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Everything posted by Vmarco


    Sure,...but who has been to the Now,...the instant,...to observe the truth? Until one lets go of the attachment to the 6 senses (which can only observe the past), to say the truth is within the Now is merely a belief.

    Relative truth is what you make it,... "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva The answer lies in the dissolution of the question.
  3. Living at peace with society...

    As I've said before, I'm a big advocate of Christians being true to their faith. The world would be much better off if Christians better adhered to their dogma and doctrines. Their Bible says "prove all things" 1 Thess 5:21. So I say, give them a chance. Let them PROVE that they are not False Christians. Let them accept Jesus’ litmus test for determining the true christian faithful, as published in the canonized text,…Mark 16:16-18. A true Christian, "the man who accepts baptism,…will be able to drink deadly poison without harm". Can you imagine the peace that would arise from that? That's a world I'd like to live in.
  4. Living at peace with society...

    Yes,...humanism is imperfect, impermanent, neurotic beingness. However, that which uses the vehicle of humaness, such as a Tathagata, would be perfect. I agree, the "human cannot be perfect." And that could be said to be a fact as it stands,...however, such a statement can be quite misleading,...suggesting that the driver of the human vehicle cannot be perfect. What would a perfect driver of the human vehicle look like? It would look like that which no longer clings to imperfection for its identity.

    I'll share the following truth, but it is up to you to realize it,...you will never understand Who you are, until you are aware of When you are. Here's a hint,..."all matter is frozen or slowed down light" David Bohm According to Buddhism, truth is something that will always be unrealized within the 6 senses. The 6 senses can only perceive motion,..."Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." Max Planck There is one fellow around that guarentees Truth Realization in 2 years,...if you follow his simple, single instruction; That "simple, single instruction" can be found within here:
  6. Say something completely undisputable

    Interesting, that your infirmity with collage translates to an attempt to "shot-gun one's way to realization." Posting on TTB, I find myself more and more using quotes in an attempt to better understand why some, like yourself are so adverse to them. One thing is certain, as long as you continue getting an emotional charge from quotes, the realization you believe that you know the path to, will be impossible. I agree that the path to realization is not an intellectual process,...yet those infirmed by collage are surety absorbed in an intellectual process, or they would not get so emotionally upset with it. Thus my use of collage is quite helpful in breaking through intellectual barriers that obscure the uncovering of realization. What you see as hodge-podge, is likely part of the core-issue of the pain that you carry. As for this thread,...what is undisputable,...is an excellent exercise to bring attention to something of huge importance. If something is disputable, why relate with it. As someone once said,...relate only with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave.
  7. Living at peace with society...

    Yes,...perfect is impossible for those attached to the Judeao-Christian-Muslem traditions. Know god, no Peace; Gnow peace, no god.
  8. Living at peace with society...

    If your surroundings are unpleasant in an emotionally charged way,...no amount of relocation will get away from that. My advice for those who do get emotionally charged, is to go to the most emotionally charging place possible, so you can face the core issues effecting such emotional charges. On the other hand,...why live in belief-driven location, if you are uncompatable with those beliefs. For example, suppose one is LGBT, and comfortable with being LGBT,...why live in a State like Texas, where every other person likely feels you should be dead? 2012 Texas GOP Official Platform states: "We affirm that the practice of [LGBT's] tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. [LGBT] behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. [LGBT's] must not be presented as an acceptable "alternative" lifestyle, in public policy, nor should "family" be redefined to include [LGBT] "couples." We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose [LGBT's] out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values. "
  9. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    What is consistantly missing, especially from Pit Bull and vicious breed apologists, is that no matter how much they believe they love their dog, that animal is a very real threat to others. Let me repeat from posts #14 and #15,....of the 4.7 million people in the US that were attacked by dogs in 2011, up to 53% were by Pit Bulls. That over 2 million in the USA alone. It is a fact, that not only do Pit Bulls of good ownership attack, injure, terrorize,...but also kill,...even the best of owners. There is only one conclusion from posts #14 and #15,...considerate people would not own a Pit Bull or vicious breed. "All the joy the world contains Has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself." Shantideva What would World Peace look like? A society of fear-based individualists who need Pit Bulls and attack dogs for their protection?
  10. Say something completely undisputable

    Viator wrote, "Admittedly when you chose a quote by such a dishonest and annoying individual it sparked within me a sense of annoyance which, paired with the rest of how you present your arguments" That's a good definition of neurosis, from a Buddhist point of view. Yes, my style of using collage is a product of my experience,...one which is quite helpful for me. Most of my experiences are so foriegn to others, it makes even the simplest communion difficult. Thus years ago I began using to quotes as a way to bridge communication,..."hey, what do think of this." However, more often than not, people make predispositions on the nature of the quote because they seek to analyze the quoter, or are bothered by some other aspect, like an aversion to quotes. IMO quotations and aphorisms can serve as a mentoring device for those who venture into the liminal zone between duality’s sciential sentience and the sapiential consciousness of nonduality, in which direct relationships with authentic teachers are often unavailable. Those already within the liminality between fragmented and unfragmented consciousness quickly recognize the difference between an authentic teaching and a false teaching. A false teacher places conditions upon one’s experiences, whereas an authentic teacher does not confer about liberation or enlightenment without advancing specific practices that open the way for direct experience—that is, without a need for faith, belief, or mathematical assumptions. Perhaps suggesting science to be faith-based idiocy could appear shallow on the surface,...but in the context of the dialougue is quite factual. Perhaps it would better be put this way,...most people fail to recognize that the foundation of a mathematical statement is only true in relation to the assumptions of "set theory," the assumption that any collection of objects actually exists. All objects, without exception, are indeed mathematical. The reason for that lies in the multiplying/dividing nature of the optically organized universe. However, the modern cosmological understanding of the universe suggests that no objects exist, indicating that mathematics pivots on a misguided belief in materialism. The sciences usually expound on relative reality through the assumption that object-ive reality actually exists. Again,...contrary to the opinion of most,...science has little interest in truth. Their paychecks are derived from the pursuit of facts about objects. Science builds its theorems or working hypotheses upon previous beliefs, and therefore it often labels any discussion of absolute certainty as absurd. So,...how does one uncover truth? Ironically, Descartes was pretty close when he said, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once." If Descartes included the 6th sense, thinking, which arises from the sense organ called the brain, we would likely be closer to a more sustainable consciousness than we are. So,...how does one uncover truth? Pretty much by recognizing all that is false. Or as Avalokitesvara said in the Shurangama sutra, "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated."
  11. Say something completely undisputable

    As you do not accept private messages: Ohori's? Yes, I know where it is. Lezboyenne? Is that like a Transbian?
  12. Living at peace with society...

    Sounds like your (astrological) Practical Director, that is, "planet of oriental appearance." is Pluto,...which is often defined as someone painfully ahead of the established mentality and morality of the time. A Practical Director reveals what one would be good at. With Pluto as the planet of oriental appearence, there is an aptness of bringing new meaning, significance, and perfection to old forms. What forms or systems one is apt to bring updated meaning to, depends on the House that the Practical Director is posited in. I resonate with your post in that I hardly spoke during the first 40 years of this life,...and for the most part, still find it necessary to remain quiet in most common circumstances, throughout the 48 States and 6 Countries I've been to. At one time, I felt my predicament was rather cruel,...until I realized that the universe is not here for me,...I'm here for the universe. It didn't relieve the mundane isolation from society at large, but did mitigate my understanding of things. A Buddhist said, "Morality can only be imposed from without when we are asleep. It can only be pseudo, false, a façade, it cannot become your real being…morality is bound to be nothing but a deep suppression. You cannot do anything while asleep; you can only suppress. And through morality, you will become false. You will not be a person, but simply a "persona"—just a pseudo-entity. . . . Only a dishonest person can be moral." But you can't tell moral people that. And especially in Judeao-based Countries, such discussion could get you worse than killed.
  13. Say something completely undisputable

    I may grasp what you're saying,...not really 2 year olds, but delinquent juvies with the skill set of 2 year olds. Between them and a few Tea Party Apologists, those desireous for a superior discussion (see I Ching) will likely go elsewhere. As for myself, it would be great to engage in a superior discussion,...however, I'm generally here to observe juvies, bullies, spoilers, Tea Party sophomores, and the like, and their various methods of truth suppression, fear, and the beliefs they cling to for their identity.
  14. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    That has been proven wrong, MILLIONS of times. No matter how much you "love" your animal,...no matter how great a trainer you are,...your dog is a threat to the security, wellbeing, consideration of others,...even if that animal is kept in a completely enclosed cage, 24/7. I'd suggest you more closely examine posts #14 and #15
  15. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    No,...you're looking at that out-of-context. Intolerance of beliefs that step between sentient beings and their direct experience = more peace. I'm intolerant of not just "many beliefs" but all beliefs. Belief is a barrier to truth. No belief is true. Intolerance is not necessarily punitive. It's not a totalitarian thing,...for totalitarianism would be intolerable within a humanity that was intolerant of beliefs.
  16. Say something completely undisputable

    Of course,...that is why I posted Lao-tzu on the subject. "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Lao-tzu Wei Wu Wei said, "The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys, who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world. The practice of non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speaker while eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life."
  17. Say something completely undisputable

    Konchog Uma,...the faux seeker of great bliss wisdom, vajrayana, dzogchen, dao, who scourers TTB in search of items offensive to his delusions. Good luck on that, Konchog Uma
  18. Say something completely undisputable

    Although Al Gore has good intentions, of course he is dishonest,...all theists are basically dishonest. Joeblast is obviously biased,...likely getting his talking points from neo-con sources. The quote I used was for the quote, not to discuss Al Gore,...however, as the subject has been broached, the way I see it,...if Gore had not allowed a conservative Supreme Court to dictate the 2000 election,....9-11 would have never occurred,...there would not have been an illegal invasion of Iraq, killing and maming tens of thousands of my fellow Americans, or the hundreds of thousands Iraqis,....the Country would not be in the financial straits it is,...my stock porfollio would be many times larger than it is. The world, and everyone in it, would have been much better off had the socio-path GW Bush not been President. As I just called GW Bush a socio-path, I won't merely walk away with an unsubstantiated claim.
  19. Say something completely undisputable

    No,...I didn't imply that at all. There doesn't need to be anything true about the author of the statement. The statement should be argued on its own merit,...without predisposition as to the stater.
  20. Living at peace with society...

    High Minded? So, you're tolerant of jealousy, greed, anger, bullying, stupidity and so on,...but just feel you should accept jealousy, greed, anger, bullying, stupidity and so on. You also say that you wish everyone happiness and enlightenment,...but what exactly does that imply? A bodhisattva wishes for the liberation of all sentient being,...fully undersanding that such liberation arises from the dissolution of what sentient beings cherish the most,...their sentience. Can one realize real happiness and enlightenment without going beyond their attachment to sentience for their identity? What would the world look like if jealousy, greed, anger, bullying, stupidity and so on, no longer existed? In other words, what manifests jealousy, greed, anger, bullying, stupidity and so on? Here's a interesting clip on jealousy:
  21. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    Yes,...IMO that is quite correct. Dissolving people will not necessarily bring peace,...however, an intolerance of all beliefs that step between people and their direct experience would indeed be a path to peace. Conservatism is certainly an abominable belief that disallows peace. The abominations need to be recognized and removed, not the people. "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Eckhart Tolle
  22. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    To unbreed a pit bull or other breeds to no longer be unpredictable territorial animals,..would eliminate the breeds. A Vicious Breed is called a Vicious Breed because it was bred over many years to be vicious, fight, attack, terrorize, kill, etc. Who is really so naive to believe that loving a Pit Bull, a wolf, a tiger, or an inland taipan translates into that creature not attacking you? It is the bred nature of Pit Bulls unpredictable territorial animals,...that is way, as mentioned above, with link, that loving Pit Bull owners are killed regularly.
  23. Say something completely undisputable

    I'm not debating whether the quote comes from a liar or not,...you, through neurosis, is doing that. If you wish to debate the quote, go for it,....because I have no interest in where the quote came from. For example, I often use,..."Human kind cannot bear very much reality" T. S. Eliot. I don't care if TS Elliot is a detestable Christian proselytizing his insanity,...I'm using the quote as it stands as part of the collage of my post.
  24. Living at peace with society...

    So,...are you suggesting that righteous intolerance is appropriate?
  25. Living at peace with society...

    Can you visualize a World of Peace with Beware of Dog signs, and the terrorism of millions getting bit every year? http://thetaobums.com/topic/26667-pit-bulls-do-they-get-a-bad-rap/ What would a Peaceful World look like? And who is preventing it from being a reality?