blunt,...it is impossible to understand reality through the 6 senses. "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara One must be liberated from the 6 senses before even a single truth is realizable. It is impossible to has a direct experience through the 6 senses,...all experience born of the 6 senses can only be experienced through the conditions of the 6 senses. Although astral projection is a fun diversion,...it is, nevertheless, a diversion. Imagine McKenna's response to "the serious seeker." Do you think that someone serious about understanding the Nature of Reality would be involved with astral projection? I used to do astral projection 30 years ago,...would meet several friends on a regular basis,...in different places,...both worldly and other worldly. However,...it will not devulge anything about the Nature of Reality,...and not much about the Nature of the Dream. A real Seeker of Truth does not seek truth,...they seek and dissolve all they can find that is not not truth. A Buddhist said, "The real seeker of truth never seeks truth. On the contrary, he tries to clean himself of all that is untrue, inauthentic, insincere - and when his heart is ready, purified, the guest comes. You cannot find the guest, you cannot go after him. He comes to you; you just have to be prepared. You have to be in a right attitude." Even some airy-faery New Agers got that one figured out,...as Eckhart Tolle said, "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself"
  10. Fully agree that everyone has an inherent longing to "reconnect" with Source,...unfortunately, the pilgramage to quench that longing has, for most, been filtered through faith (the unquestioning acceptence of things withot reason, proof, and above all, honesty. The underlying longing may be for Absolute Truth,...however, Absolute Truth will NEVER be uncovered through dishonesty. René Descartes articulated, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once." Lao Tzu said, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara Churches, Synagogues, Temples,....are places of sentience,...they intoxicate the 6 senses of the faithful,...keeping them always blind to Absolute Truth. The Tao has no connection with places of worship, for Churches, Synagogues, Temples intrinsically point to things that are other than they are. Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth." Lao Tzu said, "...religions are desperate, clever, human inventions; the Intregal Way is a deep expression of the whole...religions rely on hypnotic manipulation of undeveloped minds; the Intregal Way is founded on the free transmission of immutable truth." Lao Tzu correctly said, "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own." The Tao has no connection with the Yin/Yang of religions, except in that religions effect their perceived motion from the still fulcrum of the Tao.
  11. Church, Synagogue, or Temple as Sacred Space, or reflection of Sacred Space is an interesting twist. Yet, how Sacred can a "building" devoted to faith and belief actually be?
  12. I disagree,...your statement suggests that you simply have a different faith. No one liberated from faith would go to a Church, Synagogue, or temple for service nor communon. People don't go to Church, synagogues or temples because they lost faith. LOL As for faith in yourself,...that must be the most debilitating form of faith,...a faith in the delusion that people believe they are. Yes,...the faith you cling to for your identity is likely the most handicaping of all faith.
  13. I agree with the notion that people like the company of those with similiar beliefs,...however, to speak factually,...spirituality is directly opposite of belief. In other words, a "spiritual belief" is pretty much an oxymoron,...the term spiritual, although nowaday's perverted in meaning, is that which is beyond physical,...thus beyond all belief. Belief is synonymous with faith,...and neither are synonymous with spirituality.
  14. What is the point

    The first sentence of the Heart Sutra is not so easy for many,....Karl Brunnholzl, in his excellent commentary 'The Heart Attack Sutra' devotes three pages to the first sentence. If that book was available 40 years ago, may have spared me from 10,000 hours of research,...which shouldn't be construed as a complaint,...but as an acknowledgment of the Short Path blessings which today's seekers have available.
  15. What is the point

    KYE HO! Listen with joy! Investment in samsara is futile; it is the cause of every anxiety. As worldly involvement is pointless, seek the heart of reality! One realizes joy only after one lets go of the need for joy. Need that arises from ordinary knowledge longs for things that it believes it does not have. In reality, everything already is; there is no lack, only beliefs that conceal abundance. Need also attracts more to need. If I say, "I need money," the universe doesn’t bring money, it brings more circumstances to need money. The essence of reality is akin to physics’ observation of nonlocality or universal correlation, that is, the understanding that everything in nature is instantaneously connected with and affected by everything else. Bell’s theorem showed experimentally that this is so. If A is instantly aware of where B is, even though they may be located at opposite ends of the universe, this implies that A and B, although perceived as different, have some fundamental sameness. Such a phenomenon upsets science, and scientists ridicule universal correlations as astrological superstition or spiritual nonsense. From a duality point of view, all phenomena are interdependent on all other phenomena, both form and emptiness. That understanding is as a gateway to the essence of reality. One taste of the relationship between form and emptiness is like becoming lucid within a dream, becoming aware that it is only a dream. To pursue the essence of reality is to attract to yourself that which you cannot leave and that which cannot leave you. Only that which is permanent cannot leave you. Permanence is uncovered in the present. You may have heard the term power of the now. All power, all energy, all form, and all emptiness arises from the now. Not the perceived present. All perception is in the past. In the transcending of mind’s dualities is supreme vision; In a still and silent mind is supreme meditation; In spontaneity is supreme activity; And when all hopes and fears have died, the goal is reached. Balance can only be realized in the timeless now of undivided, clear light. Energy and mass do not and cannot exist outside time. There is no now in time. The now is like a still fulcrum upon which time and energy move interdependently with space. Understanding this shifts our ability to use attention and intention to the highest perfection. A profound shift is illustrated in Harry Nilsson’s fable of Oblio’s leaving the Land of Point, where everyone was required by law to have a point, and everything had to have a point.
  16. What is the point

    Good point. Let me redefine that,...1. I use quotes that are appropriate to the context of my post,...not the context of the quoter. 2. Using quotes helps me to see who are serious, and who are not serious about waking up,...by observing the response to the quote. Those who reject the use of quotes in the context of my posts, have no interest in waking up,...and thus, no need for me to make any serious attempt to explain a position, because they've shown, by rejection of the quote in the context it was shared, that they are uninterested to begin with.
  17. What is the point

    On the contrary,...it's an upper! It's seeing the false as the false,...which is the stepping stone to waking up. "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Eckhart Tolle
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    John Kerry says Americans 'have a right to be stupid." Well no,...that's not funny,...the truth is funny,...American's are indoctrinated to be stupid." Any Country where 84% of the population believes in an invisible man,...a god that created the world,....is surely stupid. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2284792/John-Kerry-says-Americans-right-stupid-tells-lost-diplomatic-passport-age-12-sneaking-Soviet-controlled-East-Berlin-1950s.html
  19. What if it was simple

    1.The Ultimate Teaching cannot be taught through the senses, however, by metamorphesizing a winged inner sense, metasensory Gnowing can reveal, this mystery to the Heart of our Essence. 2.Space is not understood, but merely perceived as That, which is filled and unfilled with form; the Ultimate Teaching is not dependent on object-ivity, the Whole can only be realized through Wholeness. 3.can a hole be defined by what's around it? that's not describing the hole; likewise, Wholeness is unrecognized outside itself, concepts and forms obscured through illusion. 4.to have a center there must be an edge, as the ambits dissolve, the center disperses with it; the here becomes meaningless without a there, then the truth of Mind is no longer unfamiliar. 5.what shape and colour is a banana? absorbing all spectral light and reflecting yellow doesn't make it yellow, while under a microscope, neither has it a shape, until we think one is there; the Mind's essence is beyond shape and form. 6.the predispositions of a thousand eons is incapable of concealing the Still HeartLight of Life; similiarly, the self-imposed cycle of suffering has no power to cloak the HeartLight of Mind's Essence. 7.there is no void nor vaccum in space, it is either defined or undefined; although the true essence of Mind is Light, that StillCauselessLight cannot be seen, only gnown. 8.the essence of Mind resembles space, in that it embraces all that is perceived; Rest, and Be a Silent Witness, for through Love's Stillness, all worlds dissolve. 9.look at the body/form through a microscope, the Mind which you do not see, transcends that Duality; Rest Effortlessly upon the hidden jewel that's you, Letting Go of object-iveness uncovers the Ultimate Teaching. 10.the HeartLight of the Ultimate Teaching cannot be revealed through New Age discourses or preceptual Scriptures, neither from the Mantravada, Paramitas or Tripitaka; the HeartLight of Mind is shrouded by concepts and whimsy's. 11.attachment to morals or immorals cloaks HeartLight's resplendence, yet by holding ones tongue still, the intellect quiets its fears and hopes; then the Causeless fulcrum is embraced, and the efforts of Duality's struggling seesaw vanish. 12.free from the bondage of beliefs, the fiction of discourse and Scripture become apparent; the Ultimate Teaching unbounds the bonds of self-repression, useless suffering and useless pleasure fad away, and the DiamondLight of the Ultimate Teaching glistens authentically. 13.ancestral fear driven zealots deride the Ultimate Teaching, theirs is a life not experienced directly, always viewed from a predisposed past and anticipatory future; Real Compassion and Teachers do not avoid, when either touches your Heart, ecstasy will unfurl. 14.Joy is realized only by Letting Go of the desire for Joy; desires arise from ordinary knowledge, they want for things which are not; In Reality, everything already is. 15.transcending the effects of Duality, all struggle ceases, the Still Nowness of Life reveals the HeartLight of Mind; embraced by zero, the origin of ecstasy where fear filled pasts and hope laden futures never existed. 16.Mind and Truth are synonymous to seek truth is to believe there is a lie; the intent of a path is to get, not to Let Go. 17.Enslaved to illusion and its transient conditions, Duality, is like a projection on a theaters screen; belief in the dream entanges the believer in a space-time construct, yet nature's melody does not exist outside of things. 18.renouncing all social and moral rules, liking nothing, hating nothing, and repiring in amoral innocense; aware of Effortlessness is the Sly Man's way to uncovering who we are; walking without footprints, the Ultimate Teaching is realized. 19.we divide life into self and not self, the here and there, subject and object; and then try to intregrate illusion with reality; Enlightenment is the awareness that there is no Duality. 20.Light is not seen, only the conditions which keep it obscure are seen; the Light at the Heart of Essence has no beginning nor end; zero dimension, razer of logic, is the Holder of the Whole, through Original Mind, the illusion of motion is evident. 21.Truth is not a path, but a Stillness, a passivity not realized through concepts; concepts are derived and inferred from perception, perception validates only illusion, not Truth. 22.there is nothing to discover, but only to uncover, positive and negative do not exist outside intellect; all situations are neutral and impersonal, in CauselessNowness the Ultimate Teaching becomes clear. 23.Perception sees itself as the center of the universe blindly seeking a complete unification with separation; identification with the universe is an attachment to the dream. 24.Divested cogitation can gaze upon the Original Thought, divesting useless suffering invites Peace, divesting useless happiness welcomes Love; fear clings to past as hope clings to future. 25.The nature of a river meanders, reposes, curves and winds, yet because Nowness is believed to be useless, predisposition demands that the current follow you, instead of you flow-ing with it, through that behavior, fulfillment remains elusive. 26.Triggering transformational experience is not difficult; Connected Breathing, when activated, can jump-start an atrophied thymus, Fixed Gazes, with auric vision, can open time to be seen as one, holding the tongue still, can bring Stillnes to thought. 27.Through unfeigned surrender, HeartLight itself, resplendently springs its metanoia; clear rapture coalesces from tranquility and insight, a continuum of awakenings dawn real Compassion, thus Birthing Human Beingness; Ascension is merely the Letting Go of the descension. 28.Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon, Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion, You will quickly gain mundane power and supreme enlightenment. May this Ultimate Teaching, Remain in the hearts of fortunate beings. Tilopa (translate by VMarco, 1997)
  20. What if it was simple

    Understanding energy is very simple,...applying energy is very complex,...because energy is an illusion of those who perceive themselves to be separate. There is no energy in the Tao.
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Commenting on John Boehner, the perpetually caramel-complexioned leader of House Republicans, President Obama said that Boehner is "a person of color, although not a color that appears in the natural world."
  22. What is the point

    Maybe mindless to you,...but a most important dialogue for those with a serious penchant for truth. In Eastern Thought (so to keep in impersonal, as my posts often attempt to do), one must be a caterpiller to realize the butterfly. Not all caterpillars become butterflies,...and is especially doubtful if suicide caterpillers ever become butterflies. In Eastern Thought, the awakened state is only by way of the phenomenal being,...which is to say, that no one wakes up while dead, or while attached to phenomenal beingness. If Buddha, instead of being the Buddha, became the best Siddhartha he could be, he would have never become the Buddha. Out of courtesy, I typically use the names of people quoted. I very much enjoy using quotes,...most because they irritate non-serious seekers. When a quote is used, it nearly always, has absolutely nothing to do with the people who is credited with the quote. For example, IMO, T. S. Eliot was an abomination upon humanity,...however, I'll use his quotes if they apply to the context of my post. "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" T. S. Eliot
  23. What is the point

    Beauty is in subjectiveness of the beholder. "My government is the world's leading purveyor of violence." Martin Luther King The USA has the largest prison system in the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate More than half of all U.S. prisoners have been incarcerated for nonviolent offenses. Most are first-time offenders, usually people who possessed small quantities of marijuana or conscious altering psychotropic substances. Many get "punked out" and sold into slavery as sex partners for the duration of their often lengthy imprisonments. What kind of hateful society does such a thing to people for minor, victimless crimes?   "As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." Eugene V. Debs Ponder on this,....Although polls, such as the American Religious Identification Survey, suggest that 14% of the American population are Atheist/Freethinkers, US prisons house only 0.2% Atheists. 91.1% of US prisoners are Judeo-Islamo-Christians, of which 79.76% Christians. That leaves only 8.7% for all other religions (Hindi's, Buddhists, Wiccans, Scientologists, Rasta, American Indian, Sikhs, etc
  24. What is the point

    Caterpillars often philosophize about Butterflies. "... but at the end of the day you're either a caterpillar or a butterfly, and the only way anyone will ever have even the slightest sense of what it means to be a butterfly is to become one. There are no butterfly experts among the caterpillars, despite innumerable claims to the contrary" Jed McKenna You will find though that if you meet a butterfly, they will not fit any of the preconceptions that many people have about them.   To become a butterfly,...all that is a caterpillar,...all beliefs, hopes, dreams,...must die. It is amazing how caterpillars attempt to define what a butterfly is,...as if one can become the other,...or even imagine such. But yet, we live in a world where butterflies are defined by caterpillars. The truth of butterflies is this,...they are awake,...and do not untransform back to caterpillars. For many, real butterflies are caterpillars arch enemy,...for the butterfly exists beyond the dream of beliefs. To be a butterfly, everything caterpillar must die. You cannot bring your caterpillarness along,...just as one cannot bring beliefs into the heart of essence.
  25. What is the point

    Some people like jumping into lake,...others prefer to wade in. Some feel they have no choice by to jump,...letting their sentience drive the situation. About 800 years ago, Naropa said, According to the Tantric tradition, everyone experiences the Clear Light of the Void shortly after death. Its brilliance, however, is so overwhelming that the departing consciousness usually recoils in fear and is drawn instead into another samsaric rebirth. By learning to recognize the transcendent Light during his lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient him. That would be a good example of sizing up the lake before going in. If one has a honest understanding that their suicide could take them to a better place,...good decision. If not,...and they submit to samsara's neurosis, best of luck,...as in the story of Algernon above (and here), best wishes on your journey: http://www.lobsangrampa.org/ebooks/I_Believe_-_T.Lobsang_Rampa.pdf