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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Mainstream Media Corruption Exposed

    Fox-stream media: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/ns/m...#50592586
  2. Say something completely undisputable

    I wasn't debating Gore, nor did I put Gore out there to be debated. The quote was posted to discuss the quote. I have a tendency to use quotations and aphorisms liberally, even though many people appear averse to them. They often say, "Don’t tell me what someone else said; tell me what you think." Yet I have found that what others have to say sometimes arouses and opens new ways of seeing or observing. Just because I agree with U.S. President Ulysses Grant for saying that church property should be supported entirely by private contributions to keep church and state forever separate, this does not mean going into a debate about the life of Mr. Grant. The quotations, as I use them, are about the message within the quotation, not the profile of the messenger. Your attack on Gore, instead of arguing the quote, is proof of your neurosis. That is not an insult,...it is meant to help you break-through your indoctrinations. "The biggest crux to the evolution of humanity is breaking through your own indoctrination. It is very, very difficult to overcome emotional elements that have become so engrained in you, that you have an immediate reaction, an immediate suffering and pain, if something interfers with [your idea of the status quo]. It's a very, very complex problem. We have to learn how to identify and break our own indoctrination if we expect to move forward at all as a civilization" PJ Merola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWNgSa7GvA Minute 11:00 - 17:43
  3. Say something completely undisputable

    Wei Wu Wei said, "Phenomenally, we can know no present, as it must be in the ‘past’ before our senses can complete the process of recording it, leaving only a suppositional past and future; noumenally, there is no question of ‘past’ or ‘future,’ but only a presence that knows neither ‘time’ nor ‘space.’ " To understand the present means,...that we do not perceive the world that surrounds us, but only the world that surrounded us. There is no present in time. That is irrefutable (although many will try). If you wish to see things as they really are,...if you wish to see things as a bodhisattva (see Heart Sutra, or better yet, the commentary, Heart Attack Sutra), then one must realize the present,...not through faith, knowledge, or imagination,...but through that consciousness that can recognize it. Buddha's Noble Truth is that dukkha is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are,...everything observed by the 6 senses alone are other than the way things are.
  4. Say something completely undisputable

    Therein lies your attachment to dukkha,...Gore's quote in the context of my post was quite valid,...but instead of addressing the quote, you attack Gore. IMO that qualifies as neurosis. I use collage. A collage uses various existing forms, and refigures them into a new picture, not in the same context as the originals were intended. I do this several reasons,...such as, to keep VMarco removed from the focus of the dialogue, which unfortunately only works with prudent posters,...to more readily observe neurotic posters, that is those who attack the character of the person who is attributed to the quote used in the collage,...and also to identify other neurotic folks who despise the use of quotes because to them they suggest the poster is not an accomplished individualist. As to the other part,...to me, all scientific explanations are just so much faith-based idiocy. First,...a truth cannot be realized through the 6 senses. To me, Buddhism, that is, the prajnaparamita Buddhism I practice, is very specific about that. Thus, I could type out many truths right here, and none will be realized as truth. The only way to realize a truth, is to see things as they are. That is the Noble Truth of Buddha,....Dukkha is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are. Everything seen with the 6 senses alone, are other than the way things are. So, people who see the world as other than it is, cling to various faiths to make their perceived lives appear more palatable. In Buddhism, the 6 senses are called the 6 Consciousness'. Buddhism discusses a 7th and 8th Consciousness. However, faith cannot cross the threshold to those higher consciousness', because they are beyond the attachment to the lower 6 consciousness', of which faith is part. When a truth is uncovered, there is a also a disrobing of that which had obscured the truth. It is the nature of bodhicitta. It isn't the same as faith-driven scientic theories that must be continually reviewed. For most, truth and reality have little value in everyday life. The majority merely desire dependable descriptions of an objective world that they consider intelligible. The wisdom and reality that arise from certainty would undermine the survival of their object-based beliefs and conceptual imagery. Few seem to realize that those considered priests of the scientific method have neither uncovered nor explained truth. That is not their job. Scientists have little interest in truth or reality, for their paychecks are derived from the pursuit of facts about objects. Science builds its theorems or working hypotheses upon previous beliefs, and therefore it often labels any discussion of absolute certainty as absurd. For example, to say that there is no "present in time" is antithetical to scientific established beliefs. Truth and reality confuse the priests of the scientific method. Their paradigm, or fixed set of beliefs, is founded on concepts of a materially existing world; that is, sciential theorems, not the sapiential truth or the reality beyond objects. Scientists, like most others who are uninterested in truth, are as characters within a dream who think that the dream is real. As truth and reality are taboo in the scientific groupthink, they cling to a faith in objects, to make the dream and their attachment to separateness more palatable. As the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Charles Townes said, "Many people don't realize that science basically involves assumptions and faith."  
  5. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    No,...so-called black gangbangers are merely a by-product of vulture capitalist conservatives,....start banning conservatives, and World Peace may be close behind. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Society/Conservatives_Deconstruct.html
  6. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    That's ridiculous! Is that not like saying 53% of all murderers have 3 nipples. The facts are that out of more than 500 dog breeds, Pit Bulls are involved in 53% of attacks on people. It is said that 1 out of 500 people have 3 nipples. The way it is, is this,...no considerate person would own a Pit Bull. Only ignorant, inconsiderate, fear-based people own Pit Bulls. Of course, Pit Bull owners and apologists don't want to hear that. But numbers are numbers. If all dogs were equal, less than 1% of all dog attacks would be by Pit Bulls. So why is the real number 53%
  7. Say something completely undisputable

    Having followed your monkey posts for awhile now, and how you consistantly troll threads, I wonder why you haven't been removed from TTB. You don't even attempt to stay on topic, or offer anything meaningful to the discussion. "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Lao-tzu
  8. Say something completely undisputable

    "Acquiring knowledge is a form of imitation." J Krishnamurti
  9. Say something completely undisputable

    Does a Country's energy efficiency equate with honesty? In 1992, Albert Gore said while commenting on the environment, "The more deeply I search for the roots of our global environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for the lack of a better word, spiritual." However, if one used the terms honest or dishonest to describe generalizations,...would America be predominantly honest or dishonest, compared to other Country's? "My government is the world's leading purveyor of violence." Martin Luther King, 1967. Of course, the majority of Americans will deny that.
  10. Say something completely undisputable

    And your statement was not devoid of logic? As for: That's classic ad hominem. Why bother? Does using ad hominem make you feel more empowered? LOL "The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear." J Krishnamurti
  11. Say something completely undisputable

    "You don't even live once." -Karl Kraus
  12. ...

    Well,....as infinity is merely a mathematically term conjured up to make beliefs more palatable, you should probably let go of that fear. As I mentioned before,...most people fail to recognize that the foundation of a mathematical statement is only true in relation to the assumptions of "set theory," the assumption that any collection of objects actually exists. All objects, without exception, are indeed mathematical. The reason for that lies in the multiplying/dividing nature of the optically organized universe. However, the modern cosmological understanding of the universe suggests that no objects exist, indicating that mathematics pivots on a misguided belief in materialism. The sciences usually expound on relative reality through the assumption that object-ive reality actually exists. However, objectivism is based on objects, and those objects are no more real than last night’s dream. Infinity is another voguish belief topic among the object-ive minded. Theories of infinite space, time, and quantity are just more object-ive math. Definitions of infinity are related or relative to the concept of immeasurability in space, time, or quantity. However, if there is no space, time, or quantity, as implied by quantum cosmology, then there is no infinity. In contrast, the word eternity points to that which is without beginning or end, timelessness beyond the perception of space, time, and quantity. Recognizing the difference between infinity and eternity is inevitable for those shifting towards an earnest spiritual viewpoint and subsequently a clearer understanding of consciousness. Time and eternity are contradictions. A belief in time perpetuates the dream as a dream. Eternity points to a timeless present in which the dream is just a dream and does not actually exist. Eternity is not a lie,...however, it lies only in the present. Wei Wu Wei said, "Phenomenally, we can know no present, as it must be in the ‘past’ before our senses can complete the process of recording it, leaving only a suppositional past and future; noumenally, there is no question of ‘past’ or ‘future,’ but only a presence that knows neither ‘time’ nor ‘space.’ " There is no Present in Time. There is no phenomena beyond time.
  13. Say something completely undisputable

    Oh well,...found this thread too late. Nearly indisputably projecting into off topic areas.
  14. Say something completely undisputable

    For every one Zero Net Energy homes in America, there are over a hundred in Germany. Translation? A prudentent person would believe a German before an American. Happiest Country,...most educated Country,...Considerate Country,.. America never makes the 10 ten. Of course, America is number 1 in prisoners. "As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." Eugene V. Debs
  15. Say something completely undisputable

    Rudolph Steiner disputed that a hundred years ago. Rudolph Steiner once said that light was the antipathic aspect of polarity, whereas darkness is its sympathic expression. Thus, so-called Creation, through the nurturance of darkness, dies into light. Polarity's light does not hold within itself the potential to birth, for it is a result already spawned through darkness. In other words, where is it true that light conquers dark? There is no amount of light that can illuminate all dark, for in Duality, darkness always surrounds it. A prevalant human construct suggests that light is good and dark is evil,...not because it is, but because to understand the truth would wreck the fragile fabric of society's brewed religious beliefs they cling to for their identity.
  16. Say something completely undisputable

    Does your perceived I continue after death? During so called life, the I that people think they are, is always changing,...can something indisputable change? "To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still." J Krishnamurti
  17. Say something completely undisputable

    Relatively speaking, all things are relative,...thus a relative truth. "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva
  18. Say something completely undisputable

    There is no present in time.
  19. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    Listening to Pit Bull apologists for factual info on vicious breeds is like getting facts about politics from FOX News. The Lynn, Massachusetts pit bull ordinance got it right,..."pit bulls as "dangerous animals" with "powerful instincts for dominance" and "unyielding aggressiveness." But in Hawaii, the so-called Aloha State, Pit Bull regulations have been defeated, and Pit Bull ownership, already the highest per capita in the US, is on the rise. Fed up with numerous attacks on children, Base Housing of the US Armed Forces bans pit bulls and rottweilers. Germany has begun banning Vicious Breeds,...putting their communities before the fear-based desires of neurotic, inconsiderate individuals who want these breeds. 1 in 60 Americans are attacked by a dog(s) every year,...thus, in the last 10 years, over 50,000,000 Americans have been attacked by dogs,...92% being by 8 vicious dog breeds. The State of Maryland recently declared that pit bulls and pit bull hybrids are "inherently dangerous." The pit bull terrier is the breed of choice for criminals. In the US, between 2000 and 2011, Pit Bulls were reported in up to 53% of all attacks Worldwide, there are more than 500 dog breeds.
  20. Pit Bulls, do they get a bad rap?

    In my county, Clifford Wright was a Pit Bull advocate,...know throughout the State as a great dog owner. His Pit Bull killed him. http://blog.dogsbite.org/2012/05/pit-bull-suspected-in-mauling-death-of.html I see dogs as neither good or bad,...however, each breed has certain inbreed temperments. Most dogs are inherently compelled to know their order in the food chain. Although many dogs will be instinctually aware of alpha order, pit bulls are more prone than most to physically do something about it,...like kill the opposition at the first sign of weakness. Clifford Wright mentioned above, was a loving pit bull owner, and the alpha of his household. As he stooped over to care for his yard, his favorite, loyal pit bull, killed him in an attempt to take over as the alpha. Most fatalities by dog breed are pit bulls,....most pit bull caused fatalities occurred by dogs with excellent owners. In the US, about 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs each year and more than half of the victims are children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. About 800,000 people seek medical attention for the bites. That's 4.7 million acts of terrorism. After children ages 5 to 9 years old, seniors represent the largest group at risk, followed by letter carriers. Children are are target of dogs because they play with dogs as their equals, whereas to the dogs, the dogs are competing for alpha status. For seniors, their fraility is the motive. About 5,600 U.S. Postal Service letter carriers were attacked by dogs each of the last two years, said Los Angeles spokesman Richard Maher. Anyway,...there are zillions of facts and statistics available. So I'll expand on the subject, and ask you GrandmasterP.... First,...what would a world of peace look like? Would there be Beware of Dogs signs, or unpredictable dogs breeds terrorizing people? In a world at peace, what would be the yearly death toll by pit bulls and other vicious breeds? Would a consider person own a vicious, unpredictable dog breed? Who owns attack dogs? Would a Grandmaster own a vicious, unpredictable dog genetically bred to lock its jaws around its victim? Or would a Grandmaster be inclined to have a gentle companion dog, that never shows up on a "death, injury, or terrorism by dog list." How can any Heartful person own a dog for protection? The terror their dog(s) cause others, in itself is the opposite of Heartfulness, peace, and the Tao.
  21. ...

    "One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end." J Krishnamurti
  22. Changing the world

    Yep,...advocating for harmony, is war.
  23. I'd suggest that the Tao disagrees. Wholeness is beyond the sum of opposites,..beyond all the illusory building blocks. The sum total of all the building blocks, is the same as of positives added to all negative. As such,...there is no infinity. Infinity is another voguish belief topic among the object-ive minded. Theories of infinite space, time, and quantity are just more object-ive math. Definitions of infinity are related or relative to the concept of immeasurability in space, time, or quantity. However, if there is no space, time, or quantity, as implied by quantum cosmology, then there is no infinity. In contrast, the word eternity points to that which is without beginning or end, timelessness beyond the perception of space, time, and quantity. Recognizing the difference between infinity and eternity is inevitable for those shifting towards an earnest spiritual viewpoint and subsequently a clearer understanding of consciousness. Time and eternity are contradictions. A belief in time perpetuates the dream as a dream. Eternity points to a timeless present in which the dream is just a dream and does not actually exist. Scientists are persistent in their search for object-ive facts regarding the existence that they perceive. For example, they peer deeper and deeper into the universe, looking for the precise moment of some theoretical cataclysmic event that they call the Big Bang. Because of their object-ive viewpoint of cause and effect, there must have been a Big Bang. This search is like an attempt to remove the paint from my illustrations, thinking that if they could find the first brush stroke, this would somehow disclose the essence of the painter.
  24. Changing the world

    Interesting. So, have you read The Secret of Light? http://archive.org/details/WalterRussellTheSecretOfLight The Wachowski's did,...from I've been told.