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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. One reason is that each Pope in the Prophesy bears a strong resemblance to the actual Pope,...for example,...the 109th Pope - was "De Medietate Lunae",...he live for only one lunar cycle. Pretty good vision for a twelfth-century Irish Bishop. This development of Papa Ratzi resigning is HUGE news for Daoists,...(see top post),...and thus very applicable to TTB
  2. If she was as spiritual as she is attractive, I'd be her Attis. However, I'm not good with French,...tried to learn some for a trip to Seyshelles,...way too difficult for me.
  3. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    I recall pondering if Alexander had some contact with a Buddhist in his youth,...very Vajrayana that slicing of the Gordian Knot. Can you do it with your beliefs?
  4. Even funnier, is those who (no insult intended) who believe they know what Christ was about. Historically speaking, the prototype of a personified Christ was developed by Paul’s followers and aristocratic admirers from the Talmud stories of Yeshua Ben Stada, the locally notorious Yeshua [Jesus] the Notzri [Nazarite]. This Jesus, born in 7 BCE during a Jupiter–Saturn conjunction, had a stepfather known as Joseph and a mother named Mary. On the eve of Passover in 28 CE, he was convicted of sedition by Pontius Pilate and subsequently hanged. His hanging was not the planned means of death, but proceeded because those who were to stone him were late. Since the end of the day was near, which would have postponed his burial until after Passover, the soldiers allowed the alternative death by hanging. Following his death, his followers dubbed him the Passover Lamb. A Nazarite or Notzri, meaning consecrated, was a Jew who took the ascetic vow described in Numbers 6:1–21. Among famous Nazarites was James the Just, whom the Ebionites revered as the legitimate apostolic successor of the Nazarites. Jesus the Nazarite (not of Nazareth or Galilee) is probably the same Jesus whose sayings were collected by Didymos Judas Thomas in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas. This Gnostic or cardio-centric gospel of "secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke" appears to have been compiled in response to Paul’s new cerebro-centric religion. Both the Gospel of Thomas and the Epistles of Paul predate the canonical gospels by at least a generation. Neither the Gospel of Thomas nor the Q source contained a crucifixion, the concept of Jesus dying for the sins of others; a resurrection; or a personified Christ. Thus they conveyed nothing that would support the divinity of Jesus, which later became one of the core beliefs of the new Christianity.
  5. I'd just turn it over to cult of Attis. The cult of Attis, whose priests were called Gallaens, strongly influenced the invention of modern Christianity. In fact, the Vatican, named for mons vaticanus or Vatican Hill, which antedates Christianity, was the place of worship of Cybele, and her fertility rites with her youthful lover Attis were performed on Vatican Hill. In other words, Vatican City sits atop the most sacred place of the Phrygian religion.
  6. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    So glad you got the joke. And yes, I agree, the QM people have lots of work to do. Of course,..."you can’t solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created it" Albert Einstein
  7. The Importance of Sunlight

    What occurs if you realize that so called speed? Are there still meters and seconds? http://thetaobums.com/topic/19803-what-is-light/
  8. The Importance of Sunlight

    I would use the Tao to illustrate the difference. Tao = Undivided Light; One = White Light; Ying/Yang = Rainbow. "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own." Lao Tzu Lao Tzu said, "Time and space are changing and dissolving, not fixed and real. "
  9. The Importance of Sunlight

    There are no conditions (energy, mass, time) in the unconditional (Undivided Light)
  10. That statement indicates that you haven't reduced all the world's ills to its lowest denominator,...Christianity. When the Christian Meme gets assigned to the back walls of museums, where it belongs, there will be quantum leaps in economics, government, etc. For example,...currently in America, not a single person in Congress puts their oath to the US Constitution before their faith based agendas. Without Christianity, the Tea Party, who enacted over 40,000 new laws throughout America last year, will dissolve like a crystalized lump in water.
  11. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    Do you mean,...you have yet to hold a thought long enough to see it?
  12. The Importance of Sunlight

    Correction,....Divided Light is a transverse, electromagnetic wave, of which humans can see only a small portion of the spectrum. Undivided light, the light realized at the so-called speed of light, is the fulcrum upon which the spectrum of divided light effects its motion. Undivided light contains no energy, mass, or time. From undivided light's point of view, it travels no distance in no time, and thus has no need for speed.
  13. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

  14. Nice odds list,...however, although he is supposed to be known as Peter after the election, before hand would be similarities to Peter,...ie, betrayed Jesus 3 times,...likes to hang upsidedown,...kills couples who don't tithe enough (Ananias and Sapphira),...etc
  15. We likely won't known the name (Peter) until he's picked,...but I bet we can pick the final Pope from the lead contenders. http://www.crystalinks.com/papalprophecies.html
  16. Don't know if the last Pope, Peter, will be a Satan or Santa,...it only suggested that he will reign over the end of Christendom,...the most profound impediment to World Peace on the planet.
  17. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    I certainly agree,..."Thinking, analysing and trying to be in the now is the opposite of it." That would be like saying that the opposite of love is hate.
  18. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    Numerous folks, from interpretations of the Hopi Prophesy, to GI Gurdjieff, to Greg Braden have used the 99.6% figure. Of those (the 99.6%), those stuck in the Conspiracy of Mediocrity would cry elitism. It's actually MUCH easier being aware of the Now, then the struggle of holding to a reality that isn't real.
  19. No worries! Nothing to believe,...this is prophesied to be the End of Belief.
  20. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    That is like the best process to uncover the Now,...by being able to recognize what is not the Now,...that is, the past, and expectation for a future. For most, like thelerner above, the perceived now is perfectly satisfactory,...such a delusion even contributes to their perception of happiness. "Truth lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it." Goethe Most,...perhaps 99.6%,...have no interest in truth,...they merely desire dependable descriptions of an objective world that they consider intelligible. Doesn't matter that the object-ive world is an illusion. Those who are uninterested in the absolute Now, have no genuine interest in the Tao.
  21. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    The Now is not a program within a program,...there are no programs in the Now. And,...I don't seek the Now,...seeking is a delusional activity arising from the not Now, to believe it is in the Now.
  22. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    If that were true, that there is no such thing as time,...then there would be no such thing as a minute to be in.
  23. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    I know,...it's bizarre,...the guy says many right-on things, and then turns around and contradicts them, usually by adding some theistic belief, which is 100% dishonest thinking.. As for me, would certainly not advocate throwing thinking out,...but to bring more light, love, and honesty in,...so that thinking can be guided by a consciousness not attached to sentience. I don't grasp how happy a clam is,...however for me, happiness is a consequence of seeing things as they are. On the other hand, most find happiness through diversions and distractions within a world not seen as it is.
  24. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    What is the Now? Try Avalokitesvara's Dharma Gate in the Shurangama sutra,..."As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara
  25. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    Tolle speaks of the Now as if he has been there,...yet I saw no indication of this in his Power of the Now in 2000. Actually, Tolle could be one of the most harmful individuals of the past decade,...misleading tens of thousands into his theistic based Now in time. Just goes to show,...if Oprah says its cool, the groupthink is that its cool.