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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. The idea of "seek and you will find" is pretty much BS. Likewise, seek your hopes, and more and more and more hopes will be provided for you to seek. There are more millionaires still stuck in Maslow's Lowerarchy, than most would dare to imagine. From how I understand this question,,,,if you acquire all you hope for, will that end hope? No! For IMO, you cannot acquire all that you hope for,..acquiring all that you hope for is social and governmental propaganda,...work for the American dream and you'll be happy. You cannot seek hope, and wish for truth realization, at the same time. You see,...fantasy TV of bad guys having great spiritual power is nonsense,...great power arises from letting go of expectations,....expectation = hope. A positive desire or wish is greater than self,... it is an intentional invocation to allow Spirit to flow. Hope and the desire for things to be other than they are, arise from memory,ordinary knowledge, the Five Skandhas,... Memories or ordinary knowledge can not manifest truth,..they are nothing more than CONDITIONS repeating themselfs. A positive desire or wish arises from the Heart of ones Essence. The motive of one conscious of positive desire or wishing, is always that the subject arrive at its own harmonium. An old acquaintance, John Davies, use to say, the universe rearranges itself to accomodate our picture of reality. It, the universe, observes, through the Nature of Spirit, that is, the Law of Frequency, what we are fascinated with, and then brings us more of it. If we are fascinated with diversions, then Spirit will bring us more diversions. If we are fascinated with seeking, then Spirit will bring us more to seek. For the nature of the Law of Frequency is not "seek and you will find",...that's like saying joy is experienced through the need for joy,...seeking only precipatates more seeking, and the perception of lack precipitates more perceived lack. Suppose if we are fascinated with what we don't have, then Spirit will bring us more of what we perceive we don't have. However, if we are fascinated with the love that we are, then those beliefs which cloak that love will have to dissolve, for we cannot look in a mirror with a smile and get anything other then a smile reflected in return. The universe rearranges itself to bring us more of those things, on a frequency level, which we are fascinated with. Our frequency signature interaction works much the same on a complex levels as a simple ones. For example, if you have a single element and view it through a spectrograph, it has a particular frequency, its spectrographic signature. If we add several other various elements to the spectrographs field of vision, and continue to observe the original element, we will see that it attracts to itself, in quality and quanity, that which it is giving off. So, if we have a core emotional/belief issue in our lives, then on a subconscious level, we are broadcasting a "fascination", the core issue, and thus are attracting to ourselfs reflections/mirrors of that issue,...why,...so we can see it. And once we see it, it effortlessly dissolves and is no longer a belief/veil that obscures the real us; and our joy.  
  2. The more hope you let go of in your perceived life, the more fear will also weaken. Don't buy lotto tickets,...it perpetuates hope. Don't watch Fox News,...it perpetuates fear. No one attached to hope and fear can realize enlightenment. No one attached to hope and fear can cross the threshold to Heart-Mind. I've never heard of a Christian without hope and fear.
  3. The real Jesus likely look more as this: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/forensics/1282186 And yes,...Jesus loved praying amongst the olive trees,....like the night before he was allegedly arrest,...crying "why me, why?' Can you imagine a firefighter pausing before rushing in to save someone,...crying, "why me, why me?"
  4. Lots of disagreement here. The Tao has no relationship with god. The Tao Is,...god is not. Sure,...atheists choose not to believe in any gods,...but it is a belief in no god, or a belief in an empirical world, etc., as to why they do not believe in any gods. The Buddhas are simply aware that there is no gods. No need for belief or non-belief. Undivided Light is proof that no gods exist. Self proclaimed Esoteric Mystical Experiential Christians can speak of "Union/Merged Experience" as the unconditioned all they wish,...but it will never make it so. There is no Unconditional "Union/Merged Experience." Union/Merged Experience is always part of delusional reality,...that can only be experience through the conditions of Union/Merged Experience. Whole is beyond the sum of opposites,...there is no union or merger with conditions. Before entering the Unconditional, all conditions must cancel each other out. As a former Religious Studies scholar, whom members of the Westar Institute said, not 20 people in the world understood Early Christianity as well,..I can assure you, that there is nothing in the NT that "points to a direct experience of the Unconditional." Nearly everything in the NT is designed, albeit unconsciously, supports the continued inferiority of humanity. For example, Christians say, "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things", 1 Cor 13:7. Although this form of love, that is, bearing, believing, hoping and enduring is idealized by Christians, it isn't Unconditional Love, but nothing more than the submission, devotion, expectation and suffering to the conditions of their religions brewed beliefs. Christians are huge advocates of hope,...but what is hope? Is there a more dishonest, perniciousness word than hope? hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff. No matter what level we wish to view it from, hope is false. Hope is an anticipation of the future; thus it must arise from a predisposition, a belief, and attachment to the past. Hope implies lack,...how else could we possibly define it? Hope is for something we think we don't possess.   How could hope ever be expressed through an Open-Mind or Open-Heart ? The belief of hope is a barrier that obscures the present. The Heart of our Essence would not express lack or need, nor see positive or negative as good or evil, beauty or blight. If our attention is on seeking hope, how are we to ever experience the immediacy required to be in the Present? If we seek hope, our overall frequency pattern projects a self-manifested incompleteness, and thus can only attract to itself, that incompleteness. It is no different than a mirror in ones bathroom; if you look into the mirror with a frown, it will not reflect back a smile. In other words, our hope will never be realized as long as we hope; just like joy is never actualized if we are looking for it. Hope is a condition,…whereas, if Love is Unconditional, how can hope ever enter Love,…a condition cannot enter the Unconditional. Thus, if there is one action in the world which could precipitate a tremendum of Collective metanoic proportions, it would be the deletion of the word hope from our vocabulary. No enlightened being would discuss hope as something to be embraced. Tilopa, a great enlightened being from the 12th century said,...the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear.
  5. What Buddha found, is that dukkha is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than then are,...the 6 senses cannot see things as they are,...and thus most people think the dream is real. To understand things as they really are, one must use a consciousness beyond sentient awareness.
  6. Words are funny things. Most make up their own meanings to attach to words,...I generally use a dictionary,...but at times, the majority seems to contradict those definitions. To me, being means to exist, existence. Exist means to stand alone. As no phemomena stands alone, I assume that no phenomena exists or has being. And, as there are no conditions in the Unconditional, there is no being in the Unconditional either. To me, the term human beings describes a dream state, where similiar drempt objects delusionally interact with each other,...sort of playing a game of separation, although such separation never occurred. But yes,...I do not understand how you see the term being,...nor why you believe it is not a condition.
  7. My non-ego I, the Self beyond sentience, is fully uninterested in ego,...ego is only a problem for those soley attached to their sentience. To be only aware of sensory consciousness (seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, thinking), one cannot understand the world that surrounds them,...only the world that surrounded them. Way too much emphesis is put on ego. Just let it go. It's merely a by-product of the dream state. It cannot be killed,...because it doesn't really exist.
  8. Yeap,...ego is quite entrenched in preserving its beliefs. The choice other than "being" is to Wake Up,...which would kill ego's perception of itself. But what an adventure!
  9. Being,...is a condition. Being is not Suchness, nor the way things are. Being arises from a dream. Of course, those enamoured by the dream, think (condition within sentient consciousness) that the dream is real. Neither Buddha nor Lao Tzu said the dream was real.
  10. LOL "truth is infinitely simple, delusion is infinitely complex" Jed McKenna
  11. Again,..it's totally simple,...know god, no peace; Gnow Peace, no god. Anyone who claims enlightenment, and spouts off about a god, is not enlightened. Undivided Light is proof that no god exists. I'm not advocating atheism, which is a belief that no god exists,...basically there is very little difference between an atheist and a theists,...the beliefs of both are barriers to enlightenment. Enlightenment = Unconditional. Belief = condition. Conditions cannot enter the Unconditional. God defined (websters unabridged): 1. A being (condition) conceived as the omnipotent (condition), omniscient (condition) originator and ruler (condition) of the universe (condition), the principal object (condition) of faith and worship (conditions) in monotheistic religions (conditions). 2. The force (condition), effect (condition), or a manifestation or aspect (conditions) of this being (condition). 3. A being of supernatural powers (condition) or attributes (conditions), believed in and worshiped (conditions) by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality (conditions). 4. An image of supernatural being; an idol (conditions). 5. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed (condition). A very handsome man (condition). A powerful ruler or despot (conditions). Buddha said, "the Tathagata does not come and go." (Unconditional) Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." (Unconditional)
  12. Sure I have proof,...in that except for Teresa of Avila, all continued proselytizing their Tradition. In other words, they may have let go of some things, like ice cream, sex, and hot dogs,...but they did not let go of their beliefs. Enlightenment is impossible through beliefs. Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that eveything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."
  13. When the absence of evidence supports the evidence of absence, a reasonable and dependable description becomes available. For example,...the word scribe(s) is mentioned at least sixty-six times in the New Testament. Thus, repeatedly, what was not mentioned says much regarding the history of the invention of present-day Christianity. For instance, why was the capital of Galilee, Sepphoris, known as the ornament of Galilee, just four miles down the hill from the archeological site of Nazareth, not alluded to in the Gospels, although they all mention Nazareth? Could it be that the authors of the gospels were unaware that the city existed because Rome leveled it during the Jewish Revolt of 66–71 CE, some forty years after the Talmud’s Jesus was hanged for sedition? It is unlikely that Nazarites lived in Galilee, but were instead Jerusalemites.
  14. Like Lao Tzu explained "Do not go about worshipping deities and religious institutions as the source of the subtle truth. To do so is to place intermediaries between yourself and source, and to make youself a beggar who looks outside for a treasure that is hidden inside his own breast. If you want to worship the Tao, first discover it in your own heart."
  15. Yes,...the "i think" cannot gnow. The problem with Esoteric Christian practice, is that they don't Surrender or Let Go of their Esoteric Christianity practice. Surrender must include letting go all desire and hope for something else. Penetrating the threshold is like stripping off all your clothes. I once heard a fellow say: "Above and beyond the idea of belief…is simple awareness…which comes from the idea of surrender…letting go. There are many definitions regarding the word "surrender." Many label this as a loss of some sort or a lack of control of some sort…and this is not the case. Surrender is actually the acceptance of your total self. It is not in that sense the forsaking of your total self as many of you have been led to believe through the definitions that your world has provided you with. Definitions such as those only serve to limit you. And this is what we want to share with you and what we suggest you learn to give up…those limitations. Surrender is the letting go of the concept of who you think you're supposed to be and actually being who you are because who you are is unlimited possibilities. When you allow yourself to surrender all ideas, all hopes, then the physical reality which is only a mirror can then reflect those unlimited possibilities back to you." Christians and theists typical say, "let go and let god." That is not surrender,...that's a deluded person pretending to let go. One cannot play pick-n-choose with surrender,...you either surrender, or you don't. No one who has surrendered remains an esoteric Christian or theist. Any Esoteric Christian who talks about surrender, has never themselves surrendered.
  16. Buddhists say, Find the Consciousness you had before you were born,...your Unborn Awareness. This is the awareness before beliefs and religious indoctrination. No belief is true. If a belief were true, it would not be a belief.
  17. No,...Esoteric/Mystical Christianity is about attempting to enter the Unconditional with your conditions,....it's impossible. The direct realization of truth only occurs when all the Esoteric/Mystical Christian nonsense is let go.
  18. Those look like a list of Papa Ratzi's book self. None of those names have shown any instance of a breakthrough,...in fact, several should have had an anvil tied around their necks and thrown into an abyss, for the harm they brought to others. Belief is a direct obsticle to the Heart,...no belief can enter the Heart,...enlightenment can only be realized through the Heart. I'm not speaking about the blood pump,...but the Heart Mind. If you want to experience the Unconditional, you must let go of all your conditions,....there is no other way. No Christian or theist has ever, or can ever, experience enlightenment. What they experience is brain induced psychosis: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/7.11/persinger.html
  19. There are 2 Buddhisms,...a religious Buddhism, and Buddhism. IMO, the real essence of Buddhism can be most quickly be seen through the Prajnaparamita's. The Heart Sutra is a one page summary, or Heart, of the Prajnaparamita's. The Heart Attack Sutra easily presents the difference between the religion of Buddhism, and what Buddhism actually points to.
  20. The title itself is enough to make me vomit. I wish people cease talking about god as if they knew what god is. Dr. Bradford Keeney is a Christian and theist. No honest person can be a Christian or theist. A Buddhist said, "Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. "Is there a God?" and you say, "Yes, God is." Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, "I don’t know.". . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge." People who discuss god as if they know god, are delusional, and dishonest.
  21. To "know thyself" is an ego trick to sustain ego. "The ego [sciential consciousness of the 6th sense of thought] uses the body to conspire against your mind [sapiential conscious beyond the 6 senses], and because the ego realizes that its “enemy” [the sapiential mind] can end them both [ego and body] merely by recognizing that they are not part of you [the sapiential mind, your Unborn Awareness]; they join in the attack together. This is perhaps the strangest perception of all, if you consider what it really involves. The ego, which is not real, attempts to persuade the mind, which is real, that the mind is ego’s learning device, and further, that the body is more real than the mind is. No one in [his or her] right mind could possibly believe this, and no one in [his or her] right mind does believe it." A Course In Miracles 6 IV 5. Truth only arises through "Gnow Thyself"....Gnothi Seauton. When the Greeks spoke of the Higher Mind, they pointed to the chest and said thymos,...the thymos is the seat of gnowledge. Gnowledge (Heart Mind) is a direct threat to the faith-based "book religions." Over the portico of theTemple of Delphi it is written "Gnothi Seauton"....Gnow Thyself. But religion has altered this to say Know Thyself,...which is not the same. Knowledge comes from psyche, the sense organ of thinking, the Head Mind.
  22. It would be easier if you read The Heart Attack Sutra, by Karl Brunnholzl
  23. With the possible exception of Teresa of Avila, I have seen no evidence of any Christian, Muslim or Jew ever realizing enlightenment,...for one thing, their theism is a barrier to such a threshold. And ALL indications show that Jesus was certainly not enlightened. I once heard: "So how can you know when a religious/mystical leader has broken through and knows the hoax? Because there are stages of learning a person goes through. You can recognize the stage a person is in. One who has broken through to the final stage of "enlightenment" speaks with authority and self-confidence. When reading a religious book you can tell by the way the author expresses himself/herself if they've broken through, i.e., they realize the hoax but they're still promoting it. Some say that St. Theresa of Avila, who wrote a number of books, broke through to the full realization. It is said that she totally stopped reading religious literature. Her whole adult life was spent constantly reading and writing about the Lord. Suddenly, she completely stopped it. Did she realized her visions, her trances, everything was coming from her inner self. Her priest confessor, who had always heard her confessions, just could not get over why all of a sudden she stopped all religious reading...for that had been her passion in life. Once a person breaks through the hoax of theism to realize there is no higher authority looking out for you, you miss the relationship you thought you had with God. The thought that reality is all there is can seem cold. It takes away the mystery and love that communication with God provided. Reality seems very cold at first. So few finally break through to realize it's all a hoax. Many, many people live their whole life caught up living in a way they shouldn't be living, acting and doing things which go against themselves and their self interests. It is extremely difficult to make the breakthrough. It is said to have taken St. Theresa fourteen years. " No Christian,...let me repeat,...no Christian can uncover enlightenment,...it would be, as someone said, for a tornado to form a B1 Bomber from a Kansas junkyard. Christianity, like all religion (sets of belief), set between sentient beings and their direct experience. "the only way to understand [the Tao] is to directly experience it." Lao Tzu Experience born of belief can only be experienced through the condition of that belief.
  24. If Descartes was only exposed to Buddhism,...and considered, as Buddhists do, that thinking is sentient, arising from the sense organ called the brain. A Buddhist story tells of a student who wished to make an offering to Siddhartha Gautama and so brought a flowering branch to a gathering. As the pupil approached, Siddhartha said to him, "Throw it away." Quickly, thinking he was supposed to discard the branch, the pupil threw it away. Yet Siddhartha again said, "Throw it away." The student could not comprehend what he was supposed to do. Siddhartha then said, "Throw yourself away." And the novice stood there confounded, pondering how he could throw himself away. If the student had his "I am" before his "i think," there would not have been a reason to "throw it away."
  25. That is quite profound. An absolute life changer.